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Viser: Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications

Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications, 1. udgave
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Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications Vital Source e-bog

P. Tharaniya, G. Jayalalitha, Pethuru Raj og B. Sundaravadivazhagan
Taylor & Francis
1.299,00 kr.
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Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications

Advanced Fractal Graph Theory and Applications

P. Tharaniya, G. Jayalalitha, Pethuru Raj og B. Sundaravadivazhagan
Sprog: Engelsk
1.288,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Dec 2024.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: P. Tharaniya, G. Jayalalitha, Pethuru Raj og B. Sundaravadivazhagan
  • ISBN: 9781040274071
This book explores the dynamic interplay between fractals and graph theory, two powerful mathematical tools with vast applications. It presents a strategic combination and the synergistic use of these disciplines to address real-world problems and challenges. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of fractals and graph theory and goes on to explore the applications in various domains, including natural phenomena modeling, scheduling, and network optimisation. This book: Illustrates the innovative ways fractals and graph theory can be combined, laying the groundwork for future applications across various industries Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of both fractals and graph theory in detail, making it accessible to a broad audience, including those new to these topics Explores practical applications in image processing, network optimisation, social network analysis, and more, demonstrating the real-world impact of these mathematical tools Analyses advanced techniques in graph theory, such as matching, domination, and colouring, with practical examples and case studies Highlights the latest research advancements in fractal graph theory, showcasing its potential for future developments and applications This book is for students, researchers, and professionals in mathematics, computer science, engineering, and related fields.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 247 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: P. Tharaniya, G. Jayalalitha, Pethuru Raj og B. Sundaravadivazhagan
  • ISBN: 9781032768106

This book explores the dynamic interplay between fractals and graph theory, two powerful mathematical tools with vast applications. It presents a strategic combination and the synergistic use of these disciplines to address real-world problems and challenges. The book begins with an introduction to the basic concepts of fractals and graph theory and goes on to explore the applications in various domains, including natural phenomena modeling, scheduling, and network optimisation.

This book:

  • Illustrates the innovative ways fractals and graph theory can be combined, laying the groundwork for future applications across various industries

  • Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles of both fractals and graph theory in detail, making it accessible to a broad audience, including those new to these topics

  • Explores practical applications in image processing, network optimisation, social network analysis, and more, demonstrating the real-world impact of these mathematical tools

  • Analyses advanced techniques in graph theory, such as matching, domination, and colouring, with practical examples and case studies

  • Highlights the latest research advancements in fractal graph theory, showcasing its potential for future developments and applications

This book is for students, researchers, and professionals in mathematics, computer science, engineering, and related fields.

1. Graph Theory- Overview
2. Fractal Graph Theory
3. Fractal & Fractal Geometry
4. Classical Iterated Function Systems
5. Fractals from Iterated Function Systems
6. Application of Fractals in Various Fields
7. Matching and Application of Matching in Real life
8. Domination and its Application in Real Life
9. Coloring and Application of Coloring in Real Life
10. Fractals in medicine
11. Fractals in Circuit Theory
12. Fractals in Architecture
13. Fractal Networks and Deep Learning
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