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Viser: The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10. udgave

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits

Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa og Gregory J. Toussaint
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
899,00 kr. 809,10 kr.
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  • 10. Udgave
  • Paperback: 1248 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (April 2023)
  • Forfattere: Roland E. Thomas, Albert J. Rosa og Gregory J. Toussaint
  • ISBN: 9781119913023

Textbook covering the fundamentals of circuit analysis and design, now with additional examples, exercises, and problems

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, taps into engineering students' desire to explore, create, and put their learning into practice by presenting linear circuit theory, with an emphasis on circuit analysis and how to evaluate competing designs. The text integrates active and passive linear circuits, allowing students to understand and design a wide range of circuits, solve analytical problems, and devise solutions to problems.

The authors use both phasors and Laplace techniques for AC circuits, enabling better understanding of frequency response, filters, AC power, and transformers. The authors have increased the integration of MATLAB and Multisim in the text and revised content to be up-to-date with technology when appropriate. The text uses a structured pedagogy where objectives are stated in each chapter opener and examples and exercises are developed so that the students achieve mastery of each objective. The available problems revisit each objective and a suite of problems of increasing complexity task the students to check their understanding.

Topics covered in The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, include:

  • Basic circuit analysis, including element, connection, combined, and equivalent circuits, voltage and current division, and circuit reduction
  • Circuit analysis techniques, including node-voltage and mesh-current analysis, linearity properties, maximum signal transfer, and interface circuit design
  • Signal waveforms, including the step, exponential, and sinusoidal waveforms, composite waveforms, and waveform partial descriptors
  • Laplace transforms, including signal waveforms and transforms, basic properties and pairs, and pole-zero diagrams
  • Network functions, including network functions of one-and two port circuits, impulse response, step response, and sinusoidal response
  • An appendix that lists typical RLC component values and tolerances along with a number of reference tables and OP AMP building blocks that are foundational for analysis and design.

With an overarching goal of instilling smart judgment surrounding design problems and innovative solutions, The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits, 10th Edition, provides inspiration and motivation alongside an essential knowledge base. The text is designed for two semesters and is complemented with robust supplementary material to enhance various pedagogical approaches, including an Instructors Manual which features an update on how to use the book to complement the 2022-23 ABET accreditation criteria, 73 lesson outlines using the new edition, additional Instructor Problems, and a Solutions Manual.

Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1 - 1 About This Book 2 1 - 2 Symbols and Units 4 1 - 3 Circuit Variables 5 1 - 4 Computational and Simulation Software Introduction 11 Summary 12 Problems P- 1 Integrating Problems P- 2
Chapter 2 Basic circuit Analysis 15 2 - 1 Element Constraints 16 2 - 2 Connection Constraints 21 2 - 3 Combined Constraints 28 2 - 4 Equivalent Circuits 35 2 - 5 Voltage and Current Division 43 2 - 6 Circuit Reduction 52 2 - 7 Computer-Aided Circuit Analysis 56 Summary 62 Problems P- 5 Integrating Problems P- 13
Chapter 3 circuit Analysis Techniques 63 3 - 1 Node-Voltage Analysis 64 3 - 2 Mesh-Current Analysis 80 3 - 3 Linearity Properties 88 3 - 4 Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits 98 3 - 5 Maximum Signal Transfer 109 3 - 6 Interface Circuit Design 112 Summary 124 Problems P- 17 Integrating Problems P- 27
Chapter 4 Active circuits 125 4 - 1 Linear Dependent Sources 126 4 - 2 Analysis of Circuits with Dependent Sources 127 4 - 3 The Operational Amplifier 149 4 - 4 OP AMP Circuit Analysis 157 4 - 5 OP AMP Circuit Design 174 4 - 6 OP AMP Circuit Applications 181 Summary 206 Problems P- 31 Integrating Problems P- 42
Chapter 5 Signal Waveforms 207 5 - 1 Introduction 208 5 - 2 The Step Waveform 209 5 - 3 The Exponential Waveform 214 5 - 4 The Sinusoidal Waveform 220 5 - 5 Composite Waveforms 227 5 - 6 Waveform Partial Descriptors 234 Summary 240 Problems P- 45 Integrating Problems P- 50
Chapter 6 capacitance and Inductance 241 6 - 1 The Capacitor 242 6 - 2 The Inductor 249 6 - 3 Dynamic OP AMP Circuits 256 6 - 4 Equivalent Capacitance and Inductance 265 Summary 269 Problems P- 53 Integrating Problems P- 58
Chapter 7 First- and Second-order circuits 271 7 - 1 RC and RL Circuits 272 7 - 2 First-Order Circuit Step Response 284 7 - 3 Initial and Final Conditions 293 7 - 4 First-Order Circuit Response to Exponential and Sinusoidal Inputs 300 7 - 5 The Series RLC Circuit 309 7 - 6 The Parallel RLC Circuit 320 7 - 7 Second-Order Circuit Step Response 325 Summary 336 Problems P- 61 Integrating Problems P- 69
Chapter 8 Sinusoidal Steady-state Response 337 8 - 1 Sinusoids and Phasors 338 8 - 2 Phasor Circuit Analysis 344 8 - 3 Basic Phasor Circuit Analysis and Design 350 8 - 4 Circuit Theorems with Phasors 366 8 - 5 General Circuit Analysis with Phasors 379 8 - 6 Energy and Power 394 Summary 399 Problems P- 73 Integrating Problems P- 82
Chapter 9 Laplace Transforms 401 9 - 1 Signal Waveforms and Transforms 402 9 - 2 Basic Properties and Pairs 406 9 - 3 Pole-Zero Diagrams 414 9 - 4 Inverse Laplace Transforms 417 9 - 5 Circuit Response Using Laplace Transforms 428 9 - 6 Initial and Final Value Properties 436 Summary 439 Problems P- 85 Integrating Problems P- 89
Chapter 10 s-Domain Circuit Analysis 441 10- 1 Transformed Circuits 442 10- 2 Basic Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 451 10- 3 Circuit Theorems in the s Domain 457 10- 4 Node-Voltage Analysis in the s Domain 467 10- 5 Mesh-Current Analysis in the s Domain 476 10- 6 Summary of s -Domain Circuit Analysis 482 Summary 486 Problems P- 93 Integrating Problems P- 101
Chapter 11 Network Functions 487 11- 1 Definition of a Network Function 488 11- 2 Network Functions of One- and Two-Port Circuits 491 11- 3 Network Functions and Impulse Response 503 11- 4 Network Functions and Step Response 506 11- 5 Network Functions and Sinusoidal Steady-State Response 510 11- 6 Impulse Response and Convolution 519 11- 7 Network Function Design and Evaluation 525 Summary 540 Problems P- 105 Integrating Problems P- 112
Chapter 12 Frequency Response 543 12- 1 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Frequency-Response Descriptors 544 12- 2 Bode Diagram Descriptors 547 12- 3 First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Responses 549 12- 4 Bandpass and Bandstop Responses 566 12- 5 The Frequency Response of RLC Circuits 574 12- 6 Bode Diagrams 584 12- 7 Frequency Response and Step Response 596 Summary 602 Problems P- 115 Integrating Problems P- 122
Chapter 13 Fourier Series 603 13- 1 Overview of Fourier Series 604 13- 2 Fourier Coefficients 605 13- 3 Waveform Symmetries 615 13- 4 Circuit Analysis Using the Fourier Series 617 13- 5 RMS Value and Average Power 626 Summary 633 Problems P- 127 Integrating Problems P- 131
Chapter 14 Active Filter Design 635 14- 1 Active Filters 636 14- 2 Second-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 637 14- 3 Second-Order Bandpass and Bandstop Filters 646 14- 4 Low-Pass Filter Design 656 14- 5 Low-Pass Filter Evaluation 677 14- 6 High-Pass Filter Design and Evaluation 682 14- 7 Bandpass and Bandstop Filter Design 694 Summary 700 Problems P- 133 Integrating Problems P- 137
Chapter 15 Mutual Inductance and Transformers 701 15- 1 Coupled Inductors 702 15- 2 The Dot Convention 704 15- 3 Energy Analysis 709 15- 4 The Ideal Transformer 711 15- 5 Linear Transformers 719 Summary 726 Problems P- 141 Integrating Problems P- 143
Chapter 16 Ac Power Systems 729 16- 1 Average and Reactive Power 730 16- 2 Complex Power 732 16- 3 Single-Phase Circuit Analysis 735 16- 4 Single-Phase Power Flow 740 16- 5 Balanced Three-Phase Circuits 745 16- 6 Three-Phase Circuit Analysis 750 16- 7 Three-Phase Power Flow 763 Summary 766 Problems P- 145 Integrating Problems P- 150
Chapter 17 Two-port Networks 767 17- 1 Introduction 768 17- 2 Impedance Parameters 769 17- 3 Admittance Parameters 772 17- 4 Hybrid Parameters 774 17- 5 Transmission Parameters 777 17- 6 Two-Port Conversions and Connections 780 Summary 785 Problems P- 151 Integrating Problems P- 153
Chapter 18 Fourier Transforms 787 18- 1 Introduction to Fourier Transforms 788 18- 2 Circuit Analysis Using Fourier Transforms 803 18- 3 Impulse Response and Convolution 806 18- 4 Parseval'' sTheorem 809 Summary 814 Problems P- 155 Integrating Problems P- 157 Appendix A Solution of Linear Equations A- 1 Appendix B Butterworth and Chebyshev Poles B- 1 Appendix C Behaviorally Motivated Learning C- 1 Appendix D Computational Tools D- 1 Appendix E Solutions To Exercises (Available online) E- 1 Appendix F Complex Numbers F- 1 Appendix G Standard Values and References G- 1 Appendix H Answers to Selected Problems H- 1 Index I- 1
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