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Viser: DeColonize EcoModernism!

DeColonize EcoModernism!, 1. udgave
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DeColonize EcoModernism! Vital Source e-bog

Ariel Salleh
Bloomsbury UK
257,00 kr.
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DeColonize EcoModernism!, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

DeColonize EcoModernism! Vital Source e-bog

Ariel Salleh
Bloomsbury UK
257,00 kr.
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DeColonize EcoModernism!

DeColonize EcoModernism!

Ariel Salleh
Sprog: Engelsk
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
286,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury UK (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781474277655
In the 21st century, the old colonial attitude of terra nullius, meaning a vacant place free for the taking, still lurks behind the global economic expropriation of peoples' lands and bodies. Today, that theft is rationalised internationally by ecomodernist policy. This book engages with the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist mindset of the contemporary Androcene and its threats to Life-on-Earth, including global warming and nuclear risks, mining and the gene trade, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital coloniality. Ariel Salleh spells out the social and ecological contradictions set in motion by neocolonialism. Inspired by decolonial thinkers from Arturo Escobar to Tyson Yunkaporta, and critics of technology like Vandana Shiva and Shoshana Zuboff, she argues that dispossession of First Nation peoples' livelihoods is not healed by consumerism in the name of 'development'. Breaking with ecomodernist policy such as 'the tech fix' of mainstream environmentalists, Salleh contests the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist imperium and its advocacy of Green New Deals, Earth Governance, Sustainable Development Goals, and Smart Futures. Worldwide many decolonial activists see through the zero-sum imagination and its Earth Summits. Youth too, is defying the capitalist ruling class extinction trajectory, and some even challenge the fashionable post-human ideology circulating in high-tech quarters. Beyond 'exchange value', these Others of the Androcene are calling for self-governing bioregional futures, respectful of indigenous skills; they want local food sovereign economies, which meet people's needs while protecting nature's 'metabolic value'. Spelling out the biopolitical violence of digitalization and genetic engineering, this book traces two decades of creative defiance by global peoples' movements against the contradictions of ecomodernist development and its ongoing imposition by nation states and international agencies.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury UK (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781474277624
In the 21st century, the old colonial attitude of terra nullius, meaning a vacant place free for the taking, still lurks behind the global economic expropriation of peoples' lands and bodies. Today, that theft is rationalised internationally by ecomodernist policy. This book engages with the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist mindset of the contemporary Androcene and its threats to Life-on-Earth, including global warming and nuclear risks, mining and the gene trade, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital coloniality. Ariel Salleh spells out the social and ecological contradictions set in motion by neocolonialism. Inspired by decolonial thinkers from Arturo Escobar to Tyson Yunkaporta, and critics of technology like Vandana Shiva and Shoshana Zuboff, she argues that dispossession of First Nation peoples' livelihoods is not healed by consumerism in the name of 'development'. Breaking with ecomodernist policy such as 'the tech fix' of mainstream environmentalists, Salleh contests the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist imperium and its advocacy of Green New Deals, Earth Governance, Sustainable Development Goals, and Smart Futures. Worldwide many decolonial activists see through the zero-sum imagination and its Earth Summits. Youth too, is defying the capitalist ruling class extinction trajectory, and some even challenge the fashionable post-human ideology circulating in high-tech quarters. Beyond 'exchange value', these Others of the Androcene are calling for self-governing bioregional futures, respectful of indigenous skills; they want local food sovereign economies, which meet people's needs while protecting nature's 'metabolic value'. Spelling out the biopolitical violence of digitalization and genetic engineering, this book traces two decades of creative defiance by global peoples' movements against the contradictions of ecomodernist development and its ongoing imposition by nation states and international agencies.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 312 sider
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (Januar 2025)
  • ISBN: 9781474277600

In the 21st century, the old colonial attitude of terra nullius, meaning a vacant place free for the taking, still lurks behind the global economic expropriation of peoples' lands and bodies. Today, that theft is rationalised internationally by ecomodernist policy. This book engages with the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist mindset of the contemporary Androcene and its threats to Life-on-Earth, including global warming and nuclear risks, mining and the gene trade, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and digital coloniality.

Ariel Salleh spells out the social and ecological contradictions set in motion by neocolonialism. Inspired by decolonial thinkers from Arturo Escobar to Tyson Yunkaporta, and critics of technology like Vandana Shiva and Shoshana Zuboff, she argues that dispossession of First Nation peoples' livelihoods is not healed by consumerism in the name of 'development'. Breaking with ecomodernist policy such as 'the tech fix' of mainstream environmentalists, Salleh contests the patriarchal-colonial-capitalist imperium and its advocacy of Green New Deals, Earth Governance, Sustainable Development Goals, and Smart Futures.

Worldwide many decolonial activists see through the zero-sum imagination and its Earth Summits. Youth too, is defying the capitalist ruling class extinction trajectory, and some even challenge the fashionable post-human ideology circulating in high-tech quarters. Beyond 'exchange value', these Others of the Androcene are calling for self-governing bioregional futures, respectful of indigenous skills; they want local food sovereign economies, which meet people's needs while protecting nature's 'metabolic value'.

Spelling out the biopolitical violence of digitalization and genetic engineering, this book traces two decades of creative defiance by global peoples' movements against the contradictions of ecomodernist development and its ongoing imposition by nation states and international agencies.

Preface to the Trilogy Acknowledgements
1. Resisting Extinction: Youth join the dots
2. Global Synergies: Livelihoods or Lifestyles?
3. Terra Nullius: Consuming Lands and Bodies
4. Nuclear Risks: Voices for Life on Earth
5. Earth System Governance: Uncertainty Principle Revisited
6. The Gene Trade: Organized Irresponsibility
7. Buen Vivir: Ecomodernist or Andean?
8. Climate Science and Water: Coming to Our Senses
9. A Just Transition?: Women Are the Key
10. Food Sovereignty: Meeting Real Needs
11. Another Future Is Possible!: Holding Ground
12. Green New Deals: For Globalization Lite
13. The 2030 Agenda: Sustainable Development Goals
14. The Smart ReSet: A Biopolitical Turn
15. Digital Coloniality: Everyday Contradictions
16. Land Is Law/Lore: Another Ontology Notes Index
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