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Viser: Designing the Internet of Things

Designing the Internet of Things, 1. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Designing the Internet of Things Vital Source e-bog

Adrian McEwen og Hakim Cassimally
John Wiley & Sons
210,00 kr.
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Designing the Internet of Things

Designing the Internet of Things

Adrian McEwen og Hakim Cassimally
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
212,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 336 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (November 2013)
  • Forfattere: Adrian McEwen og Hakim Cassimally
  • ISBN: 9781118430651
Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guide Whether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully combine hardware, embedded software, web services, electronics, and cool design to create cutting-edge devices that are fun, interactive, and practical. If you'd like to create the next must-have product, this unique book is the perfect place to start. Both a creative and practical primer, it explores the platforms you can use to develop hardware or software, discusses design concepts that will make your products eye-catching and appealing, and shows you ways to scale up from a single prototype to mass production. Helps software engineers, web designers, product designers, and electronics engineers start designing products using the Internet-of-Things approach Explains how to combine sensors, servos, robotics, Arduino chips, and more with various networks or the Internet, to create interactive, cutting-edge devices Provides an overview of the necessary steps to take your idea from concept through production If you'd like to design for the future, Designing the Internet of Things is a great place to start.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 336 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (December 2013)
  • Forfattere: Adrian McEwen og Hakim Cassimally
  • ISBN: 9781118430620

Take your idea from concept to production with this unique guide

Whether it's called physical computing, ubiquitous computing, or the Internet of Things, it's a hot topic in technology: how to channel your inner Steve Jobs and successfully combine hardware, embedded software, web services, electronics, and cool design to create cutting-edge devices that are fun, interactive, and practical. If you'd like to create the next must-have product, this unique book is the perfect place to start.

Both a creative and practical primer, it explores the platforms you can use to develop hardware or software, discusses design concepts that will make your products eye-catching and appealing, and shows you ways to scale up from a single prototype to mass production.

  • Helps software engineers, web designers, product designers, and electronics engineers start designing products using the Internet-of-Things approach
  • Explains how to combine sensors, servos, robotics, Arduino chips, and more with various networks or the Internet, to create interactive, cutting-edge devices
  • Provides an overview of the necessary steps to take your idea from concept through production

If you'd like to design for the future, Designing the Internet of Things is a great place to start.

Introduction 1
Part I: Prototyping 5
Chapter 1: The Internet of Things: An Overview 7 The Flavour of the Internet of Things 8 The "Internet" of "Things" 9 The Technology of the Internet of Things 12 Enchanted Objects 16 Who is Making the Internet of Things? 17 Summary 19
Chapter 2: Design Principles for Connected Devices 21 Calm and Ambient Technology 22 Magic as Metaphor 27 Privacy 31 Keeping Secrets 31 Whose Data Is It Anyway? 33 Web Thinking for Connected Devices 34 Small Pieces, Loosely Joined 34 First-Class Citizens On The Internet 35 Graceful Degradation 36 Affordances 37 Summary 39
Chapter 3: Internet Principles 41 Internet Communications: An Overview 42 Ip 42 Tcp 43 The IP Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) 44 Udp 44 IP Addresses 45 Dns 46 Static IP Address Assignment 48 Dynamic IP Address Assignment 49 IPv 6 50 MAC Addresses 51 TCP and UDP Ports 52 An Example: HTTP Ports 53 Other Common Ports 55 Application Layer Protocols 55 Http 56 HTTPS: Encrypted HTTP 59 Other Application Layer Protocols 60 Summary 61
Chapter 4: Thinking About Prototyping 63 Sketching 64 Familiarity 68 Costs versus Ease of Prototyping 69 Prototypes and Production 72 Changing Embedded Platform 72 Physical Prototypes and Mass Personalisation 73 Climbing into the Cloud 73 Open Source versus Closed Source 75 Why Closed? 77 Why Open? 78 Mixing Open and Closed Source 82 Closed Source for Mass Market Projects 83 Tapping into the Community 83 Summary 85
Chapter 5: Prototyping Embedded Devices 87 Electronics 88 Sensors 90 Actuators 90 Scaling Up the Electronics 91 Embedded Computing Basics 94 Microcontrollers 94 System-on-Chips 95 Choosing Your Platform 96 Arduino 100 Developing on the Arduino 102 Some Notes on the Hardware 107 Openness 109 Raspberry Pi 111 Cases and Extension Boards 113 Developing on the Raspberry Pi 114 Some Notes on the Hardware 120 Openness 121 BeagleBone Black 122 Cases and Extension Boards 124 Developing on the BeagleBone 124 Some Notes on the Hardware 129 Openness 129 Electric Imp 130 Developing on the Electric Imp 132 Other Notable Platforms 141 Mobile Phones and Tablets 142 Plug Computing: Always-on Internet of Things 143 Summary 144
Chapter 6: Prototyping the Physical Design 147 Preparation 148 Sketch, Iterate, and Explore 150 Nondigital Methods 152 Laser Cutting 154 Choosing a Laser Cutter 155 Software 156 Hinges and Joints 157 3D Printing 161 Types of 3D Printing 162 Software 164 CNC Milling 166 Repurposing/Recycling 168 Summary 172
Chapter 7: Prototyping Online Components 173 Getting Started with an API 174 Mashing Up APIs 175 Scraping 176 Legalities 177 Writing a New API 177 Clockodillo 178 Security 179 Implementing the API 183 Using Curl to Test 191 Going Further 194 Real-Time Reactions 198 Polling 199 Comet 199 Other Protocols 202 MQ Telemetry Transport 203 Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol 203 Constrained Application Protocol 203 Summary 204
Chapter 8: Techniques for Writing Embedded Code 205 Memory Management 206 Types of Memory 206 Making the Most of Your RAM 208 Performance and Battery Life 214 Libraries 217 Debugging 219 Summary 223
Part II: From Prototype to Reality 225
Chapter 9: Business Models 227 A Short History of Business Models 228 Space and Time 228 From Craft to Mass Production 229 The Long Tail of the Internet 231 Learning from History 232 The Business Model Canvas 233 Who Is the Business Model For? 235 Models 238 Make Thing, Sell Thing 238 Subscriptions 238 Customisation 239 Be a Key Resource 240 Provide Infrastructure: Sensor Networks 241 Take a Percentage 242 Funding an Internet of Things Startup 243 Hobby Projects and Open Source 244 Venture Capital 245 Government Funding 248 Crowdfunding 249 Lean Startups 251 Summary 252
Chapter 10: Moving to Manufacture 255 What Are You Producing? 256 Designing Kits 257 Designing Printed circuit boards 260 Software Choices 263 The Design Process 265 Manufacturing Printed Circuit Boards 268 Etching Boards 268 Milling Boards 269 Third-Party Manufacturing 270 Assembly 270 Testing 272 Mass-Producing the Case and Other Fixtures 274 Certification 279 Costs 282 Scaling Up Software 284 Deployment 284 Correctness and Maintainability 285 Security 286 Performance 287 User Community 288 Summary 288
Chapter 11: Ethics 289 Characterizing the Internet of Things 291 Privacy 292 Control 296 Disrupting Control 298 Crowdsourcing 299 Environment 302 Physical Thing 302 Electronics 304 Internet Service 304 Solutions 305 The Internet of Things as
Part of the Solution 305 Cautious Optimism 307 The Open Internet of Things Definition 308 Summary 309 Index 311
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