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Viser: Digital Design Using VHDL - A Systems Approach

Digital Design Using VHDL
Søgbar e-bog

Digital Design Using VHDL Vital Source e-bog

William J. Dally
Cambridge University Press
885,00 kr. 796,50 kr.
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Digital Design Using VHDL

Digital Design Using VHDL Vital Source e-bog

William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting og Tor M. Aamodt
Cambridge University Press
699,00 kr. 629,10 kr.
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Digital Design Using VHDL - A Systems Approach

Digital Design Using VHDL

A Systems Approach
William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting og Tor Aamodt
Sprog: Engelsk
Cambridge University Press
599,00 kr. 539,10 kr.
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  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (December 2015)
  • ISBN: 9781108232005
This introductory textbook provides students with a system-level perspective and the tools they need to understand, analyze and design digital systems. Going beyond the design of simple combinational and sequential modules, it shows how such modules are used to build complete systems, reflecting real-world digital design. All the essential topics are covered, including design and analysis of combinational and sequential modules, as well as system timing and synchronization. It also teaches how to write VHDL-2008 HDL in a productive and maintainable style that enables CAD tools to do much of the tedious work. A complete introduction to digital design is given through clear explanations, extensive examples and online VHDL files. The teaching package is completed with lecture slides, labs and a solutions manual for instructors. Assuming no previous digital knowledge, this textbook is ideal for undergraduate digital design courses that will prepare students for modern digital practice.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Vital Source 180 day rentals (dynamic pages)
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (December 2015)
  • Forfattere: William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting og Tor M. Aamodt
  • ISBN: 9781108232005R180
This introductory textbook provides students with a system-level perspective and the tools they need to understand, analyze and design digital systems. Going beyond the design of simple combinational and sequential modules, it shows how such modules are used to build complete systems, reflecting real-world digital design. All the essential topics are covered, including design and analysis of combinational and sequential modules, as well as system timing and synchronization. It also teaches how to write VHDL-2008 HDL in a productive and maintainable style that enables CAD tools to do much of the tedious work. A complete introduction to digital design is given through clear explanations, extensive examples and online VHDL files. The teaching package is completed with lecture slides, labs and a solutions manual for instructors. Assuming no previous digital knowledge, this textbook is ideal for undergraduate digital design courses that will prepare students for modern digital practice.
Licens varighed:
Bookshelf online: 180 dage fra købsdato.
Bookshelf appen: 180 dage fra købsdato.

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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 721 sider
  • Udgiver: Cambridge University Press (December 2015)
  • Forfattere: William J. Dally, R. Curtis Harting og Tor Aamodt
  • ISBN: 9781107098862
This introductory textbook provides students with a system-level perspective and the tools they need to understand, analyze and design digital systems. Going beyond the design of simple combinational and sequential modules, it shows how such modules are used to build complete systems, reflecting real-world digital design. All the essential topics are covered, including design and analysis of combinational and sequential modules, as well as system timing and synchronization. It also teaches how to write VHDL-2008 HDL in a productive and maintainable style that enables CAD tools to do much of the tedious work. A complete introduction to digital design is given through clear explanations, extensive examples and online VHDL files. The teaching package is completed with lecture slides, labs and a solutions manual for instructors. Assuming no previous digital knowledge, this textbook is ideal for undergraduate digital design courses that will prepare students for modern digital practice.

Part I. Introduction:
1. The digital abstraction;
2. The practice of digital system design;
Part II. Combinational Logic:
3. Boolean algebra;
4. CMOS logic circuits;
5. Delay and power of CMOS circuits;
6. Combinational logic design;
7. VHDL descriptions of combinational logic;
8. Combinational building blocks;
9. Combinational examples;
Part III. Arithmetic Circuits:
10. Arithmetic circuits;
11. Fixed- and floating-point numbers;
12. Fast arithmetic circuits;
13. Arithmetic examples;
Part IV. Synchronous Sequential Logic:
14. Sequential logic;
15. Timing constraints;
16. Datapath sequential logic;
17. Factoring finite-state machines;
18. Microcode;
19. Sequential examples;
Part V. Practical Design:
20. Verification and test;
Part VI. System Design:
21. System-level design;
22. Interface and system-level timing;
23. Pipelines;
24. Interconnect;
25. Memory systems;
Part VII. Asynchronous Logic:
26. Asynchronous sequential circuits;
27. Flip-flops;
28. Metastability and synchronization failure;
29. Synchronizer design; Appendix A. VHDL coding style; Appendix B. VHDL syntax guide; References; Index.
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