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Viser: The Polymer Revolution - A Journey Through Polymer Science

The Polymer Revolution - A Journey Through Polymer Science

The Polymer Revolution

A Journey Through Polymer Science
Peter J. T. Morris
Sprog: Engelsk
Royal Society of Chemistry, The
486,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 200 sider
  • Udgiver: Royal Society of Chemistry, The
  • ISBN: 9781782628279

How were the polymers which have transformed our world created? How has our understanding of polymers changed since the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius coined the word 'polymer' in 1832? Who were the people who wrought the polymer revolution? This book answers these questions by presenting a compelling narrative that weaves together the history of polymer science, the development of new plastics and rubbers and biographies of the leading actors in this revolution.

A key feature of the polymer revolution was the involvement of industry. The author shows how industry supported research in factories and universities and how academic research assisted the development of new polymers. As a result, empirical trial and error, which laid the foundations of a new industry, was replaced by systematic scientific research based on our improved understanding of the structure and behaviour of polymers. Containing an unparalleled collection of short biographies of over eighty people including both famous scientists such as Thomas Graham, Hermann Staudinger and Stephanie Kwolek and obscure figures like William Caspari, Hans Fikentscher, Ray McIntire and Wilfred Swinney, this history lists the part of human endeavour in the polymer revolution.

This book is aimed at anyone who wishes to find out more about the history of this economically important interdisciplinary subject, which straddles chemistry, biology, physics and engineering. With illuminating and entertaining prose, the reader will discover a fascinating story of the development of polymer science and technology. Written in an accessible style, it appeals to school pupils studying chemistry and university students, historians of science, technology and the economy as well as polymer scientists.

The Prehistory of Polymers The Rise of the Plastics Industry Rubber, Cellulose and the Size of Polymers The Macromolecular Debate The New Polymers Polymers in the Second World War Physical Chemistry of Polymers Stereoregular Polymers High-performance Polymers Different Ways of Studying Polymers Polymers and the Future
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