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Viser: Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems

Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems

Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems

R. K. Saket og P. Sanjeevikumar
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
99.999,00 kr.
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  • Electronic book text: 576 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Juli 2024)
  • Forfattere: R. K. Saket og P. Sanjeevikumar
  • ISBN: 9781394226757

A reader-friendly introduction to reliability analysis and its power systems applications

The subset of probability theory known as reliability theory analyzes the likelihood of failure in a given component or system under given conditions. It is a critical aspect of engineering as it concerns systems of all kinds, not least modern power systems, with their essential role in sustaining the technologies on which modern life relies. Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems is a thorough, accessible book introducing the core concepts of reliability theory as they apply to power systems engineering, as well as the advanced technologies currently driving new frontiers in reliability analysis. It is a must-own for anyone looking to understand and improve the systems that power our world.

Readers will also find:

  • Detailed discussion of reliability modeling and simulation of composite systems using Typhoon HIL 404
  • Reliability assessment of generation systems, transmission systems, distribution systems, and more
  • Information on renewable energy integration for more sustainable power grids

Reliability Analysis of Modern Power Systems is ideal for professionals, engineers, and researchers in power system design and reliability engineering, as well as for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in these and related subjects.

About the Authors xix List of Contributors xxi Foreword xxvii Preface xxix Acknowledgments xxxiii Section 1 Reliability Principles and Applications 1 1 Basic Principles and Scientific Importance of Reliability Theory 3 Aanchal Verma, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Vanitha Bagana, R. K. Saket, and P. Sanjeevikumar
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Basic Concept of Reliability Engineering 4
1.3 Scientific Importance of Reliability in Modern Technology 6
1.4 Basic Concept of Probability Theory 7
1.5 Basic Concepts of System Reliability 9
1.6 Conclusion 17 2 Bayesian Approach for Reliability Evaluation and Remaining Useful Life Prediction 19 Debasis Jana, Suprakash Gupta, and Deepak Kumar
2.1 Introduction 19
2.2 Bayesian Network 20
2.3 Bayesian Reliability 22
2.4 Application of BN in Reliability and Remaining Useful Life 23
2.5 Dynamic Bayesian Networks 26
2.6 Advantages and Limitations of BN and DBN 27
2.7 Conclusion 28 3 Evaluation of Basic Reliability Indices Using State Enumeration Method 31 Rajesh Arya, Chandrima Roy, Atul Koshti, Ramesh C. Bansal, and Liladhar Arya
3.1 Introduction 31
3.2 Markov Process 31
3.3 Solution of State Equations 34
3.4 Functions of a Single Component''s Availability and Unavailability 37
3.5 Two-Component State Model and State Probabilities 38
3.6 Three-Component State Transition Diagram 40
3.7 Concept of Frequency and Mean Duration 41
3.8 Frequency of Combined Events 42
3.9 State Enumeration Technique for Obtaining Frequency-Duration (FD) 44
3.10 Conclusion 49 4 Methodologies for Reliability Evaluation of Network 51 Rajesh Arya, Atul Koshti, Aanchal Verma, Baseem Khan, and Liladhar Arya
4.1 Introduction 51
4.2 Series Network 51
4.3 Parallel Network 53
4.4 Partially Redundant System 56
4.5 Reliability Evaluation of Complex Networks 57
4.6 Determination of Tie-Sets 63
4.7 Method of Obtaining Cut-Set 65
4.8 Multistate Model 66
4.9 Illustrative Examples 68
4.10 Conclusions 72 5 Probabilistic Approach for Standby and Load-Sharing System Reliability Evaluation 75 Rajesh Arya, R. K. Saket, Atul Koshti, Saad Mekhilef, and Pradeep Purey
5.1 Introduction 75
5.2 Reliability Evaluation Under Ideal Condition 75
5.3 Standby System Reliability Evaluation Under Nonideal Condition 78
5.4 Reliability Evaluation of Load-Sharing System (Endrenyi 1978) 81
5.5 Illustrative Examples 83
5.6 Conclusion 88 Section 2 Reliability-Based Systems Design 91 6 Physical Reliability Methods and Design for System Reliability 93 Smriti Singh, Jyoti Maurya, Eram Taslima, Bharat B. Sagar, and R. K. Saket
6.1 Introduction 93
6.2 Reliability Methods 94
6.3 Design Analysis and Process 105
6.4 Conclusions 110 7 Design for Maintainability and Availability Analysis for System Design 113 Jyoti Maurya, Om P. Bharti, K. S. Anand Kumar, and R. K. Saket
7.1 Introduction 113
7.2 Elements of Maintainability 114
7.3 Availability of the Systems 120
7.4 Conclusion 123 8 Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks in Reliability-Based Design Optimization 125 Heeralal Gargama, Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi, and Rajiv Nandan Rai
8.1 Introduction 125
8.2 Reliability-based Design 127
8.3 RBDO Methodology Using PSF and ANNs 134
8.4 Conclusion 137
8.A Evaluation of Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness 138 9 Parametric Estimation Models for Minimal and Imperfect Maintenance 143 Rajiv Nandan Rai, Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi, and Heeralal Gargama
9.1 Introduction 143
9.2 Maintenance Actions on Maintained Systems 145
9.3 Classifications of Imperfect Maintenance Categories 146
9.4 Parametric Reliability Estimation Models for Maintained Systems 149
9.5 NHPP: Illustrative Example 153
9.6 Generalized Renewal Process 156
9.7 GRP: Illustrative Examples 161
9.8 Conclusion 164 Section 3 Reliability Analysis of Transmission Systems 167 10 Transmission System Reliability Evaluation Including Security 169 Pushpendra Singh, Rajesh Arya, Lakhan Singh Titare, Mohd. Tauseef Khan, and Sharat Chandra Choube
10.1 Introduction 169
10.2 Problem Formulation 171
10.3 Monte Carlo Simulation for Evaluation of the Security Index: With and Without Considering the Absence of Transmission Lines 172
10.4 Evaluation of the Load Flow''s Minimal Eigenvalue Jacobian 174
10.5 Evaluation of Schur''s Inequality 175
10.6 Evaluation of the PSI and the Cut-set Approach 175
10.7 Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) Assessment of Probabilistic Insecurity 177
10.8 Results and Discussions 178
10.9 Conclusions 190
10.A.1 Data for IEEE six-bus, seven-line test system (100MVA Base) 191
10.A.2 Data for IEEE 14-bus, 20-line system (100MVA Base) 192
10.A.3 Data for IEEE 25-bus, 35 line system (100MVA Base) 194 11 Probabilistic Voltage Security Assessment and Enhancement Using Rescheduling of Reactive Power Control Variables 199 Lakhan Singh Titare, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Liladhar Arya, and Devkaran Sakravdia
11.1 Introduction 199
11.2 Computation of Probabilistic Insecurity Index (PII) Using Cut-set Technique 201
11.3 Computation of Probabilistic Insecurity Index (PII) Sensitivity using ANN 202
11.4 Voltage Security Enhancement using a Monovariable Approach 205
11.5 Results and Discussion 206
11.6 Conclusions 214 Section 4 Reliability Analysis of Distribution Systems 217 12 Modern Aspects of Probabilistic Distributions for Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems 219 Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, Aanchal Verma, Jyotsna Ogale, R. K. Saket, and Stuart Galloway
12.1 Introduction 219
12.2 Life Distribution of Power Components: An Overview 220
12.3 Failure Distribution Functions for Reliability Evaluation 227
12.4 Use of Exponential Model to Evaluate Reliability and MTBF 232
12.5 Probabilistic Methods For Reliability Evaluation 233
12.6 Additional Solved Examples 242
12.7 Conclusion 244 13 Reliability Enhancement of Electrical Distribution Systems Considering Active Distributed Generations 247 Kalpesh B. Kela, Bhavik N. Suthar, Smriti Singh, Rajesh Arya, and Liladhar Arya
13.1 Introduction 247
13.2 Electrical Distribution Reliability Indices: Customer and Energy Based 249
13.3 Defining the Problem 250
13.4 The Flower Pollination Algorithm Overview 253
13.5 Solution Approach 254
13.6 Discussions and Outcomes 258
13.7 Conclusion 261 14 Reliability Enhancement Strategy for Electrical Distribution Systems Considering Reward and Penalty 267 Kalpesh B. Kela, Bhavik N. Suthar, Liladhar Arya, and Rajesh Arya
14.1 Introduction 267
14.2 Reward and Penalty System (RPS) 269
14.3 Problem Identification 271
14.4 Rao Algorithms: An Overview 273
14.5 Steps to Solve the Problem 274
14.6 A Discussion of the Findings 274
14.7 Conclusion 281 15 Reliability Analysis of Composite Distribution System Using Frequency Duration Concept 285 Atul Koshti, Eram Taslima, Pradeep Purey, Liladhar Arya, and Sharat C. Choube
15.1 Introduction 285
15.2 Components Modeling in Composite Distribution System (CDS) 286
15.3 Frequency-Duration Concept for Reliability Indices Evaluation 286
15.4 MCS-Based Reliability Indices Evaluation of CDS 288
15.5 Result and Discussion 289
15.6 Illustrative Examples 290
15.7 Conclusions 298 Section 5 Reliability Analysis of Distribution Systems Integrated With Renewable Energy Systems 301 16 Reliability Assessment of Distribution Systems Integrated with Renewable Energy Systems 303 Sachin Kumar, Sandeep Kumar, Aanchal Singh S. Vardhan, R. K. Saket, and P. Sanjeevikumar
16.1 Introduction 303
16.2 Reliability Functions 305
16.3 Renewable Energy Sources 307
16.4 Optimization and Control 313
16.5 Case Study 315
16.6 Challenges and Future Directions 320
16.7 Conclusion 323 17 Reliability Evaluation and Performance of Hybrid Photovoltaic Energy Systems for Rural Electrification Using Markov Process 325 Santosh S. Raghuwanshi, Smriti Singh, Akanksha Singh S. Vardhan, Rajesh Arya, and R. K. Saket
17.1 Introduction 325
17.2 Reliability Indices 326
17.3 Markov Process 327
17.4 Reliability of the System 329
17.5 Conclusion 338 18 Probabilistic Distribution and Monte Carlo Approach for Reliability Evaluation of SEIG-Based Micro Hydro Power Generation System 341 Lokesh Varshney, Kanhaiya Kumar, Gautam Singh Dohare, Udaya M. Bhaskara Rao, and Jitendra Singh Shakya
18.1 Introduction 341
18.2 Residual Magnetism in SEIG: Restoration and Loss 342
18.3 Problems with SEIG Excitation Failure in RE Systems 343
18.4 SEIG Tests with Lowest Capacitive Excitation 343
18.5 Rotor Core Magnetization of SEIG Reliability Assessment Using Least Capacitor Score 344
18.6 Discussion and Outcomes 349
18.7 Conclusion 350 19 Reliability and Mean Life Assessment of Solar Panel by Cooling 353 Rahul Agraw
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