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Viser: Make Your Own Map - Career Success Strategy for Women

Make Your Own Map, 1. udgave
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Make Your Own Map Vital Source e-bog

Kathryn Bishop
Kogan Page
262,00 kr.
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Make Your Own Map - Career Success Strategy for Women

Make Your Own Map

Career Success Strategy for Women
Kathryn Bishop
Sprog: Engelsk
Kogan Page, Limited
225,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page (Februar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781789668377
There's no such thing as a pre-set path to career success. Following the footsteps of others can only get you so far - and for women, there are often additional obstacles. But what if you could design your own path to your career goals? What if you could Make Your Own Map? Based on material from the popular Women Transforming Leadership course from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Make Your Own Map will help you develop a resilient and aspirational strategy for your career - whatever your starting point. Effective methods of strategic planning have been tried and tested in the corporate business world, and this book shows you how to repurpose those methods for yourself, even if you're not in the corporate world. Packed with strategic tools and practical exercises, this book will help you: -Assess and define your career goals -Make a plan -Implement your plan to find the work that fits your needs, your skills, and your direction. With your best career as the goal, this book will help you forge your own path and Make Your Own Map.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 248 sider
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page, Limited (Februar 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781789668360

There's no such thing as a pre-set path to career success. Following the footsteps of others can only get you so far - and for women, there are often additional obstacles. But what if you could design your own path to your career goals? What if you could Make Your Own Map?

Based on material from the popular Women Transforming Leadership course from Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, Make Your Own Map will help you develop a resilient and aspirational strategy for your career - whatever your starting point.

Effective methods of strategic planning have been tried and tested in the corporate business world, and this book shows you how to repurpose those methods for yourself, even if you're not in the corporate world. Packed with strategic tools and practical exercises, this book will help you:
-Assess and define your career goals
-Make a plan
-Implement your plan to find the work that fits your needs, your skills, and your direction.

With your best career as the goal, this book will help you forge your own path and Make Your Own Map.

Chapter -
00: Introduction - what this book covers, why it will help, and how to use it; **
Chapter -
1: Devising a strategy for you - the Strategy Triangle; * Section - ONE: Examining the past and present to plan for the future; **
Chapter -
2: How you got to where you are now - your Journey Map; **
Chapter -
3: What is working well right now - your Personal Dashboard; * Section - TWO: Envisaging your future - four different approaches; **
Chapter -
4: The work that matters most to you - the Ikigai model; **
Chapter -
5: The purpose you serve - the story of you; **
Chapter -
6: Organizing your working life - your life architecture; **
Chapter -
7: What's worth developing - the Strengths model; * Section - THREE: Making strategy real; **
Chapter -
8: Making a career transition - the Product/Market matrix; **
Chapter -
9: Turning your new strategy into action - planning and experimenting; **
Chapter -
10: Getting under way - tactics for taking action; **
Chapter -
11: References; **
Chapter -
12: Further reading;
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