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Viser: Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 3. udgave
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Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering Vital Source e-bog

J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
Taylor & Francis
1.899,00 kr.
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Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, 3. udgave

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering

J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
899,00 kr. 809,10 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (November 2016)
  • Forfattere: J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
  • ISBN: 9781498769310
Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Edition, presents the nuclear science concepts needed to understand and quantify the whole range of nuclear phenomena. Noted for its accessible level and approach, the Third Edition of this long-time bestselling textbook provides overviews of nuclear physics, nuclear power, medicine, propulsion, and radiation detection. Its flexible organization allows for use with Nuclear Engineering majors and those in other disciplines. The Third Edition features updated coverage of the newest nuclear reactor designs, fusion reactors, radiation health risks, and expanded discussion of basic reactor physics with added examples. A complete Solutions Manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors adopting the text.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Hardback: 660 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Oktober 2016)
  • Forfattere: J. Kenneth Shultis og Richard E. Faw
  • ISBN: 9781498769297

Fundamentals of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Third Edition, presents the nuclear science concepts needed to understand and quantify the whole range of nuclear phenomena. Noted for its accessible level and approach, the Third Edition of this long-time bestselling textbook provides overviews of nuclear physics, nuclear power, medicine, propulsion, and radiation detection. Its flexible organization allows for use with Nuclear Engineering majors and those in other disciplines. The Third Edition features updated coverage of the newest nuclear reactor designs, fusion reactors, radiation health risks, and expanded discussion of basic reactor physics with added examples. A complete Solutions Manual and figure slides for classroom projection are available for instructors adopting the text.

Fundamental Concepts Modern Units The Atom Chart of Nuclides Modern Physics Concepts The Special Theory of Relativity Radiation as Waves and Particles Quantum Mechanics Addendum
1: Derivation of Some Special Relativity Results Addendum
2: Solutions to Schrodinger''s Wave Equation Atomic/Nuclear Models Development of the Modern Atom Model Models of the Nucleus Nuclear Energetics Binding Energy Binding Energies of Isotopes Nucleon Separation Energy Nuclear Reactions Examples of Binary Nuclear Reactions Q-Value for a Reaction Conservation of Charge and Calculation of Q-Values Q-Value for Reactions Producing Excited Nuclei Radioactivity Radioactive Decay Diagrams Energetics of Radioactive Delay Characteristics of Radioactive Decay Decay Dynamics Naturally Occurring Radionuclides Radiodating Radioactive Decay Data Binary Nuclear Reactions Types of Binary Reactions Kinematics of Binary Two-Product Nuclear Reactions Reaction Threshold Energy Applications of Binary Kinematics Reactions Involving Neutrons Characteristics of the Fission Reaction Fusion Reactions Radiation Interactions with Matter Attenuation of Neutral Particle Beams Calculation of Radiation Interaction Rates Photon Interactions Neutron Interactives Attenuation of Charged Particles Detection and Measurement of Radiation by Douglas S. McGregor Gas-Filled Detectors Scintillation Detectors Semiconductor Detectors Personal Dosimeters Other Interesting Detectors Measurement Theory Detection Equipment Radiation Doses and Hazard Assessment Historical Roots Dosimetric Quantities Doses from Ingested Radionuclides Natural Exposures for Humans Health Effects from Large Acute Doses Hereditary Effects Cancer Risks from Radiation Exposures Radon and Lung Cancer Risks Radiation Protection Standards Radiation Hormesis Principles of Nuclear Reactors Neutron Moderation Thermal Neutrons Thermal-Neutron Properties of Fuels The Neutron Life Cycle in a Thermal Reactor Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Cores Reflectors Reactor Kinetics Reactivity Kinetics Reactivity Feedback Fission Product Poisons Addendum
1: The Diffusion Equation Addendum
2: Kinetic Model with Delayed Neutrons Addendum
3: Solution for a Step Reactivity Insertion Nuclear Power Nuclear Electric Power Generation II Pressurized Water Reactors Generation II Boiling Water Reactors Generation III Nuclear Reactor Designs Generation IV Nuclear Reactor Designs Other Advanced Reactor Concepts The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Nuclear Propulsion Fusion Rectors and Other Conversion Devices Fusion Reactors Magnetically Confined Fusion (MCF) Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) Other Fusion Machines Thermoelectric Generators Nuclear Technology in Industry and Research Production in Radioisotopes Industrial and Research Uses of Radioisotopes and Radiation Tracer Applications Materials Affect Radiation Radiation Affects Materials Particle Accelerators Medical Applications of Nuclear Technology Diagnostic Imaging Radioimmunoassay Diagnostic Radiotracers Radioimmunoscintigraphy Radiation Therapy Appendix A Fundamental Atomic Data Appendix B Atomic Mass Table Appendix C Cross Sections and Related Data Appendix D Decay Characteristics of Selected Radionuclides Index
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