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Viser: Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery

Natural Products and their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery, 1. udgave
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Natural Products and their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery Vital Source e-bog

Kanti Bhooshan Pandey
John Wiley & Sons
1.884,00 kr.
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Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery

Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery

Kanti Bhooshan Pandey, Maitree Suttajit og Pinar Atukeren
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
2.096,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juli 2023)
  • ISBN: 9781119983330
Natural Products and their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery

Enables researchers to effectively understand and use bioactive compounds to target, prevent, and manage diabetes

Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery provides readers with an overview of recent research in new drug discovery against diabetic complications based on bioactives from NPs, bridging the gap between the public research institutes and private companies working to find drugs to treat diabetes. To aid in reader comprehension, the text includes case studies and illustrated examples in relevant chapters.

Part one presents chapters on fundamental concepts of diabetes mellitus (DM) and recent drug discovery progress along with the various druggable targets and challenges. Part two covers bioactive compounds targeting Type-1 Diabetes. Part three focuses on Type-2 Diabetes. In Part four, the contributors address gestational DM prevention and management with natural compounds.

Written by a global team of experts in the field, Natural Products and their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery covers sample topics such as:

  • Obesity risk factor in patients with T1DM and possible role of nutritional therapy in its management
  • Use of natural non-insulin drugs as a novel approach to enhance therapeutic outcomes against T1DM
  • Effectiveness of functional foods in intervening the diabetic complications and realistic results in clinical trials
  • Implementation of nanotechnology in improving the bioavailability and reducing the threshold dose of bioactive compounds
  • Various antidiabetic mechanisms of action of different polyphenols and immunomodulatory role of NPs bioactives relevance in T1DM therapy
  • Effects of natural products on genetics of gestational diabetes

With comprehensive coverage of recent research in new drug discovery against diabetic complications based on bioactives from NPs, Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery is an essential resource for researchers and professionals involved in drug discovery and development, health care, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, plant science, and toxicology.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (August 2023)
  • Forfattere: Kanti Bhooshan Pandey, Maitree Suttajit og Pinar Atukeren
  • ISBN: 9781119983316

Enables researchers to effectively understand and use bioactive compounds to target, prevent, and manage diabetes

Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery provides readers with an overview of recent research in new drug discovery against diabetic complications based on bioactives from NPs, bridging the gap between the public research institutes and private companies working to find drugs to treat diabetes. To aid in reader comprehension, the text includes case studies and illustrated examples in relevant chapters.

Part one presents chapters on fundamental concepts of diabetes milletus (DM) and recent drug discovery progress along with the various druggable targets and challenges. Part two covers bioactive compounds targeting Type-1 Diabetes. Part three focuses on Type-2 Diabetes. In Part four, the contributors address gestational DM prevention and management with natural compounds.

Written by a global team of experts in the field, Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery covers sample topics such as:

  • Obesity risk factor in patients with T1DM and possible role of nutritional therapy in its management
  • Use of natural non-insulin drugs as a novel approach to enhance therapeutic outcomes against T1DM
  • Effectiveness of functional foods in intervening the diabetic complications and realistic results in clinical trials
  • Implementation of nanotechnology in improving the bioavailability and reducing the threshold dose of bioactive compounds
  • Various antidiabetic mechanisms of action of different polyphenols and immunomodulatory role of NPs bioactives relevance in T1DM therapy
  • Effects of natural products on genetics of gestational diabetes

With comprehensive coverage of recent research in new drug discovery against diabetic complications based on bioactives from NPs, Natural Products and Their Bioactives in Antidiabetic Drug Discovery is an essential resource for researchers and professionals involved in drug discovery and development, health care, medicinal chemistry, phytochemistry, plant science, and toxicology.

List of Contributors viii Preface xii
Part I Fundamental Concepts of Diabetes Mellitus and Drug Discovery Process 1 1 Diabetes Mellitus and Natural Product-based Drug Discovery: Novel Directions 3 David J. Newman 2 Marine Natural Products in the Management of Diabetes Mellitus 18 Murali Krishna Paidi, Kanchan Siddaprasad Udata, and Subir Kumar Mandal 3 Carbohydrate-based Antidiabetic Agents from Natural Products 38 Sandeep Singh 4 Functional Foods in Clinical Trials in the Intervention of Diabetes Complications 49 Bavani Arumugam and Umah Rani Kuppusamy 5 Role of Nanotechnology in Refining the Antidiabetic Activities of Plant Derived Bioactives 74 Sonam Mishra, Ravindra Dhar, Maitree Suttajit, and Bishnu Kumar Pandey
Part II Bioactive Compounds Against Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 97 6 Epidemiology and Genetics of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: The Effect of the Mediterranean Diet 99 Bilge Nur Col and Muveddet Emel Alphan 7 The Emerging Role of Plant Polyphenols in the Management of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 113 S. Asha Devi, Suparna Mandal, and S. Raja Sekhar 8 Bioactives as Modulators of β-cells and Immunity in Therapy of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 136 Shashank Kumar Ojha 9 Obesity in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: Clinical Impact and Nutritional Therapy 147 Gülen Ecem Kalkan and Burcu Ates �zcan 10 Protective Effects of Natural Non-insulin Drugs against Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 164 Waseem Hassan, Faraza Javaid, Andleeb Shahzadi, and Sahar Bakht
Part III Bioactive Compounds Against Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 177 11 Age-induced Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Role of Plant Polyphenols 179 Brahm Kumar Tiwari and Kanti Bhooshan Pandey 12 Bioactives from Clove Oil for Antibacterial Wound Dressings for the Treatment and Management of Wounds in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 195 Andleeb Shahzadi and Haktan Sonmez 13 Nutritional Features and Bioactivities of Thymoquinone against Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 211 Pinar Atukeren 14 Effect of Resveratrol and Catechins in Maintaining Redox Homeostasis during Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 219 Prachee Dubey and Geeta Watal 15 Cannabis: Action Mechanisms and Potential Roles in the Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 232 Karolin Yanar and Zeynep Mine Coskun Yazici
Part IV Gestational Diabetes: Prevention and Management by Natural Compounds 245 16 Epidemiology of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Preventive Significance of Dietary Pattern 247 Burcu Yesilkaya 17 Biomarkers of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Dietary Polyphenols, and Drug Discovery 260 Mansi Gandhi 18 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants in the Prevention of Gestational Diabetes and Associated Consequences: Current Insights 275 Jigeesha Mishra, Kanti Bhooshan Pandey, and Shailendra Kumar Srivastava 19 Enhancement of Insulin Sensitivity and Management of Lipid Disorders during Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: Role of Capsaicin 294 Banu Orta-Yilmaz, Ahu Korkut, and Yasemin Aydin 20 Effects of Natural Products on the Genetics of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus 308 Onur Baykara Index 321
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