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Viser: The Universe in 100 Colors - Weird and Wondrous Colors from Science and Nature

The Universe in 100 Colors - Weird and Wondrous Colors from Science and Nature

The Universe in 100 Colors

Weird and Wondrous Colors from Science and Nature
Tyler Thrasher, Terry Mudge og Hank Green
Sprog: Engelsk
Sasquatch Books
490,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 288 sider
  • Udgiver: Sasquatch Books (September 2024)
  • Forfattere: Tyler Thrasher, Terry Mudge og Hank Green
  • ISBN: 9781632174925
At the intersection of science, art, and design, this must-have coffee table book highlights 100 mind-blowing colors that you've likely never seen before.

From Instagram sensation and self-described "mad scientist artist" Tyler Thrasher and creator of the popular Matter subscription box Terry Mudge, this book comes with a foreword by Hank Green.

This gorgeous compendium contains 100 amazing colors that you might otherwise live your whole life unaware of. These colors exist in the strangest of places, and serve extremely specific functions in nature, or were human-made with one goal in mind.

In this oversized, design-forward book you'll find entries for each of the 100 colors, organized in gradient order, with structural and impossible colors set at the end. Each entry has a 2-page spread with a full-page image of the color plus snappy descriptions, and easy-to-understand category symbols. Some entries include diagrams. Even includes structural colors and colors outside the range of human visibility! Also included is a brief introduction to color theory, a myth-busting section, plus index, glossary, and notes.

Here is your universe in living color-
Cosmic Latte- The average color of the universe.
Dragon's Blood- A tropical tree that bleeds red resin with incredible medicinal potential.
Sonoluminescence- A color created by sound!
Eigengrau- The color we perceive in the absence of light (and no, it's not "pitch black").

Perfect for anyone who loves science or art, and bursting with astonishing facts and stunning photography, The Universe in 100 Colors is a wonder for the senses.
Foreword Dear Reader Introduction The Colors
1. Cosmic Void
2. Vantablack
3. Black Substance
4. Eigengrau
5. Black Pearl
6. Cuttlefish Ink
7. Gray Matter
8. Glaucous
9. Lunar Dust
10. Polar Bear Fur
11. White Rot
12. Lead White
13. Ultrawhite
14. Mistake Out
15. Ivory
16. Cosmic Latte
17. Landlord White
18. Feuille Morte
19. Brown Dwarf
20. Mummy Brown
21. Falu Red
22. Pompeian Red
23. Kermes Red
24. Dragon's Blood
25. The Great Red Spot
26. Carmine
27. Realgar
28. Redshift
29. Hydrogen-Alpha
30. Blood Moon
31. Martian Red
32. Poppy Red
33. Ancient Chlorophyll
34. International Orange
35. Fulvous
36. Tiger's-Eye
37. The First Color (Blackbody of early universe)
38. Bastard Amber
39. Indian Yellow
40. Sodium-Vapor Light
41. Baltic Amber
42. Orpiment
43. Venusian Yellow
44. Libyan Desert Glass
45. Imperial Yellow
46. Gold
47. Letharia vulpina
48. Luciferin
49. Radium Decay
50. Fluorescein
51. Uranium Glass
52. Green Pea Galaxies
53. Earth Aurora Green
54. Helenite Green
55. Zelyonka
56. Malachite
57. Scheele's Green
58. Fuchsite
59. Mercury E-Line
60. Smaragdine
61. Chalkboard Green
62. Mirror
63. Comet C/2002 E3 ZTF
64. Unappetizing Blue
65. Water
66. Maya Blue
67. Cherenkov Radiation
68. Quasar Blue
69. Sonoluminescence
70. Horseshoe Crab Blood
71. Prussian Blue
72. Chalcanthite
73. YInMn Blue
74. Navy Blue
75. Egyptian Blue
76. Ciel
77. Tsetse Fly Blue
78. Ice Giant
79. Han Purple
80. Amethyst
81. Tyrian Purple
82. Purpleheart
83. Mauvine
84. Lepidolite
85. Gentian Violet
86. Blacklight
87. Magenta
88. Astaxanthin
89. Baker-Miller Pink
90. Hydrangea Pink
91. Ruby Chocolate
92. Avocado Dye
93. Anthocyanin in Black Plants
94. Opal
95. Cystoseira tamariscifolia
96. Giant Blue Morpho Butterfly
97. Marble Berry
98. Oil or Soap + Water
99. Monarch Chrysalis Gold
100. Colloidal Gold Acknowledgments Glossary References Index
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