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Viser: Metal and Energy Finance - Advanced Textbook on the Evaluation of Mineral and Energy Projects

Metals And Energy Finance: Advanced Textbook On The Evaluation Of Mineral And Energy Projects
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Metals And Energy Finance: Advanced Textbook On The Evaluation Of Mineral And Energy Projects Vital Source e-bog

Dennis L Buchanan
World Scientific Publishing
425,00 kr.
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Metal and Energy Finance - Advanced Textbook on the Evaluation of Mineral and Energy Projects

Metal and Energy Finance

Advanced Textbook on the Evaluation of Mineral and Energy Projects
Dennis L. Buchanan
Sprog: Engelsk
Imperial College Press
553,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Mar 2016.

Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 200 sider
  • Udgiver: World Scientific Publishing (November 2015)
  • ISBN: 9781783268535
Given the design component it involves, financial engineering should be considered equal to conventional engineering. By adopting this complementary approach, financial models can be used to identify how and why timing is critical in optimizing return on investment and to demonstrate how financial engineering can enhance returns to investors. Metals and Energy Finance capitalizes on this approach, and identifies and examines the investment opportunities offered across the extractive industry's cycle, from exploration through evaluation, pre-production development, development and production. The textbook also addresses the similarities of a range of natural resource projects, whether minerals or petroleum, while at the same time identifying their key differences.This innovative textbook is clear and concise in its approach, and is illustrated throughout with case studies and exercises used at professional training sessions. As the sum of 45 years' international experience in industry and teaching mining geology, mineral exploration and mineral project appraisal, Metals and Energy Finance will be invaluable to both professionals and graduate students working in the field of mineral and petroleum business management.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback
  • Udgiver: Imperial College Press (Marts 2016)
  • ISBN: 9781783268511
Latest Edition: Metals and Energy Finance (2nd Edition)Given the design component it involves, financial engineering should be considered equal to conventional engineering. By adopting this complementary approach, financial models can be used to identify how and why timing is critical in optimizing return on investment and to demonstrate how financial engineering can enhance returns to investors. Metals and Energy Finance capitalizes on this approach, and identifies and examines the investment opportunities offered across the extractive industry's cycle, from exploration through evaluation, pre-production development, development and production. The textbook also addresses the similarities of a range of natural resource projects, whether minerals or petroleum, while at the same time identifying their key differences.This innovative textbook is clear and concise in its approach, and is illustrated throughout with case studies and exercises used at professional training sessions. As the sum of 45 years' international experience in industry and teaching mining geology, mineral exploration and mineral project appraisal, Metals and Energy Finance will be invaluable to both professionals and graduate students working in the field of mineral and petroleum business management.
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