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Viser: Coding All-In-One for Dummies

Coding All-in-One For Dummies, 2. udgave
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Coding All-in-One For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Chris Minnick
John Wiley & Sons
299,00 kr.
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Coding All-In-One for Dummies, 2. udgave

Coding All-In-One for Dummies

Chris Minnick
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Limited
299,00 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juni 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781119889571

The go-to guide for learning coding from the ground-up

Adding some coding know-how to your skills can help launch a new career or bolster an old one. Coding All-in-One For Dummies offers an ideal starting place for learning the languages that make technology go. This edition gets you started with a helpful explanation of how coding works and how it’s applied in the real-world before setting you on a path toward writing code for web building, mobile application development, and data analysis. Add coding to your skillset for your existing career, or begin the exciting transition into life as a professional developer—Dummies makes it easy.

  • Learn coding basics and how to apply them
  • Analyze data and automate routine tasks on the job
  • Get the foundation you need to launch a career as a coder
  • Add HTML, JavaScript, and Python know-how to your resume

This book serves up insight on the basics of coding, designed to be easy to follow, even if you’ve never written a line of code in your life. You can do this.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 912 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Limited (September 2022)
  • ISBN: 9781119889564

The go-to guide for learning coding from the ground-up

Adding some coding know-how to your skills can help launch a new career or bolster an old one. Coding All-in-One For Dummies offers an ideal starting place for learning the languages that make technology go. This edition gets you started with a helpful explanation of how coding works and how it's applied in the real-world before setting you on a path toward writing code for web building, mobile application development, and data analysis. Add coding to your skillset for your existing career, or begin the exciting transition into life as a professional developer--Dummies makes it easy.

  • Learn coding basics and how to apply them
  • Analyze data and automate routine tasks on the job
  • Get the foundation you need to launch a career as a coder
  • Add HTML, JavaScript, and Python know-how to your resume

This book serves up insight on the basics of coding, designed to be easy to follow, even if you've never written a line of code in your life. You can do this.

Introduction 1 Book
1: Getting Started with Coding 5
Chapter 1: What Is Coding? 7
Chapter 2: Programming for the Web 19
Chapter 3: Becoming a Programmer 33 Book
2: Basic Web Coding 43
Chapter 1: Exploring Basic HTML 45
Chapter 2: Getting More Out of HTML 63
Chapter 3: Getting Stylish with CSS 79
Chapter 4: Next Steps with CSS 101
Chapter 5: Responsive Layouts with Flexbox 123
Chapter 6: Styling with Bootstrap 143 Book
3: Advanced Web Coding 159
Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript? 161
Chapter 2: Writing Your First JavaScript Program 173
Chapter 3: Working with Variables 193
Chapter 4: Understanding Arrays 211
Chapter 5: Working with Operators, Expressions, and Statements 225
Chapter 6: Getting into the Flow with Loops and Branches 241
Chapter 7: Getting Functional 255
Chapter 8: Making and Using Objects 275
Chapter 9: Controlling the Browser with the Window Object 291
Chapter 10: Manipulating Documents with the DOM 307
Chapter 11: Using Events in JavaScript 327
Chapter 12: Integrating Input and Output 339
Chapter 13: Understanding Callbacks and Closures 355
Chapter 14: Embracing AJAX and JSON 367 Book
4: Creating Mobile Apps 383
Chapter 1: What Is Flutter? 385
Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Computer for Mobile App Development. 401
Chapter 3: "Hello" from Flutter 433
Chapter 4: Hello Again 469
Chapter 5: Making Things Happen 495
Chapter 6: Laying Things Out 527
Chapter 7: Interacting with the User 567
Chapter 8: Navigation, Lists, and Other Goodies 605
Chapter 9: Moving Right Along 653 Book
5: Getting Started with Python 675
Chapter 1: Wrapping Your Head around Python 677
Chapter 2: Installing a Python Distribution 689
Chapter 3: Working with Real Data 707 Book
6: Data Analysis with Python 729
Chapter 1: Conditioning Your Data 731
Chapter 2: Shaping Data 759
Chapter 3: Getting a Crash Course in MatPlotLib 779
Chapter 4: Visualizing the Data 795 Book
7: Career Building with Coding 813
Chapter 1: Exploring Coding Career Paths 815
Chapter 2: Exploring Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees 829
Chapter 3: Training on the Job 843
Chapter 4: Coding Career Myths 853 Index 861
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