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Viser: Power System Analysis and Design

Power System Analysis and Design

Power System Analysis and Design

J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma og Thomas Overbye
Sprog: Engelsk
Cengage Learning
773,00 kr.
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  • Paperback: 782 sider
  • Udgiver: Cengage Learning (Maj 2011)
  • Forfattere: J. Duncan Glover, Mulukutla S. Sarma og Thomas Overbye
  • ISBN: 9781111425791
The new edition of POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN provides students with an introduction to the basic concepts of power systems along with tools to aid them in applying these skills to real world situations. Physical concepts are highlighted while also giving necessary attention to mathematical techniques. Both theory and modeling are developed from simple beginnings so that they can be readily extended to new and complex situations. The authors incorporate new tools and material to aid students with design issues and reflect recent trends in the field.
1. INTRODUCTION.Case Study: The Future Beckons. History of Electric Power Systems. Present and Future Trends. Electric Utility Industry Structure. Computers in Power System Engineering. PowerWorld Simulator.2. FUNDAMENTALS.Case Study: Making Microgrids Work. Phasors. Instantaneous Power in Single-Phase ac Circuits. Complex Power. Network Equations. Balanced Three-Phase Circuits. Power in Balanced Three-Phase Circuits. Advantages of Balanced Three-Phase vs. Single-Phase Systems.3. POWER TRANSFORMERS.Case Study: PJM Manages Aging Transformer Fleet. The Ideal Transformer. Equivalent Circuits for Practical Transformers. The Per-Unit System. Three-Phase Transformer Connections and Phase Shift. Per-Unit Equivalent Circuits of Balanced Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformers. Three-Winding Transformers. Autotransformers. Transformers with Off-Nominal Turns Ratios.4. TRANSMISSION-LINE PARAMETERS.Case Study: Transmission Line Conductor Design Comes of Age. Case Study: Six Utilities Share Their Perspectives on Insulators. Resistance. Conductance. Inductance: Solid Cylindrical Conductor. Inductance: Single-Phase Two Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacing. Inductance: Composite Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductors. Series Impedances: Three-Phase Line with Neutral Conductors and Earth Return. Electric Field and Voltage: Solid Cylindrical Conductor. Capacitance: Single-Phase Two Wire Line and Three-Phase Three-Wire Line with Equal Phase Spacing. Capacitance: Stranded Conductors, Unequal Phase Spacing, Bundled Conductors. Shunt Admittances: Lines with Neutral Conductors and Earth Return. Electric Field Strength at Conductor Surfaces and at Ground Level. Parallel Circuit Three-Phase Lines.5. TRANSMISSION LINES: STEADY-STATE OPERATION.Case Study: The ABC's of HVDC Transmission Technologies. Medium and Short Line Approximations. Transmission-Line Differential Equations. Equivalent ð Circuit. Lossless Lines. Maximum Power Flow. Line Loadability. Reactive Compensation Techniques.6. POWER FLOWS.Case Study: Visualizing the Electric Grid. Direct Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Elimination. Iterative Solutions to Linear Algebraic Equations: Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel. Iterative Solutions to nonlinear Algebraic Equations: Newton-Raphson. The Power-Flow Problem. Power-Flow Solution by Gauss-Seidel. Power-Flow Solution by Newton-Raphson. Control of Power Flow. Sparsity Techniques. Fast Decoupled Power Flow. Design Projects.7. SYMMETRICAL FAULTS.Case Study: The Problem of Arcing Faults in Low-Voltage Power Distribution Systems. Series R-L Circuit Transients. Three-Phase Short Circuit - Unloaded Synchronous Machine. Power System Three-Phase Short Circuits. Bus Impedance Matrix. Circuit Breaker and Fuse Selection. Design Project.8. SYMMETRICAL COMPONENTS.Case Study: Circuit Breakers Go High Voltage. Definition of Symmetrical Components. Sequence Networks of Impedance Loads. Sequence Networks of Series Impedances. Sequence Networks of Three-Phase Lines. Sequence Networks of Rotating Machines. Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Two-Winding Transformers. Per-Unit Sequence Models of Three-Phase Three-Winding Transformers. Power in Sequence Networks.9. UNSYMMETRICAL FAULTS.Case Study: Fires at U.S. Utilities. System Representation. Single Line-to-Ground Fault. Line-to-Line Fault. Double Line-to-Ground Fault. Sequence Bus Impedance Matrices. Design Projects.10. SYSTEM PROTECTION.Case Study: The Future of Power Transmission. System Protection Components. Instrument Transformers. Overcurrent Relays. Radial System Protection. Reclosers and Fuses. Directional Relays. Protection of Two-Source System with Directional Relays. Zones of Protection. Line Protection with Impedance (Distance) Relays. Differential Relays. Bus Protection with Differential Relays. Transformer Protection with Differential Relays. Pilot Relaying. Digital Relaying.11. TRANSIENT STABILITY.Case Study: Causes of the Augu
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