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Viser: Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence - Analysis, Improvement, and Design

Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence, 1. udgave
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Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence Vital Source e-bog

Herman Tang
John Wiley & Sons
1.312,00 kr.
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Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence - Analysis, Improvement, and Design

Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence

Analysis, Improvement, and Design
Herman Tang
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
1.433,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781394190348
Improve key metrics of manufacturing performance with this accessible guide Manufacturing throughput refers to the quantity of products that can be produced within a period and with available resources. Enhancing manufacturing throughput is crucial for a business’s success. However, managing and improving throughput can be challenging due to the complexity of manufacturing systems and their operations, which involve numerous variables. To effectively manage and improve system throughput, it is essential to adopt a scientifically guided methodology and practices. Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence is a unique book that provides a concise and practical overview of manufacturing throughput management. It includes best practices for achieving improved throughput on the production floor and explores the connections between production management and system design. The book emphasizes practical, executable approaches, drawing on the author’s 25+ years of industry and academic experience. It serves as an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost manufacturing efficiency and drive improved outcomes. Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence readers will discover: The latest and effective approaches for achieving manufacturing operational excellence Key pillars of manufacturing excellence: production management, maintenance management, quality management, and system design Specific principles and methods on bottleneck identification and buffer analysis Insightful connections between academic research and industrial practice Summaries and end-of-chapter exercises to reinforce learning Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence is a unique and comprehensive guide for manufacturing practitioners and researchers, as well as mechanical and industrial engineering students in advanced manufacturing courses.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 336 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (Juli 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781394190324

Improve key metrics of manufacturing performance with this accessible guide

Manufacturing throughput refers to the quantity of products that can be produced within a period and with available resources. Enhancing manufacturing throughput is crucial for a business's success. However, managing and improving throughput can be challenging due to the complexity of manufacturing systems and their operations, which involve numerous variables. To effectively manage and improve system throughput, it is essential to adopt a scientifically guided methodology and practices.

Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence is a unique book that provides a concise and practical overview of manufacturing throughput management. It includes best practices for achieving improved throughput on the production floor and explores the connections between production management and system design. The book emphasizes practical, executable approaches, drawing on the author's 25+ years of industry and academic experience. It serves as an indispensable tool for businesses looking to boost manufacturing efficiency and drive improved outcomes.

Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence readers will discover:

  • The latest and effective approaches for achieving manufacturing operational excellence
  • Key pillars of manufacturing excellence: production management, maintenance management, quality management, and system design
  • Specific principles and methods on bottleneck identification and buffer analysis
  • Insightful connections between academic research and industrial practice
  • Summaries and end-of-chapter exercises to reinforce learning

Manufacturing System Throughput Excellence is a unique and comprehensive guide for manufacturing practitioners, researchers, as well as mechanical and industrial engineering students in advanced manufacturing courses.

List of Figures xiv List of Tables xx About the Author xxii Preface xxiii Acknowledgments xxvii About the Companion Website xxviii 1 Throughput Concepts 1
1.1 Introduction to Throughput 1
1.2 Discussion of Manufacturing Throughput 7
1.3 Characteristics of Manufacturing Systems 14
1.4 Operational States of Production 21 2 System Performance Metrics 33
2.1 Performance Measurement 33
2.2 Manufacturing System OEE 43
2.3 Considerations on OEE 49
2.4 Further Discussion of KPIs 56 3 Bottleneck Identification and Buffer Analysis 71
3.1 Understanding of Bottleneck 71
3.2 Bottleneck Identification 76
3.3 Understanding of System Buffer 84
3.4 Buffer Analysis for Bottleneck Identification 89 4 Quality Management and Throughput 103
4.1 Quality Management 103
4.2 Cost Analysis of Quality 110
4.3 Quality in Production Throughput 117
4.4 Discussion of Improving Quality 124 5 Maintenance Management and Throughput 137
5.1 Maintenance Principles 137
5.2 Equipment Maintenance Strategies 147
5.3 Maintenance Performance Management 155
5.4 Consideration and Analysis in Maintenance 162 6 Throughput Enhancement Methodology 175
6.1 Approaches for Solving and Improving 175
6.2 Core Process for Throughput Enhancement 183
6.3 Particular Throughput Analysis 189
6.4 Project Proposal Management 195 7 Analysis and Design for Operational Availability 209
7.1 Introduction to System Design 209
7.2 Throughput Considerations in Design 216
7.3 Reliability-Based System Design 224
7.4 Additional Considerations in System Reliability 233 8 System Design for Throughput Assurance 245
8.1 Buffer Planning for Throughput 245
8.2 Analysis in Buffer Design 250
8.3 Throughput Capability Design 256
8.4 Additional Considerations 264 Appendix A Manufacturing KPIs 281 Appendix B Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Notations 291 Appendix C Answers to Exercises 297 Epilogue 299 Index 301
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