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Viser: Composites - Modeling, and Manufacturing

Composites, 1. udgave
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Composites Vital Source e-bog

Taylor & Francis
756,00 kr.
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Composites - Modeling, and Manufacturing


Modeling, and Manufacturing
Vijay Kumar Singh, Nishant Kumar Singh og Yashvir Singh
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
1.239,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Dec 2024.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (December 2024)
  • ISBN: 9781040261019
This book emphasizes the importance of modeling in the initial design phase of a composite component. It covers a wide range of modeling techniques and multiphysics simulation using finite elements. It further provides practical examples and details studies that demonstrate the application of modeling techniques to real-world application of composite structures. This book: Discusses manufacturing of different types of composite components using different techniques, and static and dynamic analyses of composites using FE modeling. Covers the machining performance of carbon nanotubes-reinforced nanocomposites and multiscale modeling techniques in composites. Presents a detailed study on ceramics matrix composite using modern machining operation, and hybrid nanocomposite using conventional machining operation. Highlights the development of hybrid nanocomposites and their tribological characteristics. Illustrates implementation of biomimicry for advanced impact resistance of composites and degradation of polyamides for future prospects. It is primarily written for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, materials science, production engineering, industrial engineering, and aerospace engineering.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 194 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: Vijay Kumar Singh, Nishant Kumar Singh og Yashvir Singh
  • ISBN: 9781032744575

This book emphasizes the importance of modeling in the initial design phase of a composite component. It covers a wide range of modeling techniques and multiphysics simulation using finite elements. It further provides practical examples and details studies that demonstrate the application of modeling techniques to real-world application of composite structures.

This book:

  • Discusses manufacturing of different types of composite components using different techniques, and static and dynamic analyses of composites using FE modeling.
  • Covers the machining performance of carbon nanotubes-reinforced nanocomposites and multiscale modeling techniques in composites.
  • Presents a detailed study on ceramics matrix composite using modern machining operation, and hybrid nanocomposite using conventional machining operation.
  • Highlights the development of hybrid nanocomposites and their tribological characteristics.
  • Illustrates implementation of biomimicry for advanced impact resistance of composites and degradation of polyamides for future prospects.

It is primarily written for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and academic researchers in the fields of mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, materials science, production engineering, industrial engineering, and aerospace engineering.

1. A Review on Fundamental and Structural Properties of Composite Materials.
2. Progress and processing routes of metal matrix composites with their applications- A Review.
3. Manufacturing Methods for Composite Materials.
4. Evaluation of mechanical properties of Mg/CNT/Al2O3 based Metal Matrix Nanocomposites using Stir Casting Process.
5. Utilization of Industrial waste as a filler material in the development of polymer composite.
6. Finite Element Modelling and Buckling Behavior Analysis of Sandwich Panel.
7. Recent trends in coconut 'coir' fibres reinforced composite material.
8. Epoxy Based Corrosion Resistant Coating for Marine Engineering Application: Processing Techniques, Principal and Applications.
9. Ceramic Matrix composites: Advanced manufacturing processes and Challenges.
10. Implementation of biomimicry for advanced impact resistant composites: Advanced manufacturing techniques.
11. Degradations of polyamides for FutureProspects.
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