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Viser: Digital Transformation Handbook

Digital Transformation Handbook, 1. udgave
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Digital Transformation Handbook Vital Source e-bog

Krunoslav Ris og Milan Puvaca
Taylor & Francis
698,00 kr.
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Digital Transformation Handbook

Digital Transformation Handbook

Krunoslav Ris og Milan PuvaÄ?a
Sprog: Engelsk
644,00 kr.
Denne bog er endnu ikke udgivet. Den forventes Sep 2023.

Detaljer om varen

  • 1. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (September 2023)
  • Forfattere: Krunoslav Ris og Milan Puvaca
  • ISBN: 9781000936759
Digital transformation has become more than a buzzword from the media since companies figured out the importance of rethinking business processes during global challenges. On its own, the term assumes integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes to how the company operates and delivers value to customers. Taking care of and choosing the optimal ICT tools is a constant struggle; the final decision may depend on the consultant’s experience. Including all business stakeholders in this process is a must. Creating innovative company culture, continuous learning, and developing new skills with flexible and open communication and willingness to experiment are a challenge. This complex, comprehensive approach can include implementing new systems, integrating existing systems, and using data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning to drive better outcomes. By adapting and exploiting digital technology in new ways, businesses can gain better and more detailed customer experiences and build stronger relationships with their clients. In addition, digital transformation can help organizations to be more agile and responsive, which can lead to less time needed for different processes or the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions. In a time when change is the only constant – and it is hitting us every day not to forget about that – it is essential to think about digital transformation constantly. Technology improvement, availability, and scalability give us no room for excuses for not using them. Who can say that we are not living in dynamic and exciting times? The Authors have taken their 20 years of practical experience and put it into this handbook, in which many cases can be found where not every time is a success story. This book is prepared to provide some insights, give you a fresh overview of what such change can enable, and set up an environment for new technology that will arrive shortly.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Paperback: 248 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (September 2023)
  • Forfattere: Krunoslav Ris og Milan PuvaÄ?a
  • ISBN: 9781032304526

Digital transformation has become more than a buzzword from the media since companies figured out the importance of rethinking business processes during global challenges.

On its own, the term assumes integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, resulting in fundamental changes to how the company operates and delivers value to customers.

Taking care of and choosing the optimal ICT tools is a constant struggle; the final decision may depend on the consultant's experience. Including all business stakeholders in this process is a must. Creating innovative company culture, continuous learning, and developing new skills with flexible and open communication and willingness to experiment are a challenge.

This complex, comprehensive approach can include implementing new systems, integrating existing systems, and using data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning to drive better outcomes.

By adapting and exploiting digital technology in new ways, businesses can gain better and more detailed customer experiences and build stronger relationships with their clients. In addition, digital transformation can help organizations to be more agile and responsive, which can lead to less time needed for different processes or the ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions.

In a time when change is the only constant - and it is hitting us every day not to forget about that - it is essential to think about digital transformation constantly. Technology improvement, availability, and scalability give us no room for excuses for not using them. Who can say that we are not living in dynamic and exciting times?

The Authors have taken their 20 years of practical experience and put it into this handbook, in which many cases can be found where not every time is a success story.

This book is prepared to provide some insights, give you a fresh overview of what such change can enable, and set up an environment for new technology that will arrive shortly.

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