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Viser: Guide to Computational Geometry Processing - Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods

Guide to Computational Geometry Processing
Søgbar e-bog

Guide to Computational Geometry Processing Vital Source e-bog

J. Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
Springer Nature
568,00 kr. 511,20 kr.
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Guide to Computational Geometry Processing

Guide to Computational Geometry Processing Vital Source e-bog

J. Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
Springer Nature
562,00 kr. 505,80 kr.
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Guide to Computational Geometry Processing - Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods

Guide to Computational Geometry Processing

Foundations, Algorithms, and Methods
Jakob Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
Sprog: Engelsk
Springer London, Limited
555,00 kr. 499,50 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2012)
  • Forfattere: J. Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
  • ISBN: 9781447140757
This book reviews the algorithms for processing geometric data, with a practical focus on important techniques not covered by traditional courses on computer vision and computer graphics. Features: presents an overview of the underlying mathematical theory, covering vector spaces, metric space, affine spaces, differential geometry, and finite difference methods for derivatives and differential equations; reviews geometry representations, including polygonal meshes, splines, and subdivision surfaces; examines techniques for computing curvature from polygonal meshes; describes algorithms for mesh smoothing, mesh parametrization, and mesh optimization and simplification; discusses point location databases and convex hulls of point sets; investigates the reconstruction of triangle meshes from point clouds, including methods for registration of point clouds and surface reconstruction; provides additional material at a supplementary website; includes self-study exercises throughout the text.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Springer Nature (Maj 2012)
  • Forfattere: J. Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
  • ISBN: 9781447140757R365
This book reviews the algorithms for processing geometric data, with a practical focus on important techniques not covered by traditional courses on computer vision and computer graphics. Features: presents an overview of the underlying mathematical theory, covering vector spaces, metric space, affine spaces, differential geometry, and finite difference methods for derivatives and differential equations; reviews geometry representations, including polygonal meshes, splines, and subdivision surfaces; examines techniques for computing curvature from polygonal meshes; describes algorithms for mesh smoothing, mesh parametrization, and mesh optimization and simplification; discusses point location databases and convex hulls of point sets; investigates the reconstruction of triangle meshes from point clouds, including methods for registration of point clouds and surface reconstruction; provides additional material at a supplementary website; includes self-study exercises throughout the text.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

Udgiveren oplyser at følgende begrænsninger er gældende for dette produkt:
Print: 2 sider kan printes ad gangen
Copy: højest 2 sider i alt kan kopieres (copy/paste)

Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 355 sider
  • Udgiver: Springer London, Limited (Juni 2012)
  • Forfattere: Jakob Andreas Bærentzen, Jens Gravesen, François Anton og Henrik Aanæs
  • ISBN: 9781447140740
This book reviews the algorithms for processing geometric data, with a practical focus on important techniques not covered by traditional courses on computer vision and computer graphics. Features: presents an overview of the underlying mathematical theory, covering vector spaces, metric space, affine spaces, differential geometry, and finite difference methods for derivatives and differential equations; reviews geometry representations, including polygonal meshes, splines, and subdivision surfaces; examines techniques for computing curvature from polygonal meshes; describes algorithms for mesh smoothing, mesh parametrization, and mesh optimization and simplification; discusses point location databases and convex hulls of point sets; investigates the reconstruction of triangle meshes from point clouds, including methods for registration of point clouds and surface reconstruction; provides additional material at a supplementary website; includes self-study exercises throughout the text.

Part I: Mathematical Preliminaries.- Vector Spaces, Affine Spaces, and Metric Spaces.- Differential Geometry.- Finite Difference Methods for Partial Differential Equations.-
Part II: Computational Geometry Processing.- Polygonal Meshes.- Splines.- Subdivision.- Curvature in Triangle Meshes.- Mesh Smoothing and Variational Subdivision.- Parametrization of Meshes.- Simplifying and Optimizing Triangle Meshes.- Spatial Data Indexing and Point Location.- Convex Hulls.- Triangle Mesh Generation: Delaunay Triangulation.- 3D Surface Registration via Iterative Closest Point (ICP).- Surface Reconstruction using Radial Basis Functions.- Volumetric Methods for Surface Reconstruction and Manipulation.- Isosurface Polygonization.
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