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Viser: Warehouse Management - The Definitive Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse

Warehouse Management, 5. udgave
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Warehouse Management Vital Source e-bog

Gwynne Richards
Kogan Page
656,00 kr. 590,40 kr.
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Warehouse Management - The Definitive Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse, 5. udgave

Warehouse Management

The Definitive Guide to Improving Efficiency and Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse
Gwynne Richards
Sprog: Engelsk
Kogan Page, Limited
666,00 kr. 599,40 kr.
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  • 5. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page (Februar 2025)
  • ISBN: 9781398618718
As modern warehouses continue to capitalize on cutting-edge technologies to maximize their role in the supply chain, understand how to successfully manage these warehouses with this bestselling book. The fifth edition of Warehouse Management is fully updated to include the most current information from across the industry. It also explores emerging technologies, like AI, robotics and automation and how they are shaping today's warehouse operations. There are new real-world examples from companies who have achieved improvements and cost savings through the introduction of new technology and equipment, leaner processes and environmental initiatives. The book covers an extensive range of key topics from defining the modern warehouse, detailing management processes, strategies and practices to outlining how to tackle environmental challenges to ensure a sustainable supply chain. With practical insights and real-world examples into how to improve operating costs, this is a must read for optimizing warehouse performance. Online resources include videos and PowerPoint slides.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 5. Udgave
  • Paperback: 608 sider
  • Udgiver: Kogan Page, Limited (Februar 2025)
  • ISBN: 9781398618701

As modern warehouses continue to capitalize on cutting-edge technologies to maximize their role in the supply chain, understand how to successfully manage these warehouses with this bestselling book.

The fifth edition of Warehouse Management is fully updated to include the most current information from across the industry. It also explores emerging technologies, like AI, robotics and automation and how they are shaping today's warehouse operations. There are new real-world examples from companies who have achieved improvements and cost savings through the introduction of new technology and equipment, leaner processes and environmental initiatives.

The book covers an extensive range of key topics from defining the modern warehouse, detailing management processes, strategies and practices to outlining how to tackle environmental challenges to ensure a sustainable supply chain. With practical insights and real-world examples into how to improve operating costs, this is a must read for optimizing warehouse performance.

Online resources include videos and PowerPoint slides.

Chapter -
00: Introduction; **
Chapter -
01: The role of the warehouse; **
Chapter -
02: Role of the warehouse manager; **
Chapter -
03: Warehouse processes - Receiving and put-away; **
Chapter -
04: Warehouse processes - Pick preparation; **
Chapter -
05: Goods-to-person and person-to-goods picking; **
Chapter -
06: Order-picking methods; **
Chapter -
07: Warehouse processes from replenishment to despatch and beyond; **
Chapter -
08: Information systems in the warehouse; **
Chapter -
09: Warehouse layout; **
Chapter -
10: Storage and handling equipment; **
Chapter -
11: Resourcing a warehouse; **
Chapter -
12: Warehouse costs; **
Chapter -
13: Performance measurement and management; **
Chapter -
14: Health and safety; **
Chapter -
15: The warehouse and the environment; **
Chapter -
16: The warehouse of the future; **
Chapter -
17: Appendix 1 Global warehouse costs; **
Chapter -
18: Appendix 2 Warehouse audit checklists; **
Chapter -
19: Bibliography; **
Chapter -
20: Websites of companies that have contributed to this book and other useful websites; **
Chapter -
21: Glossary
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