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Viser: Designing Organizations - Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels

Designing Organizations: An Executive Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process, 3. udgave
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Designing Organizations: An Executive Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process Vital Source e-bog

Jay R. Galbraith
John Wiley & Sons
599,00 kr.
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Designing Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels, 3. udgave
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Designing Organizations: Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels Vital Source e-bog

Jay R. Galbraith
John Wiley & Sons
439,00 kr.
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Designing Organizations, 3. udgave
Søgbar e-bog

Designing Organizations Vital Source e-bog

Jay R. Galbraith
John Wiley & Sons
646,00 kr.
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Designing Organizations - Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels

Designing Organizations

Strategy, Structure, and Process at the Business Unit and Enterprise Levels
Jay R. Galbraith
Sprog: Engelsk
John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated
676,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Januar 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781118417294
This revision should result in the most complete book on Organization Design currently available. Part 1 will explain the basics of organization design and outline the rest of the book. Part 2 will be a revised and updated version of most of the current chapters and will be titled, Organizing Business Units. Part 3 will be a new section  titled Designing the Enterprise Organization and will address topics such as standard portfolio strategy, the standard functionla, divisional and holding company structures, and a new discussion of Value Adding Conglomerates. Part 4 will also be a new section titled Designing Global Organizations and will provide an update and summary Designing the Global Corporation. It will also cover author's latest work on structuring the geographic dimension of the global company.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Februar 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781118985793
This revision should result in the most complete book on Organization Design currently available. Part 1 will explain the basics of organization design and outline the rest of the book. Part 2 will be a revised and updated version of most of the current chapters and will be titled, Organizing Business Units. Part 3 will be a new section  titled Designing the Enterprise Organization and will address topics such as standard portfolio strategy, the standard functionla, divisional and holding company structures, and a new discussion of Value Adding Conglomerates. Part 4 will also be a new section titled Designing Global Organizations and will provide an update and summary Designing the Global Corporation. It will also cover author's latest work on structuring the geographic dimension of the global company.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages): 352 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons (Januar 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781118463826
This Third Edition of the groundbreaking book Designing Organizations offers a guide to the process of creating and managing an organization (no matter how complex) that will be positioned to respond effectively and rapidly to customer demands and have the ability to achieve unique competitive advantage. This latest edition includes fresh illustrative examples and references, while the foundation of the book remains the author’s popular and widely used Star Model. Includes a comprehensive explanation of the basics of organization design Outlines a strategic approach to design that is based on the Star Model, a holistic framework for combining strategy, structure, processes, rewards, and people Describes the different types of single-business, functional organizations and focuses on the functional structure and the cross-functional lateral processes that characterize most single-business organizations. Features a special section on the effects of big data on organization design, and whether or not it will result in a new dimension of organizational structure Highlighting the social technologies used to coordinate work flows, products, and services across the company, this new edition of Designing Organizations brings theory to life with a wealth of examples from such well-known companies as Disney, Nike, IBM, and Rovio (Angry Birds) to show how various kinds of organization designs operate differently.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: ubegrænset dage fra købsdato.

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Print: 10 sider kan printes ad gangen
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 352 sider
  • Udgiver: John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated (Februar 2014)
  • ISBN: 9781118409954
This Third Edition of the groundbreaking book Designing Organizations offers a guide to the process of creating and managing an organization (no matter how complex) that will be positioned to respond effectively and rapidly to customer demands and have the ability to achieve unique competitive advantage.

This latest edition includes fresh illustrative examples and references, while the foundation of the book remains the author's popular and widely used Star Model.

  • Includes a comprehensive explanation of the basics of organization design
  • Outlines a strategic approach to design that is based on the Star Model, a holistic framework for combining strategy, structure, processes, rewards, and people
  • Describes the different types of single-business, functional organizations and focuses on the functional structure and the cross-functional lateral processes that characterize most single-business organizations.
  • Features a special section on the effects of big data on organization design, and whether or not it will result in a new dimension of organizational structure

Highlighting the social technologies used to coordinate work flows, products, and services across the company, this new edition of Designing Organizations brings theory to life with a wealth of examples from such well-known companies as Disney, Nike, IBM, and Rovio (Angry Birds) to show how various kinds of organization designs operate differently.
List of Figures and Tables ix Preface xiii
1. Introduction 1
2. The Star Model 15
3. Single-Business Strategy and Functional Organization 57
4. Designing the Lateral Organization 89
5. Types of Single-Business Strategy 107
6. The Reconfigurable Functional Organization 131
7. Designing the Network Organization 149
8. Multibusiness Strategy and Organization 185
9. The Mixed Model 205
10. Adding Value 217
11. The Value-Adding Conglomerates 235
12. Synergy Portfolio Strategies 255
13. Organizational Design Challenges and Opportunities Resulting from Big Data 285 Bibliography 301 About the Author 307 Index 309
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