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Viser: Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre

Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre, 2. udgave
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Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre Vital Source e-bog

Alex Oliszewski, Daniel Fine og Daniel Roth
Taylor & Francis
639,00 kr.
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Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre, 2. udgave

Digital Media, Projection Design, and Technology for Theatre

Alex Oliszewski, Daniel Fine og Daniel Roth
Sprog: Engelsk
Taylor & Francis Group
583,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Alex Oliszewski, Daniel Fine og Daniel Roth
  • ISBN: 9781040175552
Digital Media, Projection Design, & Technology for Theatre, Second Edition comprehensively details the integration of digital media and projections in theatre and live performance, providing foundational skills, best practices, and real-world applications and considerations. The book provides readers with an overview of the professional field, including current industry standards and workflows for digital media/projection design, its related aesthetics, techniques, and technologies. A practical taxonomy of digital media and how we create meaning through its use on the theatrical stage along with the essential tools and techniques for creating and executing digital content are covered. Readers are introduced to the fundamentals of creating and executing digital content, including photography and still images, generative AI, video, animation, real-time effects, generative art, data, and interactive digital media. The book also details the types and use of industry-standard equipment, including media servers, projectors, projection surfaces, emissive displays, cameras, sensors, and more. It guides readers through technical tasks, such as programming media servers; converging and blending projectors; projection mapping; calculating surface brightness/luminance, screen size, and throw distance; and more, making this a complete guide to digital media and projection design today. The second edition is updated with new content throughout and two new chapters addressing the latest technologies and trends in virtual performance, motion capture, generative AI, and VR/AR. Ten new case studies from diverse practitioners have been added, and the book is restructured with shorter chapters for easier navigation and reference. This book serves well as a main or supplemental textbook for courses in projection design, theatre, and digital media design. It is also useful for emerging practitioners. Sample assets and interviews with leading projection designers are available for download at www.routledge.com/9781032302157.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 2. Udgave
  • Hardback: 286 sider
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis Group (Januar 2025)
  • Forfattere: Alex Oliszewski, Daniel Fine og Daniel Roth
  • ISBN: 9781032302157

Digital Media, Projection Design, & Technology for Theatre, Second Edition comprehensively details the integration of digital media and projections in theatre and live performance, providing foundational skills, best practices, and real-world applications and considerations.

The book provides readers with an overview of the professional field, including current industry standards and workflows for digital media/projection design, its related aesthetics, techniques, and technologies. A practical taxonomy of digital media and how we create meaning through its use on the theatrical stage along with the essential tools and techniques for creating and executing digital content are covered. Readers are introduced to the fundamentals of creating and executing digital content, including photography and still images, generative AI, video, animation, real-time effects, generative art, data, and interactive digital media. The book also details the types and use of industry-standard equipment, including media servers, projectors, projection surfaces, emissive displays, cameras, sensors, and more. It guides readers through technical tasks, such as programming media servers; converging and blending projectors; projection mapping; calculating surface brightness/luminance, screen size, and throw distance; and more, making this a complete guide to digital media and projection design today. The second edition is updated with new content throughout and two new chapters addressing the latest technologies and trends in virtual performance, motion capture, generative AI, and VR/AR. Ten new case studies from diverse practitioners have been added, and the book is restructured with shorter chapters for easier navigation and reference.

This book serves well as a main or supplemental textbook for courses in projection design, theatre, and digital media design. It is also useful for emerging practitioners.

Sample assets and interviews with leading projection designers are available for download at www.routledge.com/9781032302157.

1. Introduction
2. Integrating Digital Media Design into the Show and Theatrical Team
3. Digital Media Design Process
4. Digital Media Design Workflow
5. Creating Content in a Theatrical Setting
6. Basics of Design
7. The Basics of Digital Content
8. Content Still and Moving Images
9. Real-Time Content
10. Virtual Performance
11. Gear: Video Signals, Cameras, Video Capture, and Video Creation
12. Media Servers
13. Gear: Projectors and Displays
14. Gear: Networking
15. Gear: Real-Time and Virtual Performance
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