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Viser: Nonlinear Optics - Principles and Applications

Nonlinear Optics, 1. udgave
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Nonlinear Optics Vital Source e-bog

Karsten Rottwitt og Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg
Taylor & Francis
1.599,00 kr.
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Nonlinear Optics - Principles and Applications

Nonlinear Optics

Principles and Applications
Karsten Rottwitt og Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg
Sprog: Engelsk
777,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (December 2014)
  • Forfattere: Karsten Rottwitt og Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg
  • ISBN: 9781040054291
This book describes the fundamental aspects of nonlinear optics from basic principles to applications. Starting from the polarization induced by an electric field in a material, it relates the induced polarization to the propagating fields. It describes the properties of the induced polarization through a material response expressed both in the time and frequency domains leading to the nonlinear wave equation. The second part of the book focuses on applications of nonlinear interaction between light and matter, and considers nonlinearities in crystals and optical fibers.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 349 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2014)
  • Forfattere: Karsten Rottwitt og Peter Tidemand-Lichtenberg
  • ISBN: 9781466565821

Explores the Fundamental Aspects of Nonlinear Optics

As nonlinear optics further develops as a field of research in electromagnetic wave propagation, its state-of-the-art technologies will continue to strongly impact real-world applications in a variety of fields useful to the practicing scientist and engineer. From basic principles to examples of applications, Nonlinear Optics: Principles and Applications effectively bridges physics and mathematics with relevant applied material for real-world use. The book progresses naturally from fundamental aspects to illustrative examples, and presents a strong theoretical foundation that equips the reader with enough knowledge to recognize, understand, and evaluate nonlinear optical phenomena.

Structured so that the first five chapters are dedicated to the description of the fundamental formalism of nonlinear optics, and the last five chapters are devoted to a description of practical devices based on nonlinear phenomena, it describes nonlinear wave propagation in bulk and in waveguiding structures, and includes specific examples of applied nonlinear wave propagation through crystals, optical waveguides, and optical fibers. Providing a theoretical description of nonlinear interaction between light and matter, this text focuses on the physical understanding of nonlinear optics, and explores optical material response functions in the time and frequency domain.

This pivotal work contains ten chapters and the main applications include:

  • Optical signal processing: parametric amplification, modulators
  • Transmission of optical signals: optical solitons, cross-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, phase conjugation, Raman scattering
  • Sensing: temperature sensors, spectroscopy, and imaging
  • Lasers: pulse compression and generation of super continuum

Nonlinear Optics: Principles and Applications describes the fundamental aspects of nonlinear optics and serves as a reference for nonlinear optics professionals as well as graduate students specializing in nonlinear optics.

Introduction Review of linear optics Induced polarization Harmonic oscillator model Local field corrections Estimated nonlinear response Summary Time-domain material response The polarization time-response function The Born-Oppenheimer approximation Raman scattering response function of silica Summary Material response in the frequency domain, susceptibility tensors The susceptibility tensor The induced polarization in the frequency domain Sum of monochromatic fields The prefactor to the induced polarization Third-order polarization in the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in the frequency domain Kramers-Kronig relations Summary Symmetries in nonlinear optics Spatial symmetries Second-order materials Third-order nonlinear materials Cyclic coordinate-system Contracted notation for second-order susceptibility tensors Summary The nonlinear wave equation Mono and quasi-monochromatic beams Plane waves - the transverse problem Waveguides Vectorial approach Nonlinear birefringence Summary Second-order nonlinear effects General theory Coupled wave theory Phase mismatch and acceptance bandwidths Second-harmonic generation Non-degenerate parametric frequency conversion Difference-frequency generation Frequency conversion of focused Gaussian beams Electro optic effects Summary Raman scattering Physical description Amplitude equations Fundamental characteristics of silica The Raman fiber amplifier Summary Brillouin Scattering Introduction Electrostriction Coupled wave equations Threshold Reduced SBS fibers Applications Summary Optical Kerr effect Short pulse propagation Propagation of short pulses Pulse characterization Applications of solitons and short pulse propagation Summary Four wave mixing Physical description Propagation equations - three frequencies Spontaneous emission in four-wave mixing Amplifiers Other Applications Summary A. Tensors B. Hamiltonian and polarization C. Signal analysis D. Generating matrices and susceptibility tensors E. Transverse field distributions F. The index ellipsoid G. Materials commonly used in nonlinear optics
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