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Viser: Learning Python
Learning Python
Mark Lutz
Sprog: Engelsk
om ca. 15 hverdage
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- 5. Udgave
- Paperback: 1600 sider
- Udgiver: O'Reilly Media, Incorporated (Juli 2013)
- ISBN: 9781449355739
Get a comprehensive, in-depth introduction to the core Python language with this hands-on book. Based on author Mark Lutz's popular training course, this updated fifth edition will help you quickly write efficient, high-quality code with Python. It's an ideal way to begin, whether you're new to programming or a professional developer versed in other languages.
Complete with quizzes, exercises, and helpful illustrations, this easy-to-follow, self-paced tutorial gets you started with both Python 2.7 and 3.3-- the latest releases in the 3.X and 2.X lines--plus all other releases in common use today. You'll also learn some advanced language features that recently have become more common in Python code.
- Explore Python's major built-in object types such as numbers, lists, and dictionaries
- Create and process objects with Python statements, and learn Python's general syntax model
- Use functions to avoid code redundancy and package code for reuse
- Organize statements, functions, and other tools into larger components with modules
- Dive into classes: Python's object-oriented programming tool for structuring code
- Write large programs with Python's exception-handling model and development tools
- Learn advanced Python tools, including decorators, descriptors, metaclasses, and Unicode processing
2.X and
3.X Lines; This Book''s Prerequisites and Effort; This Book''s Structure; What This Book Is Not; This Book''s Programs; Font Conventions; Book Updates and Resources; Acknowledgments;Getting Started;
Chapter 1: A Python Q&A Session;
1.1 Why Do People Use Python?;
1.2 Is Python a "Scripting Language"?;
1.3 OK, but What''s the Downside?;
1.4 Who Uses Python Today?;
1.5 What Can I Do with Python?;
1.6 How Is Python Developed and Supported?;
1.7 What Are Python''s Technical Strengths?;
1.8 How Does Python Stack Up to Language X?;
Chapter Summary;
1.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
1.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 2: How Python Runs Programs;
2.1 Introducing the Python Interpreter;
2.2 Program Execution;
2.3 Execution Model Variations;
Chapter Summary;
2.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
2.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 3: How You Run Programs;
3.1 The Interactive Prompt;
3.2 System Command Lines and Files;
3.3 Unix-Style Executable Scripts: #!;
3.4 Clicking File Icons;
3.5 Module Imports and Reloads;
3.6 Using exec to Run Module Files;
3.7 The IDLE User Interface;
3.8 Other IDEs;
3.9 Other Launch Options;
3.10 Which Option Should I Use?;
Chapter Summary;
3.12 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
3.13 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
3.14 Test Your Knowledge:
Part I Exercises;Types and Operations;
Chapter 4: Introducing Python Object Types;
4.1 The Python Conceptual Hierarchy;
4.2 Why Use Built-in Types?;
4.3 Python''s Core Data Types;
4.4 Numbers;
4.5 Strings;
4.6 Lists;
4.7 Dictionaries;
4.8 Tuples;
4.9 Files;
4.10 Other Core Types;
Chapter Summary;
4.12 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
4.13 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 5: Numeric Types;
5.1 Numeric Type Basics;
5.2 Numbers in Action;
5.3 Other Numeric Types;
5.4 Numeric Extensions;
Chapter Summary;
5.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
5.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 6: The Dynamic Typing Interlude;
6.1 The Case of the Missing Declaration Statements;
6.2 Shared References;
6.3 Dynamic Typing Is Everywhere;
Chapter Summary;
6.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
6.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 7: String Fundamentals;
7.1 This
Chapter''s Scope;
7.2 String Basics;
7.3 String Literals;
7.4 Strings in Action;
7.5 String Methods;
7.6 String Formatting Expressions;
7.7 String Formatting Method Calls;
7.8 General Type Categories;
Chapter Summary;
7.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
7.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 8: Lists and Dictionaries;
8.1 Lists;
8.2 Lists in Action;
8.3 Dictionaries;
8.4 Dictionaries in Action;
Chapter Summary;
8.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
8.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 9: Tuples, Files, and Everything Else;
9.1 Tuples;
9.2 Files;
9.3 Core Types Review and Summary;
9.4 Built-in Type Gotchas;
Chapter Summary;
9.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
9.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
9.8 Test Your Knowledge:
Part II Exercises;Statements and Syntax;
Chapter 10: Introducing Python Statements;
10.1 The Python Conceptual Hierarchy Revisited;
10.2 Python''s Statements;
10.3 A Tale of Two ifs;
10.4 A Quick Example: Interactive Loops;
Chapter Summary;
10.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
10.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 11: Assignments, Expressions, and Prints;
11.1 Assignment Statements;
11.2 Expression Statements;
11.3 Print Operations;
Chapter Summary;
11.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
11.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 12: if Tests and Syntax Rules;
12.1 if Statements;
12.2 Python Syntax Revisited;
12.3 Truth Values and Boolean Tests;
12.4 The if/else Ternary Expression;
Chapter Summary;
12.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
12.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 13: while and for Loops;
13.1 while Loops;
13.2 break, continue, pass, and the Loop else;
13.3 for Loops;
13.4 Loop Coding Techniques;
Chapter Summary;
13.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
13.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 14: Iterations and Comprehensions;
14.1 Iterations: A First Look;
14.2 List Comprehensions: A First Detailed Look;
14.3 Other Iteration Contexts;
14.4 New Iterables in Python
14.5 Other Iteration Topics;
Chapter Summary;
14.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
14.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 15: The Documentation Interlude;
15.1 Python Documentation Sources;
15.2 Common Coding Gotchas;
Chapter Summary;
15.4 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
15.5 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
15.6 Test Your Knowledge:
Part III Exercises;Functions and Generators;
Chapter 16: Function Basics;
16.1 Why Use Functions?;
16.2 Coding Functions;
16.3 A First Example: Definitions and Calls;
16.4 A Second Example: Intersecting Sequences;
Chapter Summary;
16.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
16.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 17: Scopes;
17.1 Python Scope Basics;
17.2 The global Statement;
17.3 Scopes and Nested Functions;
17.4 The nonlocal Statement in
17.5 Why nonlocal? State Retention Options;
Chapter Summary;
17.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
17.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 18: Arguments;
18.1 Argument-Passing Basics;
18.2 Special Argument-Matching Modes;
18.3 The min Wakeup Call!;
18.4 Generalized Set Functions;
18.5 Emulating the Python
3.X print Function;
Chapter Summary;
18.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
18.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 19: Advanced Function Topics;
19.1 Function Design Concepts;
19.2 Recursive Functions;
19.3 Function Objects: Attributes and Annotations;
19.4 Anonymous Functions: lambda;
19.5 Functional Programming Tools;
Chapter Summary;
19.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
19.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 20: Comprehensions and Generations;
20.1 List Comprehensions and Functional Tools;
20.2 Generator Functions and Expressions;
20.3 Comprehension Syntax Summary;
Chapter Summary;
20.5 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
20.6 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 21: The Benchmarking Interlude;
21.1 Timing Iteration Alternatives;
21.2 Timing Iterations and Pythons with timeit;
21.3 Other Benchmarking Topics: pystones;
21.4 Function Gotchas;
Chapter Summary;
21.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
21.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
21.8 Test Your Knowledge:
Part IV Exercises;Modules and Packages;
Chapter 22: Modules: The Big Picture;
22.1 Why Use Modules?;
22.2 Python Program Architecture;
22.3 How Imports Work;
22.4 Byte Code Files: __pycache__ in Python
22.5 The Module Search Path;
Chapter Summary;
22.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
22.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 23: Module Coding Basics;
23.1 Module Creation;
23.2 Module Usage;
23.3 Module Namespaces;
23.4 Reloading Modules;
Chapter Summary;
23.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
23.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 24: Module Packages;
24.1 Package Import Basics;
24.2 Package Import Example;
24.3 Why Use Package Imports?;
24.4 Package Relative Imports;
24.5 Python
3.3 Namespace Packages;
Chapter Summary;
24.7 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
24.8 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 25: Advanced Module Topics;
25.1 Module Design Concepts;
25.2 Data Hiding in Modules;
25.3 Enabling Future Language Features: __future__;
25.4 Mixed Usage Modes: __name__ and __main__;
25.5 Example: Dual Mode Code;
25.6 Changing the Module Search Path;
25.7 The as Extension for import and from;
25.8 Example: Modules Are Objects;
25.9 Importing Modules by Name String;
25.10 Example: Transitive Module Reloads;
25.11 Module Gotchas;
Chapter Summary;
25.13 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
25.14 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
25.15 Test Your Knowledge:
Part V Exercises;Classes and OOP;
Chapter 26: OOP: The Big Picture;
26.1 Why Use Classes?;
26.2 OOP from 30,000 Feet;
Chapter Summary;
26.4 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
26.5 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 27: Class Coding Basics;
27.1 Classes Generate Multiple Instance Objects;
27.2 Classes Are Customized by Inheritance;
27.3 Classes Can Intercept Python Operators;
27.4 The World''s Simplest Python Class;
Chapter Summary;
27.6 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
27.7 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 28: A More Realistic Example;
28.1 Step
1: Making Instances;
28.2 Step
2: Adding Behavior Methods;
28.3 Step
3: Operator Overloading;
28.4 Step
4: Customizing Behavior by Subclassing;
28.5 Step
5: Customizing Constructors, Too;
28.6 Step
6: Using Introspection Tools;
28.7 Step 7 (Final): Storing Objects in a Database;
28.8 Future Directions;
Chapter Summary;
28.10 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
28.11 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 29: Class Coding Details;
29.1 The class Statement;
29.2 Methods;
29.3 Inheritance;
29.4 Namespaces: The Conclusion;
29.5 Documentation Strings Revisited;
29.6 Classes Versus Modules;
Chapter Summary;
29.8 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
29.9 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 30: Operator Overloading;
30.1 The Basics;
30.2 Indexing and Slicing: __getitem__ and __setitem__;
30.3 Index Iteration: __getitem__;
30.4 Iterable Objects: __iter__ and __next__;
30.5 Membership: __contains__, __iter__, and __getitem__;
30.6 Attribute Access: __getattr__ and __setattr__;
30.7 String Representation: __repr__ and __str__;
30.8 Right-Side and In-Place Uses: __radd__ and __iadd__;
30.9 Call Expressions: __call__;
30.10 Comparisons: __lt__, __gt__, and Others;
30.11 Boolean Tests: __bool__ and __len__;
30.12 Object Destruction: __del__;
Chapter Summary;
30.14 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
30.15 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;
Chapter 31: Designing with Classes;
31.1 Python and OOP;
31.2 OOP and Inheritance: "Is-a" Relationships;
31.3 OOP and Composition: "Has-a" Relationships;
31.4 OOP and Delegation: "Wrapper" Proxy Objects;
31.5 Pseudoprivate Class Attributes;
31.6 Methods Are Objects: Bound or Unbound;
31.7 Classes Are Objects: Generic Object Factories;
31.8 Multiple Inheritance: "Mix-in" Classes;
31.9 Other Design-Related Topics;
Chapter Summary;
31.11 Test Your Knowledge: Quiz;
31.12 Test Your Knowledge: Answers;