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Viser: Valuing Energy for Global Needs - A Systems Approach

Valuing Energy for Global Needs
Søgbar e-bog

Valuing Energy for Global Needs Vital Source e-bog

Daniel M. Martínez
Momentum Press
571,00 kr.
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Valuing Energy for Global Needs - A Systems Approach

Valuing Energy for Global Needs

A Systems Approach
Ben W. Ebenhack og Daniel M. Martinez
Sprog: Engelsk
Momentum Press
763,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Sep 2015.

Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Momentum Press (December 2015)
  • ISBN: 9781606502655
A more sustainable future will call on us to make deliberate and informed energy choices. Thus, the aim of this text is to provide readers with a foundation to evaluate 21st century energy options as clearly and as objectively as possible. Bringing to light engineering, environmental, and sustainable development perspectives, the authors discuss, in layman's terms, the value we get from energy systems--both positive and negative. In particular, the authors emphasize the need to consider the tremendous benefits that have been received through the use of modern energy systems, which have been dominated by the exploitation of nonrenewable fossil and nuclear fuels. They argue that these benefits must be extended to impoverished nations and future energy choices must include a judicious mix of alternative energy sources, coupled with best practices and conservation principles, eliminating the dirtiest of the fuels.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: Momentum Press (September 2015)
  • Forfattere: Ben W. Ebenhack og Daniel M. Martinez
  • ISBN: 9781606502631
Energy Engineers, Technology Managers, and political leaders all need a solid, holistic understanding of where the world finds its energy--the limits of that energy--and what we will need to do in the future if we are to have a cleaner and environmentally sustainable world, all without sacrificing our modern technological-based civilization. This book will shed some much needed light on that conundrum. It * Uses the tools of Systems Analysis to plan for the eventual transition to Sustainable Energy * Explains how to Optimize Energy Sources and allocation using MERIT: Multi-layered Energy Resource and Infrastructure Tools * Covers Energy Planning for both Developed and Underdeveloped nations, using LEAP, the Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning Tool As a companion to the authors' first book, The Path to Sustainable Energy, this book will provide the quantitative tools to assess energy demand and supply scenarios in an integrated, 'systems analysis' approach. Using quantitative models, metrics, and narrative case stories, the book will be the first to address energy planning from the perspective of the new field of 'Earth Systems Engineering and Management (ESEM).' This new ESEM discipline is based on the integration of earth sciences with human economics and development needs. The book will take a particularly close look at the underdeveloped world that currently lacks access to modern energy, and which is crippled by its dependence on dirty, inefficient biomass fuels to meet bare subsistence needs. That focus will benefit from the work being done now with projects in Africa through the AHEAD Energy Corporation, a non-profit founded by the authors.
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