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Viser: Advances in Novel Phytopharmaceuticals

Advances in Novel Phytopharmaceuticals

Advances in Novel Phytopharmaceuticals

Durgesh Nandini Chauhan, Madhu Gupta og Vikas Sharma
Sprog: Engelsk
1.336,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 248 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: Durgesh Nandini Chauhan, Madhu Gupta og Vikas Sharma
  • ISBN: 9781032292441

Advances in Novel Phytopharmaceuticals covers the current aspects of the development of novel herbal formulations and summarizes their type of active components, biological activity, applications, and toxicity associated with novel herbal formulations. Such distinct types of novel herbal formulations are described to have remarkable advantages over conventional formulations of plant actives and extracts. The book also covers the various herbal phytoconstituents used for novel drug delivery applications. These novel herbal formulations can be used more uprightly and with enhanced efficacy by incorporating them into modern dosage forms. This can be accomplished by designing novel drug delivery systems for herbal ingredients. This book provides key information for everyone interested in novel phytodrug delivery systems and drug discovery, including medicinal chemists, cosmetic experts, nutritionists, toxicologists, drug formulators, and healthcare professionals. Students, professors, and researchers working in pharmaceutical sciences and beyond will also find the book useful.

We will also focus on patent filed, technology transfer, market potential, and regulatory aspects of herbal nanomedicines, if any. Research in this area is still in the exploratory stage, and in the market there are no books available that summarize all the contents of the research. As such, we will try to make our full contribution to this area. This book is the continuation of a first volume and readers and the target audience will gain all the latest knowledge in the subject.

Aims and scope

ð To understand the basic information and application of phytoconstituents

ð To understand the various phytoconstituents-based formulations for disease management

ð To understand the herbal drugs used for cosmetic applications

ð To understand the phytodrug delivery systems and their applications

ð To provide detailed knowledge about the technical aspects of formulation

ð To update readers with the latest research progress in this emerging research area

ð To provide the details about the patents filed, technology transfer, market potential, and regulatory aspects for the same

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