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Viser: Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects

Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects
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Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects Vital Source e-bog

Morgan E. Henrie
Momentum Press
342,00 kr.
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Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects

Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects

Morgan Henrie
Sprog: Engelsk
Momentum Press
763,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Dec 2014.

Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Momentum Press (November 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781606504833
Culture can be a significant contributor to, or hindrance to, a team’s success. Research has clearly established that failing to have a cohesive team culture creates a severe challenge to any team effort. Culture is also something that everyone brings with them to the team. Yet, developing an understanding of what the team culture is, what constitutes a cohesive team culture, and how to modify it such that it enhances the probability of team success is a challenge to team leaders. Cultural team challenges exist within holistic, that is, teams from a single nation, or multinational teams. Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects provides team leaders and interested individuals a cohesive source of information, ideas, and approaches on how to understand, analyze, develop cultural transition plans, and methods which can improve or modify a team’s
culture toward success. Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects also includes an extensive literature review reference set which provides the reader a ready source where they can continue to expand their cultural knowledge base and ultimately improve their probability of successfully managing holistic and multinational teams.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 226 sider
  • Udgiver: Momentum Press (December 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781606504826
Culture can be a significant contributor to, or hindrance to, a team's success. Research has clearly established that failing to have a cohesive team culture creates a severe challenge to any team effort. Culture is also something that everyone brings with them to the team. Yet, developing an understanding of what the team culture is, what constitutes a cohesive team culture, and how to modify it such that it enhances the probability of team success is a challenge to team leaders. Cultural team challenges exist within holistic, that is, teams from a single nation, or multinational teams. Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects provides team leaders and interested individuals a cohesive source of information, ideas, and approaches on how to understand, analyze, develop cultural transition plans, and methods which can improve or modify a team's culture toward success. Cultural Influences in Engineering Projects also includes an extensive literature review reference set which provides the reader a ready source where they can continue to expand their cultural knowledge base and ultimately improve their probability of successfully managing holistic and multinational teams.
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