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Viser: Bayesian Data Analysis

Bayesian Data Analysis, 3. udgave
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Bayesian Data Analysis Vital Source e-bog

Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, David B. Dunson, Aki Vehtari og Donald B. Rubin
Taylor & Francis
1.163,00 kr.
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Bayesian Data Analysis

Bayesian Data Analysis

Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, Donald B. Rubin, David B. Dunson og Aki Vehtari
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
1.025,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (November 2013)
  • Forfattere: Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, David B. Dunson, Aki Vehtari og Donald B. Rubin
  • ISBN: 9781040062340
Winner of the 2016 De Groot Prize from the International Society for Bayesian AnalysisNow in its third edition, this classic book is widely considered the leading text on Bayesian methods, lauded for its accessible, practical approach to analyzing data and solving research problems. Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition continues to take an applied
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 675 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (November 2013)
  • Forfattere: Andrew Gelman, John B. Carlin, Hal S. Stern, Donald B. Rubin, David B. Dunson og Aki Vehtari
  • ISBN: 9781439840955

Winner of the 2016 De Groot Prize from the International Society for Bayesian Analysis

Now in its third edition, this classic book is widely considered the leading text on Bayesian methods, lauded for its accessible, practical approach to analyzing data and solving research problems. Bayesian Data Analysis, Third Edition continues to take an applied approach to analysis using up-to-date Bayesian methods. The authors--all leaders in the statistics community--introduce basic concepts from a data-analytic perspective before presenting advanced methods. Throughout the text, numerous worked examples drawn from real applications and research emphasize the use of Bayesian inference in practice.

New to the Third Edition

  • Four new chapters on nonparametric modeling
  • Coverage of weakly informative priors and boundary-avoiding priors
  • Updated discussion of cross-validation and predictive information criteria
  • Improved convergence monitoring and effective sample size calculations for iterative simulation
  • Presentations of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, variational Bayes, and expectation propagation
  • New and revised software code

The book can be used in three different ways. For undergraduate students, it introduces Bayesian inference starting from first principles. For graduate students, the text presents effective current approaches to Bayesian modeling and computation in statistics and related fields. For researchers, it provides an assortment of Bayesian methods in applied statistics. Additional materials, including data sets used in the examples, solutions to selected exercises, and software instructions, are available on the book's web page.

FUNDAMENTALS OF BAYESIAN INFERENCE Probability and Inference Single-Parameter Models Introduction to Multiparameter Models Asymptotics and Connections to Non-Bayesian Approaches Hierarchical Models FUNDAMENTALS OF BAYESIAN DATA ANALYSIS Model Checking Evaluating, Comparing, and Expanding Models Modeling Accounting for Data Collection Decision Analysis ADVANCED COMPUTATION Introduction to Bayesian Computation Basics of Markov Chain Simulation Computationally Efficient Markov Chain Simulation Modal and Distributional Approximations REGRESSION MODELS Introduction to Regression Models Hierarchical Linear Models Generalized Linear Models Models for Robust Inference Models for Missing Data NONLINEAR AND NONPARAMETRIC MODELS Parametric Nonlinear Models Basic Function Models Gaussian Process Models Finite Mixture Models Dirichlet Process Models APPENDICES A: Standard Probability Distributions B: Outline of Proofs of Asymptotic Theorems C: Computation in R and Stan Bibliographic Notes and Exercises appear at the end of each
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