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Viser: Enterprise AI for Dummies

Enterprise AI For Dummies, 1. udgave
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Enterprise AI For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Zachary Jarvinen
John Wiley & Sons
295,00 kr.
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Enterprise AI For Dummies, 1. udgave

Enterprise AI For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Zachary Jarvinen
John Wiley & Sons
173,00 kr.
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Enterprise AI For Dummies, 1. udgave

Enterprise AI For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Zachary Jarvinen
John Wiley & Sons
199,00 kr.
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Enterprise AI for Dummies

Enterprise AI for Dummies

Zachary Jarvinen
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
285,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (August 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781119696391
Master the application of artificial intelligence in your enterprise with the book series trusted by millions  In Enterprise AI For Dummies, author Zachary Jarvinen simplifies and explains to readers the complicated world of artificial intelligence for business. Using practical examples, concrete applications, and straightforward prose, the author breaks down the fundamental and advanced topics that form the core of business AI.  Written for executives, managers, employees, consultants, and students with an interest in the business applications of artificial intelligence, Enterprise AI For Dummies demystifies the sometimes  confusing topic of artificial intelligence. No longer will you lag  behind your colleagues and friends when discussing the benefits of AI and business.  The book includes discussions of AI applications, including :  ·         Streamlining business operations  ·         Improving decision making  ·         Increasing automation  ·         Maximizing revenue  The For Dummies series makes topics understandable, and as such, this book is written in an easily understood style that’s perfect for anyone who seeks an introduction to a usually unforgiving topic.  
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  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 120 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (August 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781119696391R120
Master the application of artificial intelligence in your enterprise with the book series trusted by millions  In Enterprise AI For Dummies, author Zachary Jarvinen simplifies and explains to readers the complicated world of artificial intelligence for business. Using practical examples, concrete applications, and straightforward prose, the author breaks down the fundamental and advanced topics that form the core of business AI.  Written for executives, managers, employees, consultants, and students with an interest in the business applications of artificial intelligence, Enterprise AI For Dummies demystifies the sometimes  confusing topic of artificial intelligence. No longer will you lag  behind your colleagues and friends when discussing the benefits of AI and business.  The book includes discussions of AI applications, including :  ·         Streamlining business operations  ·         Improving decision making  ·         Increasing automation  ·         Maximizing revenue  The For Dummies series makes topics understandable, and as such, this book is written in an easily understood style that’s perfect for anyone who seeks an introduction to a usually unforgiving topic.  
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Bookshelf online: 120 dage fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (August 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781119696391R365
Master the application of artificial intelligence in your enterprise with the book series trusted by millions  In Enterprise AI For Dummies, author Zachary Jarvinen simplifies and explains to readers the complicated world of artificial intelligence for business. Using practical examples, concrete applications, and straightforward prose, the author breaks down the fundamental and advanced topics that form the core of business AI.  Written for executives, managers, employees, consultants, and students with an interest in the business applications of artificial intelligence, Enterprise AI For Dummies demystifies the sometimes  confusing topic of artificial intelligence. No longer will you lag  behind your colleagues and friends when discussing the benefits of AI and business.  The book includes discussions of AI applications, including :  ·         Streamlining business operations  ·         Improving decision making  ·         Increasing automation  ·         Maximizing revenue  The For Dummies series makes topics understandable, and as such, this book is written in an easily understood style that’s perfect for anyone who seeks an introduction to a usually unforgiving topic.  
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (August 2020)
  • ISBN: 9781119696292

Master the application of artificial intelligence in your enterprise with the book series trusted by millions

In Enterprise AI For Dummies, author Zachary Jarvinen simplifies and explains to readers the complicated world of artificial intelligence for business. Using practical examples, concrete applications, and straightforward prose, the author breaks down the fundamental and advanced topics that form the core of business AI.

Written for executives, managers, employees, consultants, and students with an interest in the business applications of artificial intelligence, Enterprise AI For Dummies demystifies the sometimes confusing topic of artificial intelligence. No longer will you lag behind your colleagues and friends when discussing the benefits of AI and business.

The book includes discussions of AI applications, including:

  • Streamlining business operations
  • Improving decision making
  • Increasing automation
  • Maximizing revenue

The For Dummies series makes topics understandable, and as such, this book is written in an easily understood style that's perfect for anyone who seeks an introduction to a usually unforgiving topic.

Introduction 1
Part 1: Exploring Practical AI and How It Works 7
Chapter 1: Demystifying Artificial Intelligence 9
Chapter 2: Looking at Uses for Practical AI 29
Chapter 3: Preparing for Practical AI 45
Chapter 4: Implementing Practical AI 63
Part 2: Exploring Vertical Market Applications 81
Chapter 5: Healthcare/HMOs: Streamlining Operations 83
Chapter 6: Biotech/Pharma: Taming the Complexity 91
Chapter 7: Manufacturing: Maximizing Visibility 99
Chapter 8: Oil and Gas: Finding Opportunity in Chaos 111
Chapter 9: Government and Nonprofits: Doing Well by Doing Good 119
Chapter 10: Utilities: Renewing the Business 133
Chapter 11: Banking and Financial Services: Making It Personal 141
Chapter 12: Retail: Reading the Customer's Mind 149
Chapter 13: Transportation and Travel: Tuning Up Your Ride 157
Chapter 14: Telecommunications: Connecting with Your Customers 167
Chapter 15: Legal Services: Cutting Through the Red Tape 173
Chapter 16: Professional Services: Increasing Value to the Customer 181
Chapter 17: Media and Entertainment: Beating the Gold Rush 189
Part 3: Exploring Horizontal Market Applications 197
Chapter 18: Voice of the Customer/Citizen: Finding Coherence in the Cacophony 199
Chapter 19: Asset Performance Optimization: Increasing Value by Extending Lifespans 207
Chapter 20: Intelligent Recommendations: Getting Personal 217
Chapter 21: Content Management: Finding What You Want, When You Want It 231
Chapter 22: AI-Enhanced Content Capture: Gathering All Your Eggs into the Same Basket 239
Chapter 23: Regulatory Compliance and Legal Risk Reduction: Hitting the Bullseye On a Moving Target 249
Chapter 24: Knowledge Assistants and Chatbots: Monetizing the Needle in the Haystack 265
Chapter 25: AI-Enhanced Security: Staying Ahead by Watching Your Back 275
Part 4: The
Part of Tens 287
Chapter 26: Ten Ways AI Will Influence the Next Decade 289
Chapter 27: Ten Reasons Why AI Is Not a Panacea 297 Index 313
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