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Viser: Modeling Cancer in Mice

Modeling Cancer in Mice

Modeling Cancer in Mice

Katerina Politi og Cory Abate-Shen
Sprog: Engelsk
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
1.499,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback
  • Udgiver: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (Juli 2024)
  • Forfattere: Katerina Politi og Cory Abate-Shen
  • ISBN: 9781621824725
Preliminary Modeling Cancer in Mice Editors: Katerina Politi and Corey Abate-Shen Section
1. Advances in studying cancer progression in mouse models Mutations, Bottlenecks, and Clonal Sweeps: How Environmental Carcinogens and Genomic Changes Shape Clonal Evolution During Tumor Progression Melissa Q. Reeves and Allan Balmain Mouse Models of Metastasis and Dormancy Ahmed Mahmoud and Karuna Ganesh Preclinical Modeling of Pathway-Targeted Therapy of Human Lung Cancer in the Mouse Aria Vaishnavi, Conan G. Kinsey, and Martin McMahon Section
2. Studying hallmarks of cancer in mouse models Cellular Origins and Lineage Plasticity in Cancer Jason R. Pitarresi and Ben Z. Stanger Cancer Immunology Marcus Bosenberg Approaches to Study Tumor Metabolism in Mice Yetis Gultekin, Matthew G. Vander Heiden, and Evan C. Lien Mouse Models to Evaluate the Functional Role of the Tumor Microenvironment in Cancer Progression and Therapy Responses Kathleen M. McAndrews, Krishnan K. Mahadevan, and Raghu Kalluri Monitoring the Cell Cycle of Tumor Cells in Mouse Models of Human Cancer Taylar Hammond and Julien Sage Section
3. Technological advances that have elevated the generation or analyses of mouse models Advances in Making Cancer Mouse Models More Accessible and Informative through Non-Germline Genetic Engineering Katherine C. Murphy and Marcus Ruscetti How CRISPR is Revolutionizing the Generation of New Models for Cancer Research Francisco J. S?nchez Rivera and Lukas E. Dow High-Throughput Identification, Modeling, and Analysis of Cancer Driver Genes In Vivo Yuning J. Tang, Emily G. Shuldiner, Saswati Karmakar, and Monte M. Winslow Imaging Approaches in Cancer Biology Nirakar Rajbhandari, Emily Diaz, Marcie Kritzik, and Tannishtha Reya Addressing Biological Questions with Preclinical Cancer Imaging Chris B. Damoci, Joseph R. Merrill, Yanping Sun, Scott K. Lyons, and Kenneth P. Olive Patient-Derived-Xenografts in Mice: A Preclinical Platform for Cancer Research Emiliano Cocco and Elisa de Stanchina Next-Generation Modeling of Cancer Using Organoids Jillian R. Love and Wouter R. Karthaus Index
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