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Viser: Power Electronics, a First Course - Simulations and Laboratory Implementations

Power Electronics, A First Course, 2. udgave
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Power Electronics, A First Course Vital Source e-bog

Ned Mohan og Siddharth Raju
John Wiley & Sons
1.588,00 kr. 1.429,20 kr.
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Power Electronics, a First Course - Simulations and Laboratory Implementations, 2. udgave

Power Electronics, a First Course

Simulations and Laboratory Implementations
Ned Mohan og Siddharth Raju
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
769,00 kr. 692,10 kr.
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  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (December 2022)
  • Forfattere: Ned Mohan og Siddharth Raju
  • ISBN: 9781119818588


Enables students to understand power electronics systems, as one course, in an integrated electric energy systems curriculum

Power Electronics A First Course provides instruction on fundamental concepts related to power electronics to undergraduate electrical engineering students, beginning with an introductory chapter and moving on to discussing topics such as switching power-poles, switch-mode dc-dc converters, and feedback controllers.

The authors also cover diode rectifiers, power-factor-correction (PFC) circuits, and switch-mode dc power supplies. Later chapters touch on soft-switching in dc-dc power converters, voltage and current requirements imposed by various power applications, dc and low-frequency sinusoidal ac voltages, thyristor converters, and the utility applications of harnessing energy from renewable sources.

Power Electronics A First Course is the only textbook that is integrated with hardware experiments and simulation results. The simulation files are available on a website associated with this textbook. The hardware experiments will be available through a University of Minnesota startup at a low cost.

In Power Electronics A First Course, readers can expect to find detailed information on:

  • Availability of various power semiconductor devices that are essential in power electronic systems, plus their switching characteristics and various tradeoffs
  • Common foundational unit of various converters and their operation, plus fundamental concepts for feedback control, illustrated by means of regulated dc-dc converters
  • Basic concepts associated with magnetic circuits, to develop an understanding of inductors and transformers needed in power electronics
  • Problems associated with hard switching, and some of the practical circuits where this problem can be minimized with soft-switching

Power Electronics A First Course is an ideal textbook for Junior/Senior-Undergraduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). It is also valuable to students outside of ECE, such as those in more general engineering fields. Basic understanding of electrical engineering concepts and control systems is a prerequisite.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Januar 2023)
  • Forfattere: Ned Mohan og Siddharth Raju
  • ISBN: 9781119818564


Enables students to understand power electronics systems, as one course, in an integrated electric energy systems curriculum

Power Electronics A First Course provides instruction on fundamental concepts related to power electronics to undergraduate electrical engineering students, beginning with an introductory chapter and moving on to discussing topics such as switching power-poles, switch-mode dc-dc converters, and feedback controllers.

The authors also cover diode rectifiers, power-factor-correction (PFC) circuits, and switch-mode dc power supplies. Later chapters touch on soft-switching in dc-dc power converters, voltage and current requirements imposed by various power applications, dc and low-frequency sinusoidal ac voltages, thyristor converters, and the utility applications of harnessing energy from renewable sources.

Power Electronics A First Course is the only textbook that is integrated with hardware experiments and simulation results. The simulation files are available on a website associated with this textbook. The hardware experiments will be available through a University of Minnesota startup at a low cost.

In Power Electronics A First Course, readers can expect to find detailed information on:

  • Availability of various power semiconductor devices that are essential in power electronic systems, plus their switching characteristics and various tradeoffs
  • Common foundational unit of various converters and their operation, plus fundamental concepts for feedback control, illustrated by means of regulated dc-dc converters
  • Basic concepts associated with magnetic circuits, to develop an understanding of inductors and transformers needed in power electronics
  • Problems associated with hard switching, and some of the practical circuits where this problem can be minimized with soft-switching

Power Electronics A First Course is an ideal textbook for Junior/Senior-Undergraduate students in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE). It is also valuable to students outside of ECE, such as those in more general engineering fields. Basic understanding of electrical engineering concepts and control systems is a prerequisite.

List of Simulation and Hardware Implementation Example and Figures xiii Preface xv Acknowledgment xvii About the Companion Website xix
Chapter 1 Power Electronics: An Enabling Technology 1
1.1 Introduction to Power Electronics 1
1.2 Applications and the Role of Power Electronics 2
1.3 Energy and the Environment: Role of Power Electronics in Providing Sustainable Electric Energy 4
1.4 Need for High Efficiency and High Power Density 8
1.5 Structure of Power Electronics Interface 9
1.6 Voltage-Link-Structure 11
1.7 Recent Advances in Solid-State Devices Based on Wide Bandgap (WBG) Materials 16
1.8 Use of Simulation and Hardware Prototyping 16 References 17 Problems 18
Chapter 2 Design of Switching Power-poles 21
2.1 Power Transistors and Power Diodes 21
2.2 Selection of Power Transistors 22
2.3 Selection of Power Diodes 24
2.4 Switching Characteristics and Power Losses in Power Poles 25
2.5 Justifying Switches and Diodes as Ideal 30
2.6 Design Considerations 31
2.7 The PWM IC 34
2.8 Hardware Prototyping 35 References 36 Problems 36 Appendix 2A Diode Reverse Recovery and Power Losses 37
Chapter 3 Switch-mode Dc-dc Converters: Switching Analysis, Topology Selection, and Design 41
3.1 DC-DC Converters 41
3.2 Switching Power-Pole in DC Steady State 41
3.3 Simplifying Assumptions 45
3.4 Common Operating Principles 46
3.5 Buck Converter Switching Analysis in DC Steady State 46
3.6 Boost Converter Switching Analysis in DC Steady State 51
3.7 Buck-Boost Converter Analysis in DC Steady State 57
3.8 Topology Selection 65
3.9 Worst-Case Design 66
3.10 Synchronous-Rectified Buck Converter for Very Low Output Voltages 66
3.11 Interleaving of Converters 71
3.12 Regulation of DC-DC Converters by PWM 71
3.13 Dynamic Average Representation of Converters in CCM 72
3.14 Bi-Directional Switching Power-Pole 74
3.15 Discontinuous-Conduction Mode (DCM) 75 References 86 Problems 86 Appendix 3A Average Representation in Discontinuous- Conduction Mode (DCM) 92
Chapter 4 Designing Feedback Controllers in Switch-mode Dc Power Supplies 97
4.1 Introduction and Objectives of Feedback Control 97
4.2 Review of Linear Control Theory 98
4.3 Linearization of Various Transfer Function Blocks 100
4.4 Feedback Controller Design in Voltage-Mode Control 106
4.5 Peak-Current Mode Control 113
4.6 Feedback Controller Design in DCM 123 References 124 Problems 124 Appendix 4A Bode Plots of Transfer Functions with Poles and Zeros 125 Appendix 4B Transfer Functions in Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) 128 Appendix 4C Derivation of Parameters of the Controller Transfer Functions 134
Chapter 5 Rectification of Utility Input Using Diode Rectifiers 139 Rectifiers 139
5.1 Introduction 139
5.2 Distortion and Power Factor 140
5.3 Classifying the "Front-End" of Power Electronic Systems 148 Electronic Systems 148
5.4 Diode-Rectifier Bridge "Front-End" 148
5.5 Means to Avoid Transient Inrush Currents at Starting 156
5.6 Front-Ends with Bi-Directional Power Flow 157 References 157 Problems 157
Chapter 6 Power-factor-correction (PFC) Circuits And Designing the Feedback Controller And Designing the Feedback Controller 159
6.1 Introduction 159
6.2 Operating Principle of Single-Phase PFCS 159
6.3 Control of PFCS 162
6.4 Designing the Inner Average-Current-Control Loop 163
6.5 Designing the Outer Voltage-Control Loop 165
6.6 Example of Single-Phase PFC Systems 167
6.7 Simulation Results 168
6.8 Feedforward of the Input Voltage 169
6.9 Other Control Methods for PFCS 169 References 170 Problems 170 Appendix 6A Proof that I^S3/I^L2 =1/2 Appendix 6b Proof That V d I i L(s)=1 I 2 V^s/Vd R I 2/ 1+ s (R /2)C
Chapter 7 Magnetic Circuit Concepts 173
7.1 Ampere-Turns and Flux 173
7.2 Inductance l 174
7.3 Faraday''s Law: Induced Voltage in a Coil Due to Time-Rate of Change of Flux Linkage 176
7.4 Leakage and Magnetizing Inductances 177
7.5 Transformers 179 Reference 182 Problems 182
Chapter 8 Switch-mode Dc Power Supplies 185
8.1 Applications of Switch-Mode DC Power Supplies 185
8.2 Need for Electrical Isolation 186
8.3 Classification of Transformer-Isolated DC-DC Converters 186
8.4 Flyback Converters 186
8.5 Forward Converters 198
8.6 Full-Bridge Converters 204
8.7 Half-Bridge and Push-Pull Converters 209
8.8 Practical Considerations 209 References 210 Problems 211
Chapter 9 Design of High-frequency Inductors and Transformers 215
9.1 Introduction 215
9.2 Basics of Magnetic Design 215
9.3 Inductor and Transformer Construction 216
9.4 Area-Product Method 216
9.5 Design Example of an Inductor 219
9.6 Design Example of a Transformer for a Forward Converter 221
9.7 Thermal Considerations 221 References 222 Problems 222
Chapter 10 Soft-switching in Dc-dc Converters and Half-bridge Resonant Converters 223
10.1 Introduction 223
10.2 Hard-Switching in Switching Power poles 223
10.3 Soft-switching in Switching Power-Poles 225
10.4 Half-Bridge Resonant Converter 228 References 230 Problems 230
Chapter 11 Applications of Switch-mode Power Electronics in Motor Drives, Uninterruptible Power Supplies, And Power Systems 231
11.1 Introduction 231
11.2 Electric Motor Drives 231
11.3 Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) 244
11.4 Utility Applications of Switch-Mode Power Electronics 244 Reference 246 Problems 246
Chapter 12 Synthesis of Dc and Low-frequency Sinusoidal Ac Voltages for Motor Drives, Ups, and Power Systems Applications 249
12.1 Introduction 249
12.2 Bidirectional Switching Power-Pole as the Building Block 250
12.3 Converters for DC Motor Drives (â??Vd
12.4 Synthesis of Low-Frequency AC 260
12.5 Single-Phase Inverters 261
12.6 Three-Phase Inverters 266
12.7 Multilevel Inverters 280
12.8 Converters For Bidirectional Power Flow 281
12.9 Matrix Converters (Direct Link System) 283 References 284 Problems 284
Chapter 13 Thyristor Converters 287
13.1 Introduction 287
13.2 Thyristors (SCRs) 287
13.3 Single-phase, Phase-controlled Thyristor Converters 289
13.4 Three-Phase, Full-Bridge Thyristor Converters 294
13.5 Current-Link Systems 300 Reference 301 Problems 301
Chapter 14 Utility Applications of Power Electronics 303
14.1 Introduction 303
14.2 Power Semiconductor Devices and Their Capabilities 304
14.3 Categorizing Power Electronic Systems 305
14.4 Distributed Generation (DG) Applications 306
14.5 Power Electronic Loads 311
14.6 Power Quality Solutions 312
14.7 Transmission and Distribution (T&D) Applications 313 References 317 Problems 317 Index 319
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