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Viser: Empirical Proof of the Existence of God - an All-Encompassing Grammatical-Philosophical Research - - Theoria Relativitatis Philosophiae

Empirical Proof of the Existence of God - an All-Encompassing Grammatical-Philosophical Research - - Theoria Relativitatis Philosophiae

Empirical Proof of the Existence of God - an All-Encompassing Grammatical-Philosophical Research -

Theoria Relativitatis Philosophiae
Illinois Rockford og Jeremies Vasil
Sprog: Engelsk
Lulu Press, Inc.
99.999,00 kr.
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  • Hardback: 400 sider
  • Udgiver: Lulu Press, Inc. (November 2024)
  • Forfattere: Illinois Rockford og Jeremies Vasil
  • ISBN: 9781326854270
With this publication the author is breaking new ground, as he not only relies on specialist literature, but also quotes a large number of generally understandable Wikipedia articles.First, the author explains what a definition is, what criteria it must fulfill and how it can be checked for its truthfulness.Definitions and findings are then obtained from this calculation (definition theory), which, among other things, prove the existence of God.These definitions are then proven by means of reductio ad absurdum.In this way, Jeremies Vasil succeeds in conveying to the interested layman how he can independently derive infallible, well-founded definitions without the usual terminology, which is usually difficult to understand. This enables the individual to acquire complex scientific topics independently and to check their plausibility without a mentor.In addition, Jeremies Vasil specifies the predicate and propositional logic towards a universally valid, grammatical logic, with which universally valid truth values, both linear and non-linear, can be determined.Subsequent refutation of the relativistic view of the world.As the question of definition is a linguistic one, both a solid basic knowledge of Latin and very good A-level results will help.The reader then learns about fundamental logical errors in the assessment of the actions of the population as a whole in substantiated quotes and statements, derived from infallible and substantiated definitions in the first part, which can sometimes seem quite cynical and overwhelming for the faint-hearted.This is followed by the arithmetic calculation of the immune system, which enables the reader to assess whether or not a severe course of Sars Cov 2 is to be expected in relation to their lifestyle and/or previous illnesses. Measures to ward off such a case are also pointed out. Basic university medical knowledge makes it significantly easier to understand this calculation.This is followed by another recourse to definitions and some topics of legal philosophy are dealt with, with extremely bold and original demands on society and politics.Finally, the deterministic, topological proof of God is dealt with and its mathematical and definitional foundations, which culminate in the proof of God's existence.In principle, this work requires considerable expertise, but a good university knowledge of Latin, philosophy and mathematics will greatly eliminate any lack of understanding.
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