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Biology Workbook For Dummies, 2. udgave
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Biology Workbook For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Rene Fester Kratz
John Wiley & Sons
191,00 kr.
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Biology Workbook for Dummies

Biology Workbook for Dummies

Rene Fester Kratz
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
243,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juni 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781119894834

Get a feel for biology with hands-on activities

Biology Workbook For Dummies is a practical resource that provides you with activities to help you better understand concepts in biology. Covering all the topics required in high school and college biology classes, this workbook gives you the confidence you need to ace the test and get the grade you need. Physiology, ecology, evolution, genetics, and cell biology are all covered, and you can work your way through each one or pick and choose the topics where you could use a little extra help. This updated edition is full of new workbook problems, updated study questions and exercises, and fresh real-world examples that bring even the tough concepts to life.

  • Get extra practice in biology with activities, questions, and exercises
  • Study evolution, genetics, cell biology, and other topics in required biology classes
  • Pass your tests and improve your score in high school or college biology class
  • Demystify confusing concepts and get clear explanations of every idea

Great as a companion to Biology For Dummies or all on its own, Biology Workbook For Dummies is your practice supplement of choice.

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  • Paperback: 400 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (August 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781119894810

Previous edition: 9781118158401

Biology Workbook For Dummies 2e
provides exercises to help students better understand introductory biology course concepts such as physiology, ecology, evolution, genetics and cell biology. Whether as a companion to Biology For Dummies or on its own, Biology Workbook For Dummies 2e is an excellent practice supplement for students enrolled in introductory biology courses.


  • New workbook problems
  • Updated study questions and exercises
  • Fresh, timely real-world examples that simplify tough concepts
Introduction 1 About This Book 1 Conventions Used in This Book 2 Foolish Assumptions 2 How This Book Is Organized 3
Part 1: Getting the Basics 3
Part 2: Creating the Future 3
Part 3: Making Connections 4
Part 4: Getting to Know the Human Body 4
Part 5: Going Green with Plant Biology 4
Part 6: The
Part of Tens 4 Icons Used in This Book 5 Beyond the Book 5 Where to Go from Here 5
Part 1: Getting the Basics 7
Chapter 1: Figuring Out the Scientific Method 9 Developing Hypotheses 9 Practicing the Scientific Method 11 Designing Experiments 13 Making an Experiment Count 17 Building Theories 19 Answers to Questions on the Scientific Method 21
Chapter 2: Solving Problems in the Chemistry of Life 23 Mapping Atoms 23 Elemental Thinking 25 Figuring Out Molecules 28 Go Big or Go Home 31 Staying sweet with carbohydrates 32 Getting things done with proteins 34 Making plans with nucleic acids 36 Storing energy and building boundaries with lipids 40 Answers to Questions on the Chemistry of Life 44
Chapter 3: Investigating Life at the Cellular Level 47 Introducing Cells 47 Holding it all together: The plasma membrane 49 Getting in and out of cells 51 Creating proteins: Ribosomes 54 Taking a Tour of Animal Cells 54 Checking Out Plant Cells 57 Peeking at Prokaryotes 59 Answers to Questions on Cells 61
Chapter 4: Tracking the Flow of Energy and Matter 63 Figuring Out the Role of Food 63 Make it or break it 64 Feeling energized about energy 66 Getting a reaction 68 Transferring energy with ATP 70 Moving your metabolism with enzymes 71 Reduce, reuse, recycle 73 Cooking Up Carbohydrates 75 Light reactions of photosynthesis: Transforming energy from the ultimate energy source 76 Light-independent reactions of photosynthesis: Putting matter and energy together 78 Extracting Energy from Food 80 Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle: Breaking down glucose to carbon dioxide 82 Oxidative Phosphorylation: Transferring energy to ATP 83 Answers to Questions on Tracking the Flow of Energy and Matter 88
Part 2: Creating the Future 93
Chapter 5: Divide and Conquer: Recognizing the Phases of Cell Division 95 Talking ''bout the Generations 95 Duplicating and Dividing Your DNA 97 Riding the Cell Cycle 102 Marching Through Mitosis 104 Getting Ready for Sexual Reproduction 108 Making Sperm and Egg by Meiosis 110 Contrasting Mitosis and Meiosis 114 Answers to Questions on Cell Division 117
Chapter 6: Predicting Future Generations with Mendelian Genetics 121 Getting Acquainted with the Lingo of Genetics 121 Discovering the Laws of Inheritance 124 Puzzling Over Genetics 127 Climbing the Branches of Your Family Tree 129 Answers to Questions on Genetics 134
Chapter 7: Taking Genetics to the DNA Level 137 Going with the Flow of Genetic Information 137 Making a Copy of the Genetic Code: Transcription 139 Locating genes within a chromosome 141 Doing transcription one step at a time 141 Putting on the finishing touches: RNA processing 143 Decoding the Message in mRNA: Translation 145 Deciphering mRNA codes with tRNA 147 Doing translation one step at a time 148 Measuring the Impact of Mutations 153 Answers to Questions on the Genetic Code 156
Chapter 8: Going Straight to the Source with DNA Technology 159 Discovering the Power of DNA Technology 159 Cutting DNA with Restriction Enzymes 161 Separating Molecules with Gel Electrophoresis 164 Copying DNA with PCR 167 Reading a Gene with DNA Sequencing 168 Changing the Code with Genetic Engineering 171 Fighting Diseases with Genetic Vaccines 174 Answers to Questions on DNA Technology 175
Part 3: Making Connections 177
Chapter 9: Organizing the Living World 179 Examining Relationships 179 Classifying Life 181 Figuring Out Relationships from Phylogenetic Trees 185 Answers to Questions on Classification and Phylogeny 189
Chapter 10: Connecting Organisms in Ecosystems 191 Ecosystems: Bringing It All Together 191 Describing Populations 193 Tracking Changes in Populations 195 Getting Along with Other Species 200 Discovering the Job Descriptions of Organisms 202 Following the Flow of Energy Through Ecosystems 203 Recycling Matter within Ecosystems 206 Heating Up with the Greenhouse Effect 207 Answers to Questions on Ecosystems 211
Chapter 11: Evaluating the Effects of Evolution 215 Defining Evolution 215 Predicting the Outcome of Natural Selection 218 Supporting the Theory of Evolution 220 Estimating the Impact of Extinctions 223 Answers to Questions on Evolution 226
Part 4: Getting to Know the Human Body 227
Chapter 12: Building Bodies with the Skeletal and Muscular Systems 229 Moving Around with Friction and Gravity 230 Getting Support from Skeletons and Bones 231 This Joint Is Jumpin'' 236 Flexing Your Knowledge of Muscles 237 Answers to Questions on the Skeletal and Muscular Systems 242
Chapter 13: Giving Your Body What It Needs: The Respiratory and Circulatory Systems 245 Catching Your Breath: Animal Respiration 245 Taking a Breath with the Human Respiratory System 248 In with the Good, Out with the Bad: Animal Circulatory Systems 250 Navigating the Human Heart and Circulatory System 251 Entering the cardiac cycle 253 Oxygenating the blood: Pulmonary circulation 254 Spreading oxygenated blood around: Systemic circulation 256 Answers to Questions on the Respiratory and Circulatory Systems 258
Chapter 14: Processing Food with the Digestive and Excretory Systems 261 Got Food? Understanding What Happens When Animals Eat 261 Moving Along the Human Digestive System 265 Filtering Fluids through the Urinary System 269 Exploring the Inner Workings of the Human Kidney 270 Answers to Questions on the Digestive and Excretory Systems 273
Chapter 15: Fighting Enemies with the Immune System 275 Microbial Encounters of the Best and Worst Kinds 276 Investigating Your Built-In Defenses 279 Fighting Back with Adaptive Immunity 282 Gaining a Tactical Advantage with Vaccines 286 Answers to Questions on the Immune System 291
Chapter 16: Sending Messages with the Nervous and Endocrine Systems 293 Mapping out Nervous Systems 293 Getting on Your Nerves 296 Getting in on the Action Potential 298 Regulating the Body with Glands and Hormones 301 Answers to Questions on the Nervous and Endocrine Systems 303
Chapter 17: Making Babies with the Reproductive System 305 Identifying the Parts of the Male Reproductive System 305 Identifying the Parts of the Female Reproductive System 307 Following the Female Ovarian and Menstrual Cycles 309 Fertilization through Birth: Developing New Humans 312 Answers to Questions on the Human Reproductive System 317
Part 5: Going Green with Plant Biology 319
Chapter 18: Studying Plant Structures 321 Peering at the Parts and Types of Plants 321 Taking a Look at Plant Tissues 328 Growing Like a Weed: Plant Reproduction 332 Answers to Questions on Plant Structures 337
Chapter 19: Pondering Problems in Plant Physiology 339 Taking Minerals from the Soil 339 Pulling Water Through Plants 342 Sending Sugars from Sources to Sinks 344 Sending Signals with Plant Hormones 346 Answers to Questions on Plant Physiology 349
Part 6: The
Part of Tens 351
Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Getting an A in Biology 353 Put in Enough Time 353 Pace Yourself 354 Study Actively, Not Passively 354 Make Vocabulary Flashcards 355 Test Yourself Before Your Instructor Tests You 356 Learn From Your Mistakes 356 Maximize the Easy Points 357 Ask for Help Upfront 357 Use Your Resources 357 Don''t Leave It in the Classroom 357
Chapter 21: Ten Great Biology Websites 359 Dummies.com 360 The Amoeba Sisters 360 Bozeman Science 360 Khan Academy 360 The Biology Project at the University of Arizona 361 Genetic Science Learning Center 361 DNA from the Beginning 361 The Biology Corner 361 Cells Alive! 361 BioNinja 362 Other Study Sites 362
Chapter 22: Ten Ways Biology Matters To Your Life Right Now 363 Climate Change 363 Spread of Infectious Diseases 364 Curing Cancer 364 Genetic Engineering of Humans 364 Ancestry 365 Personalized Medicine 365 Eating a Plant-Based Diet 365 Getting to Know Your Physical Body 366 Growing Plants for Food and Fun 366 Human Population Growth 366 Index 367
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