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Viser: The EU and Military Operations - A Comparative Analysis

The EU and Military Operations, 1. udgave
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The EU and Military Operations Vital Source e-bog

Katarina Engberg
Taylor & Francis
622,00 kr.
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The EU and Military Operations - A Comparative Analysis

The EU and Military Operations

A Comparative Analysis
Katarina Engberg
Sprog: Engelsk
542,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 232 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Oktober 2013)
  • ISBN: 9781134120338
This book is a comparative study which aims to answer the question: under what circumstances does the EU undertake military operations? Since 2003, the EU has carried out six military operations. What accounts for this historic development? The EU and Military Operations examines the dynamics behind the EU´s collective use of force and situates the EU in the context of a global division of labour with regard to military crisis management. It centres on the study of two main cases of EU military operations: the non-case when an operation was planned in the Lebanon war 2006 but did not occur, and the positive case of EUFOR RD Congo that same year. Drawing upon these findings, the author creates an innovative analytical framework based upon the techniques of defence planning, and applies this to the cases studies with the purpose of identifying the main driving and inhibiting factors behind the operations. Key findings derived from this analysis include the growing importance of local actors in facilitating or impeding the EU´s deployment of military force and the enhanced role of regional organisations as security providers. The book will be of much interest to students of European security, EU politics, strategic studies, humanitarian intervention, security studies and IR in general.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 210 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge (Juni 2015)
  • ISBN: 9781138922679

This book is a comparative study which aims to answer the question: under what circumstances does the EU undertake military operations?

Since 2003, the EU has carried out six military operations. What accounts for this historic development? The EU and Military Operations examines the dynamics behind the EU´s collective use of force and situates the EU in the context of a global division of labour with regard to military crisis management. It centres on the study of two main cases of EU military operations: the non-case when an operation was planned in the Lebanon war 2006 but did not occur, and the positive case of EUFOR RD Congo that same year.

Drawing upon these findings, the author creates an innovative analytical framework based upon the techniques of defence planning, and applies this to the cases studies with the purpose of identifying the main driving and inhibiting factors behind the operations. Key findings derived from this analysis include the growing importance of local actors in facilitating or impeding the EU´s deployment of military force and the enhanced role of regional organisations as security providers.

The book will be of much interest to students of European security, EU politics, strategic studies, humanitarian intervention, security studies and IR in general.

1. Introduction: Purpose and Overview
2. The Study of Military Operations
3. The First Operations
4. The non-case of the Lebanon war 2006
5. Operation EUFOR RD Congo 2006
6. Comparing the two main cases: the Lebanon war and Operation EUFOR RD Congo
7. Sahel and Congo DRC, again
8. The Horn of Africa, Northern Africa, Sahel, the Levant (?)
9. Comparative Analysis and Conclusions
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