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Viser: Arabs and Israelis - Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East

Arabs and Israelis - Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East, 2. udgave

Arabs and Israelis

Conflict and Peacemaking in the Middle East
Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman og Khalil Shikaki
Sprog: Engelsk
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
629,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 504 sider
  • Udgiver: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc (September 2022)
  • Forfattere: Abdel Monem Said Aly, Shai Feldman og Khalil Shikaki
  • ISBN: 9781350321380

Lasting over 120 years, the Arab-Israeli conflict involves divergent narratives about history, national identities, land ownership, injustices and victimhood. Domestic forces and actors as well as international and regional dynamics have ensured the conflict's durability.

A distinguished team of authors comprising an Israeli, a Palestinian and an Egyptian present a broader Arab perspective in this innovative textbook that offers a balanced and nuanced introduction to a highly contentious subject. Providing an overview of key developments in the history of the conflict, it explores attempts at resolution, before going on to portray the perspectives of the important parties. It places the events of the conflict within a regional and international context, providing an invaluable insight into the opposing narratives behind the conflict.

The much-anticipated second edition of Arabs and Israelis includes:
- Up-to-date coverage of key developments since the Arab Awakening, including the shifting pattern in relations from Obama to Trump, the Abraham Accords, the fall of Netanyahu and the resurgence of the war in early 2021.
- Brand new 'Key Developments', 'Key Documents' and 'Key Figures' feature boxes to help students zoom in on landmark events, policies and actors throughout history.
- Detailed full colour maps, timelines and photos to visually complement the text.
- A rich companion website including interactive timelines and maps, discussion questions, chapter summaries and more.

A comprehensive and engaging account of the Arab-Israeli conflict, it is the ideal companion for students at undergraduate and postgraduate level taking History, Politics and Middle Eastern Studies degrees.

Preface About the Authors List of Illustrations Select Chronology: Key Moments in the Arab-Israeli Conflict,1516-2012 Introduction 1 The Formative Years 2 The Partitioning of Palestine: "Nakba" and Independence 3 Under the Cold War: The 1956 Sinai-Suez War 4 The 1967 War: The Victory and the "Naksa" 5 From Limited War to Limited Accommodation 6 Camp David and the Lebanon War 7 From the First Intifada to Madrid and Oslo 8 Failures of Implementation of the Madrid Conference 9 Oslo's State-building and Peacemaking 10 The Failure of Permanent Status Negotiations 11 The Second Intifada 12 From the Second Lebanon War to the Arab Awakening 13 Conclusion - A Conflict that Never Ends? Appendix: Separation Barrier Map Index
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