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Viser: Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well - C# for Beginners with Hands-On Project

Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well - C# for Beginners with Hands-On Project

Learn C# in One Day and Learn It Well

C# for Beginners with Hands-On Project
Jamie Chan
Sprog: Engelsk
CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
199,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 160 sider
  • Udgiver: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (Oktober 2015)
  • ISBN: 9781518800276
Master C# Programming with a unique Hands-On Project (Updated for VS Community 2017)

Have you always wanted to learn computer programming but are afraid it'll be too difficult for you? Or perhaps you know other programming languages but are interested in learning the C# language fast?

This book is for you. You no longer have to waste your time and money learning C# from boring books that are 600 pages long, expensive online courses or complicated C# tutorials that just leave you more confused.

What this book offers...

C# for Beginners

Complex concepts are broken down into simple steps to ensure that you can easily master the C# language even if you have never coded before.

Carefully Chosen C# Examples

Examples are carefully chosen to illustrate all concepts. In addition, the output for all examples are provided immediately so you do not have to wait till you have access to your computer to test the examples.

Careful selection of topics

Topics are carefully selected to give you a broad exposure to C#, while not overwhelming you with information overload. These topics include object-oriented programming concepts, error handling techniques, file handling techniques and more.

Learn The C# Programming Language Fast

Concepts are presented in a "to-the-point" style to cater to the busy individual. With this book, you can learn C# in just one day and start coding immediately.

How is this book different...

The best way to learn C# is by doing. At the end of the book, you'll be guided through a unique project that requires the application of all the concepts taught previously. Working through the project will not only help you see how it all ties together, it'll also give you an immense sense of achievement and the exhilaration of turning lines of code into a finished product that you can be proud of!

Are you ready to dip your toes into the exciting world of C# coding? This book is for you. Click the "Add to Cart" button to buy it now.

What you'll learn:

Introduction to C#- What is C#? - How to install and run Visual Studio Community 2015?
Data types and Operators - What are the common data types in C#? - What are arrays and lists? - How to format C# strings - What is a value type vs reference type? - What are the common C# operators?
Object Oriented Programming - What is object oriented programming? - How to write your own classes - What are fields, properties, methods and constructors? - What is encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism? - What is an abstract class and interface? - What is an enum and struct?
Controlling the Flow of a Program- What are condition statements? - How to use control flow statements in C# - What are jump statements? - How to handle errors and exceptions
and Others...- How to accept user inputs and display outputs - How to use LINQ to save yourself from hours of work - How to work with external files ...and so much more....

Finally, you'll be guided through a hands-on project that requires the application of all the topics covered.

Click the BUY button at the top of this page now to start learning C#. Learn it fast and learn it well.

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