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Viser: Digital Marketing for Dummies

Digital Marketing For Dummies, 2. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Digital Marketing For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
John Wiley & Sons
281,00 kr.
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Digital Marketing For Dummies, 2. udgave

Digital Marketing For Dummies Vital Source e-bog

Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
John Wiley & Sons
191,00 kr.
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Digital Marketing for Dummies, 2. udgave

Digital Marketing for Dummies

Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
368,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juli 2020)
  • Forfattere: Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
  • ISBN: 9781119660491

Learn the fundamentals and foundations of modern organic chemistry with this comprehensive guide

Foundations of Organic Chemistry: Unity and Diversity of Structures, Pathways, and Reactions, 2nd Edition, is a substantive guide for students beginning their study of organic chemistry and instructors, as well as senior undergraduates and graduate students seeking to further their understanding of the subject.

Foundations of Organic Chemistry is a serious attempt to show students who want to learn organic chemistry how we know what we know about the subject and to guide them to learn.

In this work, the emphasis of the discussion of structures, pathways, and reactions is placed on the original literature and the fundamentals and use of spectroscopic and kinetic tools. Application of the resulting working knowledge of the substance of organic chemistry will lead the serious student to ask additional questions and, ultimately, to solve problems we face.

The book also includes solutions guides for instructors and lecturers, as well as access to a companion website for furthering the reader’s knowledge of organic chemistry.

Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

Udgiveren oplyser at følgende begrænsninger er gældende for dette produkt:
Print: 10 sider kan printes ad gangen
Copy: højest 2 sider i alt kan kopieres (copy/paste)

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source 365 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Juli 2020)
  • Forfattere: Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
  • ISBN: 9781119660491R365

Learn the fundamentals and foundations of modern organic chemistry with this comprehensive guide

Foundations of Organic Chemistry: Unity and Diversity of Structures, Pathways, and Reactions, 2nd Edition, is a substantive guide for students beginning their study of organic chemistry and instructors, as well as senior undergraduates and graduate students seeking to further their understanding of the subject.

Foundations of Organic Chemistry is a serious attempt to show students who want to learn organic chemistry how we know what we know about the subject and to guide them to learn.

In this work, the emphasis of the discussion of structures, pathways, and reactions is placed on the original literature and the fundamentals and use of spectroscopic and kinetic tools. Application of the resulting working knowledge of the substance of organic chemistry will lead the serious student to ask additional questions and, ultimately, to solve problems we face.

The book also includes solutions guides for instructors and lecturers, as well as access to a companion website for furthering the reader’s knowledge of organic chemistry.

Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 5 år fra købsdato.

Udgiveren oplyser at følgende begrænsninger er gældende for dette produkt:
Print: 10 sider kan printes ad gangen
Copy: højest 2 sider i alt kan kopieres (copy/paste)

Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Paperback: 368 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (August 2020)
  • Forfattere: Ryan Deiss og Russ Henneberry
  • ISBN: 9781119660484

Get digital with your brand today!

Digital Marketing for Dummies has the tools you need to step into the digital world and bring your marketing process up to date. In this book, you'll discover how digital tools can expand your brand's reach and help you acquire new customers. Digital marketing is all about increasing audience engagement, and the proven strategy and tactics in this guide can get your audience up and moving!

You'll learn how to identify the digital markets and media that work best for your business--no wasting your time or money! Discover how much internet traffic is really worth to you and manage your online leads to convert web visitors into paying clients. From anonymous digital prospect to loyal customer--this book will take you through the whole process!

  • Learn targeted digital strategies for increasing brand awareness
  • Determine the best-fit online markets for your unique brand
  • Access downloadable tools to put ideas into action
  • Meet your business goals with proven digital tactics

Digital marketing is the wave of the business future, and you can get digital with the updated tips and techniques inside this book!

Introduction 1 About This Book 1 Foolish Assumptions 2 Icons Used in This Book 3 Beyond the Book 3 Where to Go from Here 4
Part 1: Getting Started with Digital Marketing 5
Chapter 1: Understanding the Customer Journey 7 Creating a Customer Avatar 8 What to include in your customer avatar 9 Introducing Agency Eric: A customer avatar example 10 Getting clear on goals and values 11 Finding sources of information and entertainment 12 Honing in on demographics 12 Adding challenges and pain points 13 Preparing for objections 14 Getting Clear on the Value You Provide 15 Knowing the Stages of the Customer Journey 16 Step
1: Generating awareness 17 Step
2: Driving engagement 18 Step
3: Building subscribers 19 Step
4: Increasing conversions 20 Step
5: Building excitement 20 Step
6: Making the core offer sale and more 21 Step
7: Developing brand advocates 22 Step
8: Growing brand promoters 23 Preparing Your Customer Journey Road Map 23 Optimizing the Customer Journey 24 Avoiding an Optimization Mistake 25
Chapter 2: Choosing the Right Marketing Campaign 27 Establishing Marketing Objectives 28 Defining a Digital Marketing Campaign 29 Understanding the Three Major Types of Campaigns 32 Campaigns that generate new leads and customers 32 Campaigns that monetize existing leads and customers 34 Campaigns that build engagement 35 Balancing Your Marketing Campaign Calendar 37 Choosing the Campaign You Need Now 37 Viewing Your Digital Marketing through the Campaign Lens 38
Chapter 3: Crafting Winning Offers 39 Offering Value in Advance 40 Designing an Ungated Offer 41 Designing a Gated Offer 42 Zeroing in on what matters 43 Making a specific promise 44 Giving a specific example 44 Offering a specific shortcut 45 Answering a specific question 45 Delivering a specific discount 45 Generating leads with educational content 45 Generating leads with tools 47 Filling out the gated offer checklist 50 Designing Deep-Discount Offers 52 Using physical premiums 52 Employing a book 53 Leveraging the webinar 53 Selling software 54 Splintering a service 54 Brainstorming "little victories" to offer your leads 55 Filling out the deep-discount offer checklist 55 Discovering your deep-discount offer 57 Maximizing Profit 57 Making an upsell or cross-sell offer 58 Building bundles and kits 59 Tacking on a slack adjuster 59 Recurring billing 60
Part 2: Using Content to Generate Fans, Followers, and Customers 61
Chapter 4: Pursuing Content Marketing Perfection 63 Knowing the Dynamics of Content Marketing 64 Finding Your Path to Perfect Content Marketing 65 Understanding the marketing funnel 66 Exploring the prospect''s intent 74 Providing a path to the next step 75 Segmenting your marketing with content 76 Appearing everywhere your customer expects 77 Customizing your content 78 Executing Perfect Content Marketing 78 Step
1: Choosing avatars 79 Step
2: Brainstorming content assets 80 Step
3: Choosing the vehicle and channel 80 Step
4: Planning for ascension 80 Distributing Content to Attract an Audience 81 Marketing through email 81 Capturing leads through search marketing 82 Using social media to drive traffic to your site 82 Paying for traffic 82 Developing a style guide 83 Determine grammar and punctuation rules 84 Document editorial process 85 Document brand voice 85 Determine additional sections 86 Create formal documentation 86 Distribute style guide 86
Chapter 5: Blogging for Business 87 Establishing a Blog Publishing Process 88 Brainstorming blog post ideas 88 Establishing content segments 90 Working with content creators 91 Editing the first draft 95 Copyediting the post 96 Applying Blog Headline Formulas 96 Tapping into self-interest 96 Piquing curiosity 97 Employing urgency and scarcity 97 Issuing a warning 98 Borrowing authority 98 Revealing the new 98 Auditing a Blog Post 99 Presents an exceptional headline 99 Includes a strong introduction 100 Offers easy-to-consume content 101 Satisfies your goal 102 Includes quality media 103 Provides a compelling close 104 Uses search engine optimization 104 Categorizes your topics 105 Completely delivers on the promise 105 Keeps professional consistency 106
Chapter 6: Taking Stock of 65 Blog Post Ideas 107 Defeating Writer''s Block 107 Writing useful content 108 Being generous 114 Entertaining the masses 118 Capitalizing on the timely 119 Showing your humanity 120 Getting promotional 123 Stirring the pot 125 Engaging the audience 127 Creating Stellar Content without All the Fuss 128 Curating and aggregating content 129 Reacting to popular content 130 Crowdsourcing content 132
Part 3: Generating Website Traffic 135
Chapter 7: Building High-Converting Landing Pages 137 Exploring the Types of Landing Pages 138 Creating a Lead Capture Page 140 Creating a Sales Page 140 Writing a sales letter 143 Understanding the elements of a product detail page 149 Grading a Landing Page 152
Chapter 8: Capturing Traffic with Search Marketing 155 Knowing the Three Key Players in Search Marketing 156 Understanding searchers'' needs 156 Knowing what search engines want 156 Targeting Search Queries 158 Defining a search query 159 Choosing the right queries to target 161 Satisfying searchers 163 Optimizing Your Assets for Specific Channels 165 Optimizing for Google 165 Optimizing for YouTube 168 Optimizing for Pinterest 170 Optimizing for Amazon 172 Optimizing for iTunes 174 Optimizing for review sites 175 Optimizing for search engine robots 176 Earning Links 177 Step
1: Cross-link your own content 177 Step
2: Study your competitors'' links 178 Step
3: Create generous content 178 Step
4: Create content worthy of a link 178 Step
5: Publish primary research 178 Step
6: Keep up with the news 179
Chapter 9: Leveraging the Social Web 181 Social Channels 182 Facebook 182 Instagram 184 LinkedIn 185 Twitter 185 The Social Success Cycle 187 Listening to the Social Web 189 Listening by channel 190 Choosing a social listening tool 191 Planning to listen 192 Listening without paid tools 193 Utilizing the feedback loop 194 Handling customer service issues 196 Influencing and Building Brand Authority 197 Influencing by channel 198 Growing your social following 199 Increasing frequency 200 Keeping your content interesting 200 Socializing blog content 201 Networking That Moves the Needle 204 Networking by channel 205 Tapping into niche media 205 Reaching niche media 206 Networking by topic 206 Creating a social media "short list" 207 Flipping the script on media outreach 207 Staying compliant with the law 208 Selling on Social Channels 208 Selling by channel 209 Leading with value 209 Designing "value first" offers 210 Avoiding Social Media Mistakes 212 Knowing When to Automate 212
Chapter 10: Tapping into Paid Traffic 213 Visiting the Traffic Store 214 Understanding Traffic Temperature 214 Choosing the Right Traffic Platform 216 Introducing the Big Six traffic platforms 216 Setting up Boomerang Traffic 232 Defining ad retargeting 232 Setting cookies and pixels 232 Segmenting with content 233 Troubleshooting Paid Traffic Campaigns 233 Strengthening your offer 234 Tweaking your targeting 235 Scrutinizing your ad copy and creative 235 Checking the congruency of your campaign 236
Chapter 11: Following Up with Email Marketing 237 Understanding Marketing Emails 238 Promotional emails 238 Relational emails 239 Transactional emails 239 Sending Broadcast and Follow-Up Emails 241 Broadcast emails 241 Follow-up emails 241 Building a Promotional Calendar 242 Cataloging your products and services 242 Creating an annual promotional plan 244 Developing a marketing plan 245 Creating a 30-day calendar 246 Creating a 90-day rolling calendar 247 Creating Email Campaigns 247 Indoctrination campaigns 248 Engagement campaigns 250 Ascension campaigns 250 Segmentation campaigns 251 Reengagement campaigns 252 Writing and Designing Effective Emails 253 Harvesting proven email copy 253 Answering four questions 254 Knowing why people buy 254 Writing effective email subject lines 255 Writing body copy 256 Cuing the Click 257 Getting More Clicks and Opens 257 Ensuring Email Deliverability 260 List Hygiene 260
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