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Viser: Unit Testing:Principles, Practices and Patterns
Unit Testing:Principles, Practices and Patterns
Vladimir Khorikov
Sprog: Engelsk
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- Paperback: 304 sider
- Udgiver: Manning Publications Co. LLC (Marts 2020)
- ISBN: 9781617296277
Unit Testing: Principles, Patterns and Practices shows you how to refine your existing unit tests by implementing modern best practices. You'll learn to spot which tests are performing, which need refactoring, and which need to be deleted entirely! Upgrade your testing suite with new testing styles, good patterns, and reliable automated testing.
Unit Testing: Principles, Practices and Patterns is a practical guide to modern unit testing best practices. Microsoft MVP Vladimir Khorikov takes you hands-on with examples of the ideal unit test and unit testing practices, building your skills step by step on a solid foundation.
Key Features
· A universal frame of reference by which to assess any unit test
· Common anti-patterns to identify and avoid
· Guidelines on how to refactor a test suite along with the
· production code it covers
· Using integration tests to verify the behavior of the system as a whole
For readers who know the basics of unit testing and want to improve their techniques to get the best return on their efforts. Examples are in C# but apply in any language
About the technology
Test automation has turned unit testing into a standard practice in software development. The right unit test suite gives great outcomes and is vital to delivering quality software.
Author Bio
Vladimir Khorikov is an author, blogger, and Microsoft MVP. He has been developing software professionally for over ten years, and has mentored numerous teams on the ins and outs of unit testing.