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Viser: What's Your Problem? - To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

What's Your Problem?
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What's Your Problem? Vital Source e-bog

Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
Harvard Business Review Press
414,00 kr.
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What's Your Problem? - To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve

What's Your Problem?

To Solve Your Toughest Problems, Change the Problems You Solve
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
Harvard Business Review Press
323,00 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Harvard Business Review Press (Marts 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781633697232
"The author makes a compelling case that we often start solving a problem before thinking deeply about whether we are solving the right problem. If you want the superpower of solving better problems, read this book." -- Eric Schmidt, former CEO, Google Are you solving the right problems? Have you or your colleagues ever worked hard on something, only to find out you were focusing on the wrong problem entirely? Most people have. In a survey, 85 percent of companies said they often struggle to solve the right problems. The consequences are severe: Leaders fight the wrong strategic battles. Teams spend their energy on low-impact work. Startups build products that nobody wants. Organizations implement "solutions" that somehow make things worse, not better. Everywhere you look, the waste is staggering. As Peter Drucker pointed out, there's nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question. There is a way to do better. The key is reframing, a crucial, underutilized skill that you can master with the help of this book. Using real-world stories and unforgettable examples like "the slow elevator problem," author Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg offers a simple, three-step method - Frame, Reframe, Move Forward - that anyone can use to start solving the right problems. Reframing is not difficult to learn. It can be used on everyday challenges and on the biggest, trickiest problems you face. In this visually engaging, deeply researched book, you’ll learn from leaders at large companies, from entrepreneurs, consultants, nonprofit leaders, and many other breakthrough thinkers. It's time for everyone to stop barking up the wrong trees. Teach yourself and your team to reframe, and growth and success will follow.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 232 sider
  • Udgiver: Harvard Business Review Press (Marts 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781633697225

Are you solving the right problems? If not, reframing can help.

Have you or your colleagues ever worked hard on something, only to find out you were focusing on the wrong problem entirely? Most people have. In a survey, 85 percent of companies said they often struggle to frame the right problems. The consequences are severe: Firms fight the wrong strategic battles. Teams spend their energy on low-impact work. Entrepreneurs build products that nobody wants. Organizations 'solve' problems with new rules that somehow make things worse, not better. The waste is staggering. As the management thinker Peter Drucker pointed out, there's nothing more dangerous than the right answer to the wrong question.

The good news is, there is a way to get better. The key is something called reframing the problem, a crucial, underutilized skill that you can master with the help of this book. Based on his years of teaching, author Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg offers a simple, three-step technique—Frame, Reframe, Move Forward—that anyone can use to solve the right problems. Reframing is not difficult to learn. It can be used on simple everyday challenges and on the biggest, trickiest problems you face in your business. In this visually engaging and friendly book, you'll learn from leaders at large companies, from entrepreneurs, consultants, non-profit leaders, and many other successful problem solvers.

It's time for everyone to stop barking up the wrong trees. Teach yourself and your team to reframe, and growth and success will follow.

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