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Viser: Zero - The Starting Point of Creating Reality

Zero - The Starting Point of Creating Reality


The Starting Point of Creating Reality
Chunsia Chunsia
Sprog: Engelsk
Sentient Publications
215,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 225 sider
  • Udgiver: Sentient Publications (Februar 2025)
  • ISBN: 9781591813347

Discover the secret to creating your new vibrant life in Zero: The Starting Point of Creating Reality by Chunsia. Drawing from her extensive background in psychology, alternative medicine, Ayurveda, and meditation, Chunsia presents the Zero System, a revolutionary approach to understanding and harnessing the power of the universe.

Zero is an intimate and instructive letter, written to a future friend, a letter to you. Through practical exercises and profound insights, Chunsia guides you on a journey to unlock your true potential as a reality creator. Learn how to transcend limitations, let go of destructive habits, and effortlessly manifest your dreams. Discover the hidden laws of the universe and unleash the power of the Zero System to create the life you've always wanted.

Whether you're feeling a bit uncertain about your goals or just looking for some inspiration, Zero is your ticket to unleashing your inner creator and discovering the power of the universe within you. Get ready to experience the magic of the Zero System and transform your life forever.

Introduction Invitation to the Zero System - A Letter from the Future - The Act of Creating Reality - How to Use This Book
Chapter 1. Rule: The Magical Universe - The Field of Creation - The Law of Attraction - The Strange World of the Micro - An Unusual Middle School Student's Test Scores - Cinderella's Magic - The Path Forms as I Walk - Life is a Giant Holograph - The Brain Evolves Infinitely
Chapter 2. Wish: What is My True Desire? - Why Visualizations Don't Materialize - Deficiency Energy vs. Desire Energy - Structure of the Mind - Defense Programs - The Sweet Temptation of Scarcity - Information Virus - Errors in Perception - Find the Initial Commands! - Inner Mind Map - Disappearing 'I' at the Center of the World
Chapter 3. System: The Zero System of the Universe - What is the Zero System? - Zero Law 0 - Zero and Infinity - Zero Law 1 - The Law of Relativity - Creation and Annihilation of Particle-Antiparticle - Harmony of Yin and Yang - Earth's Zero Magnetic Field Zones - Zero Law 2 - The Law of the Middle - Zero Point - The Space Between Spaces - Zero Law 3 - The Law of Contradiction - Existing Between Judgments of Good and Bad - Nonsense Makes Sense - Zero Law 4 - The Law of Non-Emotion - The Doctrine of the Mean - Stop Feeling - Zero Law 5 - The Law of Time - The Secret of the Present - The Magic of the Present - The Secret of Present-Tense Affirmations - Zero Law 6 - The Law of Emptiness - State of Zero Existence - Zero point Field - The Nothingness - The Non-Existence of Self - The Observer - The Mystery of Letting Go - Zero Law 7 - The Law of Zero - Altered States of Consciousness - Creation of the New When Thought Ceases - Earth's Frequency
7.8Hz - Zero Law 8 - The Law of doing noting - Principle of Healing - Action(Youwei) vs. inaction(Wu wei) - Visualization vs. Mindfulness - life of Zero, Wu Wei Zi Ran
Chapter 4. Order: The Process of Creating Reality Within - Creating Reality - Hidden Variables in Reality Creation - Tests of the Universe - Awareness - Self Information Correction System - Collective Unconscious and Collective Karma - Transcend Karma - The Process of Human Programming Reset - Connecting to the Infinite
Chapter 5. Right: The Life of a Reality Creator - What is the Life of a Master? - Recognizing Things As They Are - Let Go of Desires - Live Righteously - Do Not Seek to Possess - Nothing is Impossible - Just Making a Mark - Wisdom Over Knowledge - Respect Everything - Our Life is Already Perfect References
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