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Viser: Cryptocurrency All-In-One for Dummies

Cryptocurrency All-in-One For Dummies, 1. udgave
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Cryptocurrency All-in-One For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Kiana Danial, Tiana Laurence, Peter Kent, Tyler Bain og Michael G. Solomon
John Wiley & Sons
421,00 kr.
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Cryptocurrency All-In-One for Dummies

Cryptocurrency All-In-One for Dummies

Kiana Danial, Tiana Laurence, Peter Kent, Tyler Bain og Michael G. Solomon
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
425,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (December 2021)
  • Forfattere: Kiana Danial, Tiana Laurence, Peter Kent, Tyler Bain og Michael G. Solomon
  • ISBN: 9781119855828
What is the size of the market: Estimates put the number of cryptocurrency owners and investors worldwide above 50 million with 21 million US adults currently involved in trading crypto. A sizeable chunk claim to know little about the crypto market. A February survey of investors found a third of respondants admitting they knew little about the cryptocurrency world.

Who are we targeting: We're targeting that third that admitted they knew little about cryptocurrency. The audience for this book is similar to the audience for our other investing and crypto titles. They see an opportunity to make money, but don't know where to start or how to make smart decisions. 
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 816 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Januar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Kiana Danial, Tiana Laurence, Peter Kent, Tyler Bain og Michael G. Solomon
  • ISBN: 9781119855804

Learn the skills to get in on the crypto craze

The world of cryptocurrency includes some of the coolest technologies and most lucrative investments available today. And you can jump right into the middle of the action with Cryptocurrency All-in-One For Dummies, a collection of simple and straightforward resources that will get you up to speed on cryptocurrency investing and mining, blockchain, Bitcoin, and Ethereum.

Stop scouring a million different places on the web and settle in with this one-stop compilation of up-to-date and reliable info on what's been called the "21st century gold rush." So, whether you're just looking for some fundamental knowledge about how cryptocurrency works, or you're ready to put some money into the markets, you'll find what you need in one of the five specially curated resources included in this book.

Cryptocurrency All-in-One For Dummies will help you:

  • Gain an understanding of how cryptocurrency works and the blockchain technologies that power cryptocurrency
  • Find out if you're ready to invest in the cryptocurrency market and how to make smart decisions with your cash
  • Build a cryptocurrency mining rig out of optimized and specifically chosen computing hardware
  • Dive into the details of leading cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum

Perfect for anyone curious and excited about the potential that's been unlocked by the latest in cryptocurrency tech, this book will give you the foundation you need to become a savvy cryptocurrency consumer, investor, or miner before you know it.

Introduction. 1 Book
1: Cryptocurrency Basics. 5
Chapter 1: What Is a Cryptocurrency? 7
Chapter 2: How Cryptocurrencies Work 15
Chapter 3: Introducing Cryptocurrency Wallets. 27
Chapter 4: Different Types of Cryptocurrencies. 43 Book
2: Blockchain Basics. 59
Chapter 1: Introducing Blockchain. 61
Chapter 2: Picking a Blockchain. 73
Chapter 3: Getting Your Hands on Blockchain. 81
Chapter 4: Beholding the Bitcoin Blockchain 91
Chapter 5: Encountering the Ethereum Blockchain. 101
Chapter 6: Getting Your Hands on Hyperledger. 115
Chapter 7: Financial Technology. 123 Book
3: Bitcoin 133
Chapter 1: Bitcoin Tech Explained. 135
Chapter 2: Buying, Using, and Selling Bitcoin. 155
Chapter 3: Taking Control of Your Wallet (and Hodling Your Bitcoin) 191
Chapter 4: Keeping Your Bitcoin Safe. 227 Book
4: Ethereum. 249
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Ethereum. 251
Chapter 2: Exploring Use Cases for Ethereum. 259
Chapter 3: Examining the Ethereum Ecosystem and Development Life cycle. 273
Chapter 4: Getting and Configuring Ethereum Development Tools. 289
Chapter 5: Building Your First Ethereum Apps. 309
Chapter 6: Discovering Smart Contracts. 325
Chapter 7: Writing Your Own Smart Contracts with Solidity 347
Chapter 8: Testing Ethereum Apps. 373
Chapter 9: Deploying Ethereum Apps 391 Book
5: Cryptocurrency Investing. 405
Chapter 1: Why Invest in Cryptocurrencies?. 407
Chapter 2: Recognizing the Risks of Cryptocurrencies 423
Chapter 3: Cryptocurrency Exchanges and Brokers 439
Chapter 4: Identifying Top-Performing Cryptocurrencies. 455
Chapter 5: Diversification in Cryptocurrencies. 467
Chapter 6: Getting Ahead of the Crowd: Investing in ICOs. 479
Chapter 7: Stocks and Exchange-Traded Funds with Cryptocurrency Exposure. 491
Chapter 8: Cryptocurrency Futures and Options. 499
Chapter 9: Dealing with the Dollar and Other Fiat Currencies. 507
Chapter 10: Using Technical Analysis. 517
Chapter 11: Short-Term Trading Strategies. 529
Chapter 12: Long-Term Investing Strategies. 543
Chapter 13: Minimizing Losses and Maximizing Gains. 551
Chapter 14: Using Ichimoku and Fibonacci Techniques. 561
Chapter 15: Taxes and Cryptocurrencies. 569 Book
6: Cryptocurrency Mining. 577
Chapter 1: Understanding Cryptocurrency Mining. 579
Chapter 2: Exploring the Different Forms of Mining. 589
Chapter 3: Mining Made Simple: Finding a Pool and Preparing an Account. 609
Chapter 4: Picking a Cryptocurrency to Mine. 629
Chapter 5: Gathering Your Mining Gear. 659
Chapter 6: Setting Up Your Mining Hardware. 681
Chapter 7: Running the Numbers: Is It Worth It?. 707
Chapter 8: Reducing Negatives and Gaining an Edge. 733
Chapter 9: Running Your Cryptocurrency Business. 753 Index. 775
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