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Viser: Professional and Business Communication - Personal Strategies for the Post-Digital Future

Professional and Business Communication, 3. udgave
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Professional and Business Communication Vital Source e-bog

Peter Hartley, Susie Marriott og Helena Knapton
Taylor & Francis
499,00 kr.
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Professional and Business Communication - Personal Strategies for the Post-Digital Future

Professional and Business Communication

Personal Strategies for the Post-Digital Future
Peter Hartley, Susie Marriott og Helena Knapton
Sprog: Engelsk
444,00 kr. 399,60 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • 3. Udgave
  • Vital Source searchable e-book (Reflowable pages)
  • Udgiver: Taylor & Francis (Maj 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Hartley, Susie Marriott og Helena Knapton
  • ISBN: 9781000885941
This new edition of Professional and Business Communication is an ideal core communications textbook for students on business, management, and professional courses preferring a practice-focused and colloquial approach that combines accessibility with key theory. Techniques and processes detailed in the book include planning and preparing written communication, effective structures in documents, diverse writing styles, managing face-to-face interactions, using visual aids, delivering presentations, and organising effective meetings. The third edition of this popular text has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the dramatic shifts in communication practices that have been driven by remote working and increased technology use. It explores the current and likely future impact of these changes on communication practices, both for good (borderlessness; flexibility) and bad (isolation; burnout; fatigue) and looks at contemporary trends and future developments. This edition has also been revised to include even more examples, cases, tasks, activities, and discussion topics, with pedagogical features designed to aid international students. This popular text (and the accompanying website) will continue to support students on business, management, and professional courses for years to come.
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Bookshelf online: 5 år fra købsdato.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 370 sider
  • Udgiver: Routledge (Maj 2023)
  • Forfattere: Peter Hartley, Susie Marriott og Helena Knapton
  • ISBN: 9781032268002

This new edition of Professional and Business Communication is an ideal core communications textbook for students on business, management, and professional courses preferring a practice-focused and colloquial approach that combines accessibility with key theory. Techniques and processes detailed in the book include planning and preparing written communication, effective structures in documents, diverse writing styles, managing face-to-face interactions, using visual aids, delivering presentations, and organising effective meetings.

The third edition of this popular text has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the dramatic shifts in communication practices that have been driven by remote working and increased technology use. It explores the current and likely future impact of these changes on communication practices, both for good (borderlessness; flexibility) and bad (isolation; burnout; fatigue) and looks at contemporary trends and future developments. This edition has also been revised to include even more examples, cases, tasks, activities, and discussion topics, with pedagogical features designed to aid international students. This popular text (and the accompanying website) will continue to support students on business, management, and professional courses for years to come.

Table of Contents
Part 1: How do we understand and analyse the ways we Communicate in Organisations
Chapter 1: Developing your Communication: Deciding where to start
Chapter 2: How should we analyse communication?
Chapter 3: What does communication mean?
Chapter 4: Communication Context
1: Culture and Structure
Chapter 5: Communication Context
2: The New Technology Landscape
Part 2: Presenting Information: Effective Methods and Media
Chapter 6: Planning and Organising Professional Written Communication
Chapter 7: Effective Writing Style
Chapter 8: Effective Design and Visual Aids
Chapter 9: Effective Documents for the Future
Part 3: Effective Interpersonal and Group Communication
Chapter 10: Effective Interpersonal Communication
Chapter 11: Interpersonal Skills in Practice
Chapter 12: Effective Meetings
Chapter 13: Effective Presentations
Chapter 14: Effective Teams
Part 4: Future-Gazing
Chapter 15: Change and Future-Gazing
Chapter 16: Planning your Future
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