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Viser: Office 365 All-In-One for Dummies

Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition, 2. udgave
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Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition Vital Source e-bog

Peter Weverka og Matt Wade
John Wiley & Sons
337,00 kr.
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Office 365 All-In-One for Dummies, 2. udgave

Office 365 All-In-One for Dummies

Peter Weverka og Matt Wade
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
339,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (November 2021)
  • Forfattere: Peter Weverka og Matt Wade
  • ISBN: 9781119830733
Multiply your productivity with the world's most straightforward guide to the world's most popular office software

Microsoft Office 365 contains straightforward tools for virtually every office task you could possibly think of. And learning how to use this powerful software is much easier than you might expect! With the latest edition of Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, you'll get a grip on some of the most popular and effective office software on the planet, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, and Teams.

This expanded handbook walks you through the ins and outs of reviewing and composing documents with Word, hosting and joining meetings with Teams, crunching numbers with Excel, and answering emails with Outlook. And it's ideal for anyone who's brand new to Office and those who just need a quick refresher on the latest useful updates from Microsoft.

In this one-stop reference, you'll find:

  • Step-by-step instructions on the installation, maintenance, and navigation of all the critical components of Office 365
  • Guidance for using Office 365's built-in online and cloud functionality
  • Complete explanations of what every part of Office 365 is used for and how to apply them to your life

Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies is the last handbook you'll ever need to apply Microsoft's world-famous software suite to countless everyday tasks.

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Bookshelf online: 365 dage fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 960 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Januar 2022)
  • Forfattere: Peter Weverka og Matt Wade
  • ISBN: 9781119830702
Multiply your productivity with the world's most straightforward guide to the world's most popular office software

Microsoft Office 365 contains straightforward tools for virtually every office task you could possibly think of. And learning how to use this powerful software is much easier than you might expect! With the latest edition of Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies, you'll get a grip on some of the most popular and effective office software on the planet, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, and Teams.

This expanded handbook walks you through the ins and outs of reviewing and composing documents with Word, hosting and joining meetings with Teams, crunching numbers with Excel, and answering emails with Outlook. And it's ideal for anyone who's brand new to Office and those who just need a quick refresher on the latest useful updates from Microsoft.

In this one-stop reference, you'll find:

  • Step-by-step instructions on the installation, maintenance, and navigation of all the critical components of Office 365
  • Guidance for using Office 365's built-in online and cloud functionality
  • Complete explanations of what every part of Office 365 is used for and how to apply them to your life

Office 365 All-in-One For Dummies is the last handbook you'll ever need to apply Microsoft's world-famous software suite to countless everyday tasks.

Introduction 1 Book
1: Common Office Tasks 5
Chapter 1: Office Nuts and Bolts 7
Chapter 2: Wrestling with the Text 29
Chapter 3: Speed Techniques Worth Knowing About 49 Book
2: Word 365 57
Chapter 1: Speed Techniques for Using Word 59
Chapter 2: Laying Out Text and Pages 79
Chapter 3: Word Styles 105
Chapter 4: Constructing the Perfect Table 123
Chapter 5: Taking Advantage of the Proofing Tools 147
Chapter 6: Desktop Publishing with Word 167
Chapter 7: Getting Word's Help with Office Chores 185
Chapter 8: Tools for Reports and Scholarly Papers 205 Book
3: Excel 365 229
Chapter 1: Up and Running with Excel 231
Chapter 2: Refining Your Worksheet 249
Chapter 3: Formulas and Functions for Crunching Numbers 265
Chapter 4: Making a Worksheet Easier to Read and Understand 299
Chapter 5: Advanced Techniques for Analyzing Data 317 Book
4: PowerPoint 365 337
Chapter 1: Getting Started in PowerPoint 339
Chapter 2: Fashioning a Look for Your Presentation 361
Chapter 3: Entering the Text 377
Chapter 4: Making Your Presentations Livelier 393
Chapter 5: Delivering a Presentation 409 Book
5: Outlook 365 431
Chapter 1: Outlook Basics. 433
Chapter 2: Maintaining the People App 445
Chapter 3: Handling Your Email 457
Chapter 4: Managing Your Time and Schedule 479 Book
6: Access 365 491
Chapter 1: Introducing Access 493
Chapter 2: Building Your Database Tables 509
Chapter 3: Entering the Data 537
Chapter 4: Sorting, Querying, and Filtering for Data 547
Chapter 5: Presenting Data in a Report 567 Book
7: Publisher 365 573
Chapter 1: Introducing Publisher 575
Chapter 2: Refining a Publication 587
Chapter 3: Putting on the Finishing Touches 599 Book
8: Working with Charts and Graphics 609
Chapter 1: Creating a Chart 611
Chapter 2: Making a SmartArt Diagram 631
Chapter 3: Handling Graphics and Photos 651
Chapter 4: Drawing and Manipulating Lines, Shapes, and Other Objects 667 Book
9: Office
365: One Step Beyond 701
Chapter 1: Customizing an Office Program 703
Chapter 2: Ways of Distributing Your Work 717 Book
10: Microsoft Teams 725
Chapter 1: Getting around in Teams 727
Chapter 2: Getting Up to Speed with Teams and Channels 753
Chapter 3: Communicating through Channels and Private Chat 769
Chapter 4: Organizing Your Files in Teams 793
Chapter 5: Getting Together for Online Meetings 809 Book
11: File Sharing and Collaborating 835
Chapter 1: File Sharing and Collaborating 837
Chapter 2: Making the Most of OneDrive 851
Chapter 3: Collaborating in SharePoint 865 Index 895
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