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Viser: Culturing Bioscience - A Case Study in the Anthropology of Science

Culturing Bioscience - A Case Study in the Anthropology of Science

Culturing Bioscience

A Case Study in the Anthropology of Science
Udo Krautwurst
Sprog: Engelsk
University of Toronto Press
975,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Jul 2014.

Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 224 sider
  • Udgiver: University of Toronto Press (Juli 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781442608139

Charting the rise and fall of an experimental biomedical facility at a North American university, Culturing Bioscience offers a fascinating glimpse into scientific culture and the social and political context in which that culture operates. Krautwurst nests the discussion of scientific culture within a series of levels from the lab to the global political economy. In the process he explores a number of topics, including: the social impact of technology; researchers' relationships with sophisticated equipment; what scientists actually do in a laboratory; what role science plays in the contemporary university; and the way bioscience interacts with local, regional, and global governments. The result is a rich case study that illustrates a host of contemporary issues in the social study of science.

Acknowledgments Introduction Intraduction A Beginning Is Always in the Middle of Something Bioscience in an Out-of-the-Way Place: How It Got Started The Organization of the Book: Magnifying Currents Science Studies: A Brief Outline of Newtonian and Quantum Versions Thirty Years of Bioscience in Action A Theoretical and Methodological Intralude An Indeterminate List of Agential Realist Concepts Thinking through Methods, Thinking Methods through
1. Intra-Action and Doing Science: Experiments, People, and Technology Investigating Neuroscience
2. Re-Visioning Scientific Practice through the ACCBR A Vision: From Cooperation to Collaboration Structure and Practice, or, Space.
. the Final Frontier? The Near Future of the ACCBR
3. What Can You Do in, to, and with a University? Anthropology and the Call to "Study up" The University in Transformation
4. Science and/as Development Science and/as Science Policy: The Triple Helix, Modes 1 and 2, and Business Clusters Culturing Bioscience on Prince Edward Island
5. Globalizing Bioscience and/as Biocapital Global Biocapital and/as Community Bioscience, Biocapital, and Business Clusters: Intellectual Property on PEI Concluding: Lessons from an Open Concept Lab Appendix
1: A Parable on Changing Assumptions, or, How to Approximate Agential Realism Appendix
2: Fieldwork in the Academy, and the Ethics of Ethics References Index
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