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Viser: Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Management

Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Management

Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Management

Irshad Mahmood, Rizwan Ali Ansari og Rose Rizvi
Sprog: Engelsk
1.559,00 kr.
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Detaljer om varen

  • Hardback: 222 sider
  • Udgiver: CRC Press LLC (December 2024)
  • Forfattere: Irshad Mahmood, Rizwan Ali Ansari og Rose Rizvi
  • ISBN: 9781032188829

Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Management explores the intersection of nanotechnology and agriculture. This book serves as a comprehensive exploration of the current state and future potential of nanoparticles in revolutionizing plant disease management within the realm of agriculture. This book elucidates the synthesis, characterization and judicious application of nanoparticles, providing a clear and accessible explanation of what nanomaterials are, how they are characterized, and their pivotal role in reshaping the plant disease management systems. It scrutinizes innovative strategies that influence the unique properties of nanoparticles to identify and monitor the presence of pathogens at early stages. The book also examines the limitations inherent in the use of nanomaterials for disease management in plants by critically evaluating both sides of the spectrum. This aims to provide a candid overview of the hurdles that must be overcome to unlock the full benefits of nanotechnology in this field. By pinpointing and understanding these obstacles, the current work aims to pave the way for effective strategies and solutions, ensuring the responsible and optimized application of nanomaterials for enhanced plant disease management. This in-depth examination serves as a cornerstone, providing readers with a profound understanding of the intricate processes involved in synthesis, characterization and utilizing nanomaterials for disease control. Nanotechnology and Plant Disease Management is a testament to the transformative potential of nanotechnology in agriculture. The authors invite readers to embark on this enlightening journey, exploring the intricate world of nanomaterials and their application in safeguarding the health and vitality of plants.

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