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Viser: The Scientific Way of Warfare - Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity

The Scientific Way of Warfare
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The Scientific Way of Warfare Vital Source e-bog

Antoine Bousquet
235,00 kr.
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The Scientific Way of Warfare - Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity

The Scientific Way of Warfare

Order and Chaos on the Battlefields of Modernity
Antoine J. Bousquet
C. Hurst and Company (Publishers) Limited
294,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Hurst (Februar 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781787387850
Bousquet’s book considers the impact of key technologies and scientific ideas on the practice of warfare and the handling of the perennial tension between order and chaos on the battlefield. It spans the entire modern era, from the Scientific Revolution to the present, eschewing traditional accounts of technological change in war and instead exploring modern warfare as the constitution of increasingly complex social assemblages of bodies and machines whose integration has been made possible through the deployment of scientific methodology. Scientific conceptual frameworks have been increasingly applied to the theoretical understanding of war, particularly when they have been associated with influential technologies such as the clock, the engine, or the computer. Conversely, many scientific developments have been stimulated or conditioned by the experience of war, especially since the Second World War and the unprecedented technological and industrial effort that characterised it. The constitution and perpetuation of this scientific way of warfare, marked by an increasingly tight symbiosis between technology, science, and war, are best understood in the context of the state’s attempts to make war into a rational instrument of policy. Bousquet also explores the relative benefits (such as providing a unique chain of command over the decision to use nuclear weapons) and disadvantages of centralising and decentralising approaches to military affairs, as exemplified in network-centric theory and in the activities of non-state actors such as insurgents.
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  • Paperback: 296 sider
  • Udgiver: C. Hurst and Company (Publishers) Limited (Februar 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781787387263
Bousquet's landmark book examines the impact of key technologies and scientific ideas on the theory and practice of warfare and the handling of the perennial tension between order and chaos on the battlefield. Spanning the entire modern era, from the Scientific Revolution to the present, it offers a systematic account of modern warfare as the constitution of increasingly complex assemblages of bodies and machines whose integration rests upon a military assimilation of scientific thought.Reflecting the pervasive influence of scientific conceptual frameworks upon warfare, modern armies have been successively organised by reference to the paradigmatic technologies of the clock, engine, computer, and network. Conversely, major scientific developments and technological breakthroughs have become intertwined with the experience of war, especially since the Second World War's unprecedented mobilisation of scientific rationality and technical expertise. This increasingly tight symbiosis between science, technology, and war is at the heart of both the tremendous powers and enduring pathologies displayed by the contemporary military machine.In this new and revised edition, Bousquet extends the analysis to encompass the latest developments in the scientific way of warfare in the midst of renewed great power competition and a wave of technological innovation in artificial intelligence and robotics.
1: Introduction
2: Technoscientific Regimes of Order in Warfare - A Theoretical and Methodological Framework
3: Mechanistic Warfare and the Clockwork Universe
4: Thermodynamic Warfare and the Science of Energy
5: Cybernetics and the Genesis of the Computer
6: Cybernetic Warfare: Computers at War
7: A New Informational Paradigm: Chaos Theory and Complexity Science
8: Towards Chaoplexic Warfare? Network-Centric Warfare and the Non-Linear Sciences
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