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Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies, 1. udgave
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Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies Vital Source e-bog

Robert Dover
Taylor & Francis
777,00 kr.
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Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies

Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies

Robert Dover, Michael S. Goodman og Claudia Hillebrand
Sprog: Engelsk
681,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 384 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (September 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781134480364
The Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies provides a broad overview of the growing field of intelligence studies. The recent growth of interest in intelligence and security studies has led to an increased demand for popular depictions of intelligence and reference works to explain the architecture and underpinnings of intelligence activity. Divided into five comprehensive sections, this Companion provides a strong survey of the cutting-edge research in the field of intelligence studies: Part I: The evolution of intelligence studies; Part II: Abstract approaches to intelligence; Part III: Historical approaches to intelligence; Part IV: Systems of intelligence; Part V: Contemporary challenges. With a broad focus on the origins, practices and nature of intelligence, the book not only addresses classical issues, but also examines topics of recent interest in security studies. The overarching aim is to reveal the rich tapestry of intelligence studies in both a sophisticated and accessible way. This Companion will be essential reading for students of intelligence studies and strategic studies, and highly recommended for students of defence studies, foreign policy, Cold War studies, diplomacy and international relations in general.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 366 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge (Juli 2015)
  • Forfattere: Robert Dover, Michael S. Goodman og Claudia Hillebrand
  • ISBN: 9781138951969

The Routledge Companion to Intelligence Studies provides a broad overview of the growing field of intelligence studies.

The recent growth of interest in intelligence and security studies has led to an increased demand for popular depictions of intelligence and reference works to explain the architecture and underpinnings of intelligence activity. Divided into five comprehensive sections, this Companion provides a strong survey of the cutting-edge research in the field of intelligence studies:

  • Part I: The evolution of intelligence studies;
  • Part II: Abstract approaches to intelligence;
  • Part III: Historical approaches to intelligence;
  • Part IV: Systems of intelligence;
  • Part V: Contemporary challenges.

With a broad focus on the origins, practices and nature of intelligence, the book not only addresses classical issues, but also examines topics of recent interest in security studies. The overarching aim is to reveal the rich tapestry of intelligence studies in both a sophisticated and accessible way.

This Companion will be essential reading for students of intelligence studies and strategic studies, and highly recommended for students of defence studies, foreign policy, Cold War studies, diplomacy and international relations in general.

Part I: The Evolution of Intelligence Studies
1. The Development of the Field of Intelligence Studies, Loch Johnson

Part II: Abstract Approaches to Intelligence
2. Theories of Intelligence, Michael Warner
3. Cultures of Intelligence, Mark Phythian
4. Philosophy, theory and Intelligence, Jennifer Sims
5. Strategists and Intelligence, Gerald Hughes
6. The Cycle of Intelligence, David Omand
7. The Evolving Craft of Intelligence, Robert David Steele

Part III: Historical Approaches to Intelligence
8. Signals Intelligence, Julian Richards
9. Human Intelligence, Len Scott
10. Economic Intelligence, Peter Davies
11. Technical Intelligence, Matthew Aid
12. Open Source Intelligence, Stevyn Gibson

Part IV: Systems of Intelligence
13. United Kingdom, Michael S. Goodman
14. United States, Stephen Marrin
15. Canada, Andrew Brunatti
16. Australia, Frank Cain
17. France, Pierre Lethier
18. India, Rudra Chaudhuri
19. China, Nick Eftimiades
20. Japan, Ken Kotani
21. Israel, Uri Bar-Joseph
22. Germany, Anna Daun
23. Russia, Reginald Brope
24. Spain, Ruben Arcos

Part V: Contemporary Challenges
25. Terrorism and Asymmetric Opponents, Neal Pollard and John Sullivan
26. Cybersecurity, Dave Clemente
27. Globalisation and Borders, Richard Aldrich and Zakia Shiraz
28. Weapons of Mass Destruction, James Wirtz
29. Energy, Food and Resources Security, Petra Dolata
30. Intelligence Liaison, James Walsh
31. Communications, Privacy and Identity, Robert Dover
32. Intelligence Oversight and Accountability, Claudia Hillebrand
33. Organised Crime, Peter Gill
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