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Viser: Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics

Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics, 4. udgave
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Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics Vital Source e-bog

Rayf Shiell og Iain McNab
Cambridge University Press
773,00 kr. 695,70 kr.
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Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics, 4. udgave

Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics

Rayf Shiell, Iain McNab og Matthew Romerein
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
650,00 kr. 585,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Oct 2024.

Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2024)
  • Forfattere: Rayf Shiell og Iain McNab
  • ISBN: 9781009008433
The fourth edition of Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics is a comprehensive revision of a classic guide to the fascinating properties of light, now with new authors. Ideally suited for undergraduate optics courses in physics and electrical/electronic engineering departments, this edition adopts a distinctive phenomenological approach, bringing the underlying science to life through interactive simulations and beautifully revised figures. The modular structure and succinct style of previous editions has been maintained, while the content has been modernized, new topics have been added, and a greater consistency of terminology attained. For even more effective learning, a recurring theme of student engagement runs throughout the text, supported by a multifaceted pedagogical package that reinforces key concepts, develops a clear understanding of optical technologies and applications, and connects to students' experiences and observations from everyday life.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 4. Udgave
  • Hardback: 926 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (Oktober 2024)
  • Forfattere: Rayf Shiell, Iain McNab og Matthew Romerein
  • ISBN: 9781316518625
The fourth edition of Pedrottis' Introduction to Optics is a comprehensive revision of a classic guide to the fascinating properties of light, now with new authors. Ideally suited for undergraduate optics courses in physics and electrical/electronic engineering departments, this edition adopts a distinctive phenomenological approach, bringing the underlying science to life through interactive simulations and beautifully revised figures. The modular structure and succinct style of previous editions has been maintained, while the content has been modernized, new topics have been added, and a greater consistency of terminology attained. For even more effective learning, a recurring theme of student engagement runs throughout the text, supported by a multifaceted pedagogical package that reinforces key concepts, develops a clear understanding of optical technologies and applications, and connects to students' experiences and observations from everyday life.
Theme I. Introducing Light;
1. The Optical Landscape;
2. Ray Optics;
3. Understanding Optical Instruments;
4. Waves;
5. Light Sources, Displays, and Detectors; Theme II. A Scalar Field Approach to Light;
6. Superposition of Waves;
7. Interference of Light;
8. Interferometry and Multilayer Films;
9. Coherence;
10. Fraunhofer Diffraction;
11. Prisms, Diffraction Gratings, and Spectrometers; Theme III. A Vector Field Approach to Light;
12. Reflection and Transmission at Surfaces;
13. Optical Fibers and Communications Technology;
14. Mathematical Treatment of Polarization;
15. Polarization in Practice; Theme IV. Lasers and Laser Beams;
16. Light-Matter Interactions;
17. Lasers and Laser Operation;
18. Laser Beams and Laser Cavities; Theme V. Advanced Topics;
19. Aberrations;
20. Fourier Optics: Imaging and Spectroscopy;
21. Fresnel Diffraction;
22. Holography;
23. Optical Properties of Materials;
24. Nonlinear Optics and the Modulation of Light;
25. Laser Technology and Applications;
26. Optics of The Eye; Appendices; A. Physical constants; B. Mathematical formulas; C. Bibliography; D. Answers to selected questions; E. Integrated testlet lookup table.
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