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Viser: Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health - Separating the Good (HDL), the Bad (LDL), and the Remnant

Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health - Separating the Good (HDL), the Bad (LDL), and the Remnant

Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health

Separating the Good (HDL), the Bad (LDL), and the Remnant
Anatol Kontush
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
1.416,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 384 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Oktober 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781394158379

Discover the biology, biochemistry, and medical aspects of lipoproteins in this comprehensive overview of its historic and contemporary development

The fatty substance known as cholesterol is found in every cell of the human body and carries out several important functions. It is transported through the bloodstream as a part of particles called lipoproteins, which are divided into classes including low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Distinguishing between these two classes, along with the 'remnant cholesterol' particles that have recently been associated with heightened risk of heart disease and stroke, is a crucial part of managing health and developing novel pharmaceuticals.

Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health offers a thorough and rigorous overview of these particles, their properties, and their methods of categorization. Surveying both the characteristics of lipoproteins and their interactions with diet, lifestyle, therapeutics, and general health, it's an indispensable guide to these particles that can literally mean the difference between life and death. Cutting-edge and grounded in the latest research, it's a one-stop shop for understanding blood plasma lipoproteins in all their major forms.

Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health readers will also find:

  • Detailed discussion of topics including basic lipoprotein biochemistry, targeted therapeutics and drug development, and many more
  • Easily readable overview of the current state of research into lipoproteins and their likely future applications
  • Rich illustrative material enhanced by a graphical abstract at the beginning of each section offering a summary of crucial content

Cholesterol, Lipoproteins, and Cardiovascular Health is suited for professionals, clinicians, and readers looking for a comprehensive overview of all aspects of plasma lipoproteins and their role in heart disease and stroke.

Brief History of Lipoproteins xi Preface xiii Acknowledgments xvii Abbreviations xix Prologue xxi Setting: Realms of Molecules, Cells and Diseases 1 1 Covert World of Molecules 3 2 Enigmatic World of Cells and Organs 15 3 Shadowy World of Diseases 21 Characters: Lipoproteins of Human Blood 55 Main Character One: LDL, Carrier of "Bad" Cholesterol 69 4 LDL - Why It Is Important 71 5 LDL-What It Is 93 6 LDL - Where It Comes From 105 7 LDL-What It Does 109 8 LDL - How It Stops Working 115 9 LDL - What to Do to Correct It 131 Main Character Two: HDL, Carrier of "Good" Cholesterol 155 10 HDL - Why It Is Important 157 11 HDL - What It Is 171 12 HDL - Where It Comes From 195 13 HDL - What It Does 209 14 HDL - How It Stops Working 221 15 HDL - What To Do To Correct It 233 Main Character Three: Triglyceride-Rich Lipoproteins, Carriers of Remnant Cholesterol 259 16 Remnant Cholesterol - Why It Is Important 261 17 Remnant Cholesterol - What It Is 269 18 Remnant Cholesterol - Where It Comes From 283 19 Remnant Cholesterol - What It Does 289 20 Remnant Cholesterol - How It Stops Working 295 21 Remnant Cholesterol - What to Do to Correct It 305 Test Your Knowledge 318 Answers 320 Further Reading 321 Epilogue 325 Glossary 327 Index 333
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