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Viser: Introduction to Modern Climate Change

Introduction to Modern Climate Change, 3. udgave
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Introduction to Modern Climate Change Vital Source e-bog

Andrew E. Dessler
Cambridge University Press
393,00 kr. 353,70 kr.
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Introduction to Modern Climate Change, 3. udgave

Introduction to Modern Climate Change Vital Source e-bog

Andrew E. Dessler
Cambridge University Press
393,00 kr. 353,70 kr.
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Introduction to Modern Climate Change, 3. udgave

Introduction to Modern Climate Change

Andrew E. Dessler
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
399,00 kr. 359,10 kr.
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  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781108888578
The third edition of this introductory textbook for both science students and non-science majors has been brought completely up-to-date. It reflects recent scientific progress in the field, as well as advances in the political arena around climate change. As in previous editions, it is tightly focussed on anthropogenic climate change. The first part of the book concentrates on the science of modern climate change, including evidence that the Earth is warming and a basic description of climate physics. Concepts such as radiative forcing, climate feedbacks, and the carbon cycle are discussed and explained using basic physics and algebra. The second half of the book goes beyond the science to address the economics and policy options to address climate change. The book's goal is for a student to leave the class ready to engage in the public policy debate on the climate crisis.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (fixed pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781108888578R180
The third edition of this introductory textbook for both science students and non-science majors has been brought completely up-to-date. It reflects recent scientific progress in the field, as well as advances in the political arena around climate change. As in previous editions, it is tightly focussed on anthropogenic climate change. The first part of the book concentrates on the science of modern climate change, including evidence that the Earth is warming and a basic description of climate physics. Concepts such as radiative forcing, climate feedbacks, and the carbon cycle are discussed and explained using basic physics and algebra. The second half of the book goes beyond the science to address the economics and policy options to address climate change. The book's goal is for a student to leave the class ready to engage in the public policy debate on the climate crisis.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Paperback: 300 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (August 2021)
  • ISBN: 9781108793872
The third edition of this introductory textbook for both science students and non-science majors has been brought completely up-to-date. It reflects recent scientific progress in the field, as well as advances in the political arena around climate change. As in previous editions, it is tightly focussed on anthropogenic climate change. The first part of the book concentrates on the science of modern climate change, including evidence that the Earth is warming and a basic description of climate physics. Concepts such as radiative forcing, climate feedbacks, and the carbon cycle are discussed and explained using basic physics and algebra. The second half of the book goes beyond the science to address the economics and policy options to address climate change. The book's goal is for a student to leave the class ready to engage in the public policy debate on the climate crisis.
Contents; Preface;
1. An introduction to the climate problem;
2. Is the climate changing?;
3. Radiation and energy balance;
4. A simple climate model;
5. The carbon cycle;
6. Forcing, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity;
7. Why is the climate changing?;
8. Predictions of future climate change;
9. Impacts of climate change;
10. Exponential growth;
11. Fundamentals of climate change policy;
12. Mitigation policies;
13. A brief history of climate science and politics;
14. Putting it together: A long-term policy to address climate change; Index.
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