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Viser: Protective Relaying - Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition

Protective Relaying - Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition, 4. udgave

Protective Relaying

Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition
Thomas J. Domin og J. Lewis Blackburn
Sprog: Engelsk
1.999,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Hardback: 695 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (Februar 2014)
  • Forfattere: Thomas J. Domin og J. Lewis Blackburn
  • ISBN: 9781439888117

For many years, Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications has been the go-to text for gaining proficiency in the technological fundamentals of power system protection. Continuing in the bestselling tradition of the previous editions by the late J. Lewis Blackburn, the Fourth Edition retains the core concepts at the heart of power system analysis. Featuring refinements and additions to accommodate recent technological progress, the text:

  • Explores developments in the creation of smarter, more flexible protective systems based on advances in the computational power of digital devices and the capabilities of communication systems that can be applied within the power grid
  • Examines the regulations related to power system protection and how they impact the way protective relaying systems are designed, applied, set, and monitored
  • Considers the evaluation of protective systems during system disturbances and describes the tools available for analysis
  • Addresses the benefits and problems associated with applying microprocessor-based devices in protection schemes
  • Contains an expanded discussion of intertie protection requirements at dispersed generation facilities

Providing information on a mixture of old and new equipment, Protective Relaying: Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition reflects the present state of power systems currently in operation, making it a handy reference for practicing protection engineers. And yet its challenging end-of-chapter problems, coverage of the basic mathematical requirements for fault analysis, and real-world examples ensure engineering students receive a practical, effective education on protective systems. Plus, with the inclusion of a solutions manual and figure slides with qualifying course adoption, the Fourth Edition is ready-made for classroom implementation.

Prefaces Introduction and General Philosophies Fundamental Units: Per Unit and Percent Values Phasors and Polarity Symmetrical Components: A Review Relay Input Sources Protection Fundamentals and Basic Design Principles System-Grounding Principles Generator Protection/Intertie Protection for Distributed Generation Transformer, Reactor, and Shunt Capacitor Protection Bus Protection Motor Protection Line Protection Pilot Protection Stability, Reclosing, Load Shedding, and Trip Circuit Design Microprocessor Applications and Substation Automation Problems Index
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